210  2014-12-19 by TheRealJimNorton

First of all, I am not at all for censorship of any kind of speech or thought, as most of you should know. I hate that this film wasn't released. My only point is that I think it's too easy to call Sony cowards, because until the threats of physical violence, they were ready to move forward with the premier. Once the theater chains started refusing to show it, they were backed in further into a corner alone (especially considering how all other studios failed to stand with them). Americans have proven time and time again that our favorite past time isn't baseball, it's running to a lawyer. And one of the reasons it's not being released online is that, I am guessing, no one feels safe having it on their servers. Sony is a victim in this and they're being treated like the culprit. I have zero relationship with Sony and zero motive to line up with them. Nothing I say about this is going to override my complete inability as an entertainer in their minds anyway. I just think that we need to look at the type of society we have become for something like this to be allowed to take place. But to think I am not 100% with free expression makes me want to fuuuck you with my fuckin pecka you peesis of ghabige and then cut such a big fukkkin fart that kim jong-pecka thinks a fukkin nucleore bomb went off or sumpthin. tsss why isint this site called redTIT or sumpthin, tssss fuuuuuuckkkk yeah. home run chipperson


Forget the ramifications of cyber attacks and the threat to free speech. That's not what this board is about. The important thing is, how much do you hate Opie?

With awwwl mah hahrt

As well as my pecahhh

Yeah, he's bawkin' up the wrong tree!

When Jim's broke he won't even give Opie a hug but on payday he's his baby and calls it love.

Really dude?

haha yea really you bag of shit

Well, Jim is now back in Reddit's good graces. Your regularly scheduled hate will now flow back to Opie.

But this isn't him. Unless he changed names, James Norton is /u/realjimnorton

Check out his AMAs

he linked it on Twitter.

Well then I retract my statement and go fuck myself.

Looks like you really took an egg to the fanny on this one.

I certainly feel like a silly goose.


I could go for some langua right now. Earl, we got any langua back there?

I can't wait for Langua-Hat Leap Year!!!

it's on his twitter


Where is cher? does she not support her husband sony or sumpthin? tsss tssss.

just riffin!


Double pine trees! Caulk sukkah!

I can't believe we got chiprolled by Chip himself

fawk yeah.

dvvvt dvvvvft. dvvvt dvvvft, indeed.

almond shake

False alarm guys.

I did a Ctrl+F search and the word litigious wasn't used at all. Definitely not Jim Norton.

Sony looking at Jim Norton for the next Spider-man. Post unrelated.

He'll get two lines this time.

"He stinks...

I don't like him."

And then an eye bulge that only a former addict of low grade narcotics and hallucinogens could understand.

Steve from Yellowstone should play Jameson.

RRRRAAAMOOOOOOOOON! Spiderman shoots his wrist cum up my ass!

Are you saying we're litigious?


He's been asked back several times according to Sam, he just wants nothing to do with the show. A shame because he really was a gem.

This sub exists solely for opie hate, please put this somewhere else

Someone ban OP for trolling

How long before bitchtits try's to chiproll now?

Tries, stupid.

I agree what a fucking retard.

It would be in his best interest not to come post here. He has zero chance of not getting obliterated.

Oh god, please don't give him ideas.

Conjugate's verb's with apostrophe's

I get it, autocorrect fucked me and I'm sticking with that.

Sony is a victim in the same way that someone who leaves their car doors unlocked and has their GPS stolen, and then a week later does the same thing and has their GPS stolen again, is a victim.

Sony was repeatedly warned about their lack of computer security, and, given that they had been hacked relatively recently, you'd think they would have listened. They didn't, in fact they actually cut their IS/IT budget, and then they got hacked again.

So yeah, they are a "victim" technically, but they certainly are not a blameless victim.

Chip is a "third level sissy"

Fuck it im gonna keep it honest only because of the way you expressed your views and were so adamant people questioning Sony were wrong.

Firstly North Korea is not stupid enough to get wiped off the earth over a movie or blowing up a cinema...thats a declaration of war. Say what you will about Kim Jong Un but hes not stupid. Also he has way bigger enemies he wishes he could deal with.

