More Opie lies

0  2014-12-20 by bushwater

Louis ck had the band golem in his show, and Opie played a song called "I am the snake" after that show and said Louis ck got him into the band. He played a song by them the other day and said he was friends with them, and Louis ck was just a connection he had and was ""cool". What a douche! Does anyone remember this?


If I remember correctly he first started talking about Golem, and he said that a parent at his kid's school was related somehow to someone in the band, and that's when he found out that Golem was on Louis CK's show.

I really hope that I don't have the same definition of cool as Opie when I am 50 years old. It's pathetic.

i think you're being a bit nit picky sir. lil bit nit picky sir

lil bit lil bit.

Not surprised. Next Opie is going to say he's responsible for getting The Interview pulled because he predicted it.

yes, i do remember Opie being a douche.