"I don't like Rage Against the Machine, they are corny" - Jimmy

102  2014-12-18 by mthomas7567



Jim just wants to rock and roll all night and party ev-er-y day. Nothin' corny about that...

I don't think RATM is just like witches at black masses.

Some of Ozzy's best lyrics. The way he rhymed masses with masses was genius.

Love gun = cock. TEHEEEE.

I didnt know jews could rock!

They couldnt. Thats why they were forced to dress like clowns.

You don't think a young Jimmy Norton would've been so enthralled with Stanley Eisen and Chiam Witz dressed like typical 1970's jews?

Listening to Jimmy talk music is only fun because of his irrational rage. His taste are fucking inexcusably retarded. He'll call Van Halen corny and go on to praise shitty Kiss, he'll call Led Zeppelin overrated and rave about some new Ozzy album. In-between his admiration for generic popshit. Its not even that he's out of touch, he's just has shit taste. (There a scat joke there somewhere but I'm lazy.)

It's not merely music. jimmy is horrendous at knowing of and liking quality media. If it's something that doesn't rhyme with "Granny Venus", then it's completely beyond the boundaries of his knowledge base.


Taylor Swift

Why you gotta be so mean?

Johnny Cash


Coincidentally he has pointed out how Nine Inch Nails is corny 90s shit.


He likes Lady Gaga because it's Kiss he can jerk off to. Who am I kidding, I'm sure he's jerked off to Kiss.

Five Finger Death Punch

He tweeted about it. Jimmy the buttrocker


He should just say he doesn't like an artist. He has no right to make judgement statements as his taste in music is.......off.

I liked when Opie pointed out that his eyes were bugging out of his head when they had a discussion about music.

As one caller put it:

Jim Norton the Comedian: Awesome!

Jim Norton the Music Critic: Eat a bullet.

Jimmy lives Kiss and hates Lou Reed.

His musical tastes model Sam's eating habits. Infantile

... And the colored girls sing doo doo da dooo dooooooo ...

Lou Reed sucks uncut paki cock so that one is fair.

I could give a care about RATM's stupid political messages but I wouldn't call them corny

How much care do you give?

A fair care.

Who gives a turkey

yup those dumb anti corporation messages...

Sent from my iPhone

Is it fun being 14?

is it fun being a retard?

You're the Rage fan so you would know better than me.

Never implied I was a fan hehe

...while signed to a corporate label they made millions of dollars for. If they really were against the corporate "machine" they wouldn't have volunteered to become a part of it.

difference between a music corporation and an oil one. music corporations arent polluting the earth and above the law.

some of the shit music they put out could definitely be considered pollution

No one forces u to listen to it tho. Can't u see the difference

Do you believe that the bands anti-corporate beliefs are based primarily on the cause of environmentalism?

Jimmy is an old man. That's all there is to it.

Kiss is one of the corniest bands ever

Jim isn't a big fan of protest or insightful social commentary in music or life. It shows in his act.

It also doesn't help that Rage wasn't around when Jimmy was a raging alcoholic walking around with a knife (aka a stupid teenager)

I laughed so hard when I found out that his "alcoholism" was at the tender age of 18. Am I a bad person?

I only listened to his advice show twice. Saying he's a recovering alcoholic and telling people how to live their lives. GTFO, m i rite?

i love him, but whenever he talks drugs on his Vice show it's fucking painful. one of the most lucrative, successful and notorious drug traffickers of all time next to you, and you have the balls to say "well i was an addict but i've been sober since 18" fucking ridiculous. you started, suffered from, then ended your "drug problems" all in less than a 1/4 of the sentence the man next to you served for his.


Yeah. I would have liked Rage's message as a teenager too.

Instead i was 22 and liked the music, and didn't give a shit about the message.

worst fuckin music taste ever. trashes Red Hot Chili Peppers and Rage Against the Machine but loves KISS. i mean really

to be fair, RHCP have sucked since Californication


lyrics of a generation my friend

By the way was excellent.

By the way is a solid album.

RHCP and Rage both suck monkey fuck

FAWK YEAAA dvv dvv rock and roll all night dvv dvv

I fucking hate the chili peppers. Awful.


I'm with you. They're famous for playing in their underwear and being KRAAZZZY, and having wacky names like FLEA!! Whoa!!!!

They have an original sound, I'll give them that. But so do garbage disposals.

I like flea as an actor, that's about it.

RHCP and Rage suck too.

as much as KISS? hardly pal

Tom Morello is an exceptional guitarist, but Rage is fucking lame fake hardcore for fratboys, and RHCP is easily as embarrassing as Kiss ever was. I'm all in with this Black Keys though. I was on the fence at first but now I'm all in.

Another annoying Jimmy music take. Whenever he says he never heard of a song that was played a billion times. Sure you haven't, pal. Jimmy strikes me as the kid who's trying to be a bit too cool.

Jimmy's opinion of music is shit. Ozzy, Kiss, Lady Gaga and the follow up song to gangnam style.

So I guess this means Opie no longer likes RATM

But he's all in with The Pearl Jam and The U2...

Don't forget his love for The MGMT (brought them up 2 years after everyone was done listening to them) he still has the cd in his car.