Secondly there is a huge difference between hacking and murder. A huge reason they do it is because anonymity is easy, when committing a physical crime it isnt.

Thirdly the precedent this sets is unbelievable. They now basically own Sony. Just because you can sue doesn't mean you will win, im not sure on this but did people sue after that dick killed people as the joker?

Fourth point RE people afraid of virus when too long to explain but take my word no they companies already do this....only morons fall for it.

Last point. Im not at all trying to be tough when i say i would have no fear of going to a cinema to see it, thst would be stupid for the points mentioned above.

Ps Uncle Paul fucking rules! Just keep it light Jimmy, we all like that guy. We dont like when you try to be deep or wiser then the rest of us and oh you are gonna hate me for this but i must say it. You are not a drunk or addict, you were an out of control kid...our minds dont mature fully till our 30s or 40s...its a constant maturing and progression process. Not saying to drink but i dont believe you are a drunk, recovering addict or whatever bs terms are used.

So you're saying to stop being a pseudo intectellual, but it's ok to pretend to deep dick toddlers because it's light hearted and fun?

Your TL;DR for this post would need a TL;DR.

This is apology culture taken to the highest limit. Sony are victims in the same way as every person that had to cave in and give a shitty apology . It IS easy to call Sony cowards, because they are. They're cowards letting an even bigger coward beat them up. If you want to change the way we are then you have to be more like Joan Rivers or Anthony Cumia. Don't give in, just keep giving your fans what you've always done, and move on.

i'm not sure you can compare Cumia to Sony Pictures. There was no threat of any innocent people dying in Anthony's case.

Like I said, its taken to the highest degree in this case. One guy says some mean shit about some cunt and gets fired. A company has a movie that makes fun of a man and this happens.


Sony isn't a person, its a company. Yes, I would want the movie released as censorship is just plain bullshit. If it were only Sony's reputation on the line, fuck em.

But its the employees, who's only fault is the fact they work for Sony. Their shit was hacked, their addresses and SS numbers are out there, and the majority of them had no involvement in the shitty movie in the first place. If the head of Sony had been threatened, fuck em, he has enough money to protect himself. Bill the financial guy, who earns just over minimum wage....he gets threats, he can do fuck all about it.

That's where it's the government's job to protect them

Completely agree, but that just isn't happening. I think Sony have backed down over this to save trouble for their thousands of employees, not the Seth Rogans or Pretentious Franco's.

If backing down to protect your own employees is cowardly, then so be it. But you are right, the government should be right there telling the movie industry they have their backs.

If vegas would let me I'd bet on US Gov pressuring Sony into giving in, this is 99% to an act of war that no other country would take in this sort of public manner (now it's well known we all hack each other and explore for vulnerabilities, but this is different). it's better for Sony to cave than for america to have to do something about NK acting up, we can't sanction them anymore, what's left? Bomb them over a fucking movie? potentially start WW3 over seth rogan? lol

Where is Jerry Shepardini when we need him?

I feel like Little Jimmy has forgot about why we're all really here: Why does Opie Stink, and How Much Does Opie Stink? I didn't see either of these addressed in the decree. Nah, I don't like it.

Jim, you shouldn't post on reddit.

It is essential to the O&J show that the backlash and hatred of listeners is never acknowledged, except vaguely and in passing, like mentioning "the haters" or doing Twitter Voice Guy.

You have to pretend this subreddit doesn't exist, like you have to pretend Opie doesn't suck. If you ever mention your funny Chip-roll on air, you will in turn bring up this subreddit and Opie, Sam and yourself will have to ignore the elephant in the room that Opie is hated by most listeners.

More like censorboat, a little wordplay huuuumor.


You cunt.

Dat don't make no sense.


I was linked this from his Twitter. I now backpedal on my original jimmy hate in typical gossipy, faggoty, internet hen fashion. After all I have opie Gregg flap jack tits McGillicuddy to hate on.

