'When we colonize the Moon...' - Space/Future Jimmy

0  2014-12-20 by HugsMcbear


When we colonize the moon, chip can come along..but jim better keep his ass put.

Anyone who still defends Jimmy on this stuff should listen to him in the latter half of this show. Probably the most irritating audio from the show I've ever heard and that's saying a lot.

no time stamp playa

I'm a fucking dolt. 1:20:00: Bill talks banks - Discussion on 'a single planet bank' commences from there.

Oh fuck, it's Professor Norton.

Thats him at his worst, Space Jimmy. Repeating the same old science fiction ideas (downloading your brain, etc) as if they're brilliant novel insights on the future. He also describes the process of making anything great as...calculating. "They'd just calculate it. How would you do that Dr. Kaku, would you calculate it? Calculate calculate calculate."

Lol I made a thread about this show earlier and even uploaded the segment you're talking about because it wasn't on YT yet. Jimmy is enraging in this clip. For those who want to check just that segment out: https://soundcloud.com/rayricepunch/2008-12-04-oa-cf64k

Bill Burr comes across as much stupider with his illuminati horseshit, I'm so glad he's dropped that lately.

Jimmy is a sweet boy who should be cherished.

But Future Jimmy really is the worst. He speaks with such authoritative certainty when he goes into Future Jimmy mode, I can't help but find it irritating.

He once predicted a collective human consciousness based on how aliens are depicted in movies.