FFFAAAWWWWKKK YYYEEEAAHHHHH. Thas a good fawkin idea chippah. RedTIT. It was normal, then it was halareus. Should be a fawkin comedian or sumpthin.


Opie is a complete cocksucker. Fuck you Opie. Love ya Jim love ya Ant

You should read this, from a real "dude named Ben" and not some talking head in a monkey suit.

If only the ol' Captain would take a page out of your book, Jimmy.

He's in one of those boats down there.

Still think you're wrong on this issue, Jim, but goddamn it, that ChipRoll warms my cold black heart.

God damn it chip

Well Done

You motherfucker...

Recommended Reading for Anyone Interested In the Analysis of Renowned Cyber Security Experts:

Below please find excerpts of fact-based, articles about the Sony Hack written by leading cyber security experts with an understanding of the specifics methods utilized in the Sony Hack.

In addition, I'd suggest following Kim Zetter on Twitter. Zetter is he nation's top cybersecurity journalist whose book "Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon" tells the story behind the virus that sabotaged Iran’s nuclear efforts and shows how its existence has ushered in a new age of warfare—one in which a digital attack can have the same destructive capability as a megaton bomb.

We’re Going to Start a War to Protect a Negligent Corporation’s Property?
The Administration is already twisting itself in knots trying to retroactively include “multinational movie studio” into its prior definition of critical infrastructure (which normally would include things like electric grid and utilities) so it can make this a state issue. Assuming, all the while, that its certainty North Korea was behind the hack are more certain than that Iraq was behind 9/11.

We’d do well to think a bit about how central to national interests negligently-protected movie company property really is to national interests before this thing spirals out of control.

The Ridiculousness Of Turning The Sony Hack Into The 9/11 Of Computer Security
Today, our government proudly denounced the hacking of Sony Picturesan entity so insecure it has been hacked 56 times in the last 12 years. And we'll do it to send this powerful message to the hackers of the world:

No matter who you are or where you call home, you can force the hand of the US government by embarrassing certain corporations.

Why the Sony hack is unlikely to be the work of North Korea.

  1. The broken English looks deliberately bad and doesn’t exhibit any of the classic comprehension mistakes you actually expect to see in “Konglish”. i.e it reads to me like an English speaker pretending to be bad at writing English.

  2. The fact that the code was written on a PC with Korean locale & language actually makes it less likely to be North Korea. Not least because they don’t speak traditional “Korean” in North Korea, they speak their own dialect and traditional Korean is forbidden. This is one of the key things that has made communication with North Korean refugees difficult. I would find the presence of Chinese far more plausible.See here –

  3. It’s clear from the hard-coded paths and passwords in the malware that whoever wrote it had extensive knowledge of Sony’s internal architecture and access to key passwords. While it’s plausible that an attacker could have built up this knowledge over time and then used it to make the malware, Occam’s razor suggests the simpler explanation of an insider. It also fits with the pure revenge tact that this started out as.

  4. Whoever did this is in it for revenge. The info and access they had could have easily been used to cash out, yet, instead, they are making every effort to burn Sony down. Just think what they could have done with passwords to all of Sony’s financial accounts? With the competitive intelligence in their business documents? From simple theft, to the sale of intellectual property, or even extortion – the attackers had many ways to become rich. Yet, instead, they chose to dump the data, rendering it useless. Likewise, I find it hard to believe that a “Nation State” which lives by propaganda would be so willing to just throw away such an unprecedented level of access to the beating heart of Hollywood itself.

  5. The attackers only latched onto “The Interview” after the media did – the film was never mentioned by GOP right at the start of their campaign. It was only after a few people started speculating in the media that this and the communication from DPRK “might be linked” that suddenly it became linked.

  6. Whoever is doing this is VERY net and social media savvy. That, and the sophistication of the operation, do not match with the profile of DPRK up until now. Grugq did an excellent analysis of this aspect his findings are here –

  7. Finally, blaming North Korea is the easy way out for a number of folks, including the security vendors and Sony management who are under the microscope for this. Let’s face it – most of today’s so-called “cutting edge” security defenses are either so specific, or so brittle, that they really don’t offer much meaningful protection against a sophisticated attacker or group of attackers. That doesn’t mean that we should let them off and give up every time someone plays the “APT” or “Sophisticated Attacker” card though. This is a significant area of weakness in the security industry – the truth is we are TERRIBLE at protecting against bespoke, unique attacks, let alone true zero days. There is some promising technology out there, but it’s clear that it just isn’t ready yet.

  8. It probably also suits a number of political agendas to have something that justifies sabre-rattling at North Korea, which is why I’m not that surprised to see politicians starting to point their fingers at the DPRK also.

  9. It’s clear from the leaked data that Sony has a culture which doesn’t take security very seriously. From plaintext password files, to using “password” as the password in business critical certificates, through to just the shear volume of aging unclassified yet highly sensitive data left out in the open. This isn’t a simple slip-up or a “weak link in the chain” – this is a serious organization-wide failure to implement anything like a reasonable security architecture.

thank you for your service.

They could release the film digitally; or in theaters that are willing to carry it. The reason they aren't is because NK still have all kinds of e-mails they don't want leaked out. Sony is an ex-girlfriend sucking NK's cock because he says he's gonna post nudes if she doesn't.

Your opinion would be more valuable with spaced paragraphs.

god damn jim is a genius, he feels the heat of reddit as it seemed the last couple weeks there has been more people calling him out on here, he then comes on here and everyone loves him again.

if only opie would realize this and try to explain himself instead of being a defensive faggot then maybe we would like him.

And here I present to you the most spineless bunch of neckbeards online. I HATE JIMMY WHAT A SELLOUT FRAUD HE'S NOT EVEN THAT FUNNY HOLY SHIT EVERY TIME HE GETS POLITICAL I.... oh hi Jimmy you are amazing I love you hahaha what a great post you rule lol can I suck your dick pls????? Fucking losers.

Suck my dick, bitchboy.


Jim just trying to stay on Sony's good side so he can make another quick appearance. Good for you Jim

Oh my God, he paid attention to us. I'm going to think about this all night in my big rig on the way to Omaha. The hammer is going to be down. 10-4 good buddy.

Why are you dummies answering the ultimate chip-roll with serious comments? I think he won the argument.

Other people on this sub chip roll better than the real Jimmy Norton.

But to think I am not 100% with free expression makes me want to fuuuck you with

Just like you stand with SiriusXM the bastion of free speech and expression. I'm sorry, but fuck you jim norton.

I just think that Opie and yourself are like a lot of people who vastly overestimate the reach and tenacity of these North Korean/likely Chinese "hackers". Unless we're dealing with unmitigated geniuses who have developed unprecedented decryption algorithms, they most likely got access to Sony's information by lucking up on a disgruntled employee or former employee.

There's no point in scuttling the movie now; North Korea has already done everything to Sony that was in their power to do. We're not talking about ISIS here.




The only way this works is if top comments are not related to the chip roll


Smiling from ear to ear. DVVVVV DVVVVVV



Not to get too sentimental about Murica, but the price we pay for kowtowing to terrorists is higher than a few frivolous lawsuits. Sorry Jim, but you're wrong on this one. They should show it because fuck the North Koreans, fuck dictators, fuck terrorists, fuck islamic fundamentalists, fuck christian fundamentalists, fuck litigious money whore babies, fuck anyone who tries to spoil everybody else's fun.

Well, that escalated quickly.

Threats of physical violence? Pfff, bull shit. They're just threats. North Korea is threatening to nuke USA every other month and faggots on x-box live are threatening to rape my mother.


Fuck off Jim. I remember what you said about Rage. Go KISS your mother.

What servers host the content Uncle Paul looks at? I'm sure they wouldn't mind hosting a harmless little film like The Interview.


Sony was laughably ill-prepared for this sort of thing, and when industrial espionage is a very common thing, they were kind of asking for it. Don't make a fucking rape analogy out of that.

Also, Sony could have said "no, fuck that, you're showing it because this isn't a credible threat". Would that have been a better idea? Up for discussion. But they passed the buck onto the theaters and said "eh, you don't have to show it", when they knew the major theater companies would say "fuck that" (and there were plenty of theater companies that still wanted to show it).

So they got their desired outcome and got to deflect the decision to others so they could be free of blame. And now it's being spun as if Sony was helpless when it came to pulling the film because theaters refused to show it, when they had the sole power to make that decision in the first place. I think that's the thing that bothers me the most. And then we have Paramount freaking out and pulling Team America because theaters were going to show that in place of The Interview. Backing down from baseless threats from North Korea, of all places, and censoring ourselves so we don't make wittle baby Kim mad while in the same breath lampooning the country's leadership as the joke that it is? I think that says a lot more about the kind of society we live in.

Sony was victimized by a cyber attack and told that their security was dogshit and that they were going to laid to waste if they didn't fix it. Their solution to the problem? Fire the majority of their security employees and IS/IT divisions. They deserve it for being this stingy and stupid.

Fawk yah reDit more likE green OR BLu or sumthinn Tsss

Edgar Chipperson?

What a bunch of rubbish. Sony bean counters decided they were better to rely on insurance so engineered the non-release.

Fingers crossed the insurance company has the balls to call them out on it and not pay. (and pigs start flying)

Sony had a no win situation, if they kept the movie and literally anything happened they would be sued into the ground. If they pull it they have bad PR for being cowards. I think they made the right money choice of not being sued and can use this as a good way to get press for the new release date.

Well said

Oh, Chippa.


Can't wait for your taping in Somerville, Yeemie.

Slow clap


Tell opie he is a faggot pls. Thanks

Jimmy is just wrong on this one. Even if we give Sony the fact that they couldn't get the film in theaters and we buy the fact that Sony can't get it on VOD services from Apple, Google, Netflix etc. Sony owns 2 different streaming services and The Playstation Store, they could easily self distribute over the internet if they wanted to.


Variety is reporting Sony rejected theater owners plan to open THE INTERVIEW in limited release. So much for the "they had no place to show it" theory:

read it

Yeah, I did. Jimmy said "I think it's too easy to call Sony cowards, because until the threats of physical violence, they were ready to move forward with the premier."

And Variety is reporting "Canadian exhibitor Cineplex and other U.S. chains urged Sony Pictures earlier this week to consider opening the comedy in roughly 20 theaters before releasing it more broadly."

Clearly Sony wasn't ready to move forward with a release if they were presented with a alternative option for release and rejected it.

he also talked about fukkin peckahs but you didnt get there

Got this in my email in case anyone is interested in the technical aspects of the attack:

Pretty nasty shit!



God dammit jim you motherfawker

Fawkin' home run, Chipperson


PROBLEM is.. if you're going to live in a free society.. SOMEBODY has to step up.. somebody has to have the balls to say.. yes, I know the consequences aren't going to be pretty for me, I will get punished for it, but it's the right thing to do and I'm going to do it anyway. Who is that in this case? Sony? Seth Rogan? The US government? What you have is a foreign government.. and essentially one guy.. dictating to private people and corporations what they can and cannot do based of THEIR definition of freedom and tolerance. And that simply cannot stand. So when bad guys try to control us, someone has to step up and give them, whether it's North Korea, or Russia, or ISIS the good ol' double fisted middle finger salute and spit in their face. If that's not Sony, it does need to be someone.


i'm sorry but i read this as essentially the same thing as whenever someone says "i'm all for free speech but..."

Christmas came early. tear


Fucking home run, Chip.

Jim "The kiiid" Norton. You are the best! I want to personally thank you for hours of laughter while i work a shitty job. I listen every morning and you help me get through atleast 3-4hrs of my 8hr shift .. i was trying to make it this year but hopefully next year their will be a Patrice Oneal Benefit and im taking a trip to NY with my girlfriend just for that. Which i turned her onto the show and she loves you. But hopefully you read this .. Keep up the great work. Double Gunz cock sucka piece of shit mudafuka. Haha

I get it, autocorrect fucked me and I'm sticking with that.