Just victim of the in-studio drive-by, opie says jump,and you say how high

ME: jump

Jim: how h---


Jimmy's garbage taste in music has been around as long as he has and is brought on by nobody but himself. AS for the Opster, he may be douchey sometimes, but he does have decent taste in music.

U2 and journey???

Opsters music taste is on par with a middle aged suburban woman.

Just because they never threw him down the steps, suddenly the are corny

Seems smart.. shit on RATM after having their Street Fighting Man cover as your shows intro for years. Fuck Jimmy.

Are you serious? What. A. Fag.

Let's be honest Jim's musical knowledge isn't very good.

Let's be honest, Rage Against the Machine isn't very good, either.

I could go for a Kiss against the Machine mashup band. Kiss's party lyrics with Rage's wonky sound.


I wanna rock and roll all night...

And proletariat everyday!

what a fucking faggot. ive grown to hate him and his juvenile fucking tastes.

That's about the size of it. Too much untalented baby boy.

Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses.

Whoa that is so deep

Context is important. No one was making music like that in 1970.

Exactly right, I think War Pigs is a great song.

But check out the new Sabbath album Thirteen. It's the corniest shit I've ever heard in my life.

"Born in a graveyard adopted by sin, I cultivate evil that's living within. A preacher tried saving my black damaged soul, Possessed by a demon that had full control."

Sounds like the lyrics to a Chip Chipperson song.

Blame the ghost writer Sharon hired for that one. 13 isn't a Sabbath album.

I've heard it. It was better than I expected from a bunch of near-70 year olds, but I haven't listened to it since it came out. 13 felt like an excuse to tour which was fine with me, but yeah, it wasn't their best effort. Still their first 4 records are classics that I still go back to. Also, 13 is still better than Never Say Die and Technical Ecstasy though.

I only listened to it once, and I'm not a huge music guy, definitely not a metal head.

Only thing memorable about it to me were the cheese dick lyrics.

Are you sure this wasn't some of Jimmy's poetry from when he was in rehab?

No, it's not ripped off from George Thorogood.

It shocked me when I was five. Just like bathing suits above the knee aren't shocking any more though, and are outdated, so is every Black Sabbath song from the 70s/80s.

Black Sabbath ripped off black widow and coven. They have only slightly more musical dignity than Led Zepplin.

Hardly. They have similar occult themes but that's pretty much where the similarities end.

There were a LOT of bands playing that kind of stuff. Pentagram is another one that comes to mind. Sabbath is still great, but the lyrics are campy. I don't think Ozzy meant them to be though, and that's kind of embarrassing.


As Faith No More said when they covered it: "Blah blah waah waaaaah waah."

Yes, the music on that first album was wonderful and Ozzie's singing impeckerable, but those lyrics stink on ice. "A wizard walks by" Does he? eh?

The Wizard is a great song.

Wizards were cool cause of Gandalf in the 70s.

I'm sure there's some cringey emo band now referencing Harry Potter.

the only time jimmy makes me cringe is when he is talking about music

He also has said he has "Jenny from the block" on his iPod

But yea, KISS is a terrible humiliating band to love

He has Lookin' Ass on it too

Jimmy stepping outside of his pop culture "comfort zone" comprised of 2 ancient bands meant for teenagers in the 70s is always critically embarrassing for him.

It's not just music either, it's TV and movies. His references are off the charts, but he really needs to be more aware of current pop culture. I'm not saying watch The Big Bang Theory and listen to .fun but he should know what bands are around, what shows are big, what movies have come out recently.

I usually just ignore his music opinions.


But he thinks traditional Jewish music is awesome

lol the intro to the opie and anthony show was a fucking rage against the machine song....i guess u guys are rright. he is turning stupid

I thought RATM was cool for about 10 minutes. Which makes them twice as cool as Kiss.

This bugged me too.

Seriously now... Fuck Jim

It isn't a ridiculous opinion. They are 100% serious idealists. They mean every word of how their lyrics are written. There's no humor or fun in them, all 'fight the power'. That leaves you open for being seen as corny, taking yourself that seriously. Of course I don't agree with Jim, or with Rage's politics. I mostly ignore them and enjoy how good the music is. Sleep Now in the Fire is a perfect song in my opinion. Definitely top 5, maybe number 1 overall. BoLA is easily in the top 5 albums I've ever heard.

rage rocks!

The real reason Jimmy hates 90's music is it completely overshadowed and pushed out his faded 80's heroes. Nobody wanted to listen to Ozzy anymore after Nirvana hit, hair metal was considered by many to be a dead genre. Then he started listening to talk radio and sports talk on the way to gigs instead of enjoying one of the greatest musical revolutions of our lifetime. Jimmy is one of those people who cant evolve musically.

The real reason Jimmy hates 90's music is it completely overshadowed and pushed out his faded 80's heroes. Nobody wanted to listen to Ozzy anymore after Nirvana hit, hair metal was considered by many to be a dead genre.

Just how in the fuck did this not occur to me before? It's so obvious now that you laid it out. He was disillusioned by the grunge/alt shift. A lot of people were. A whole lot. But he relied on his beloved Kiss and Sabbath more than most people relied on their goofy Def Leopard and Motley Crue. He needed his Kiss and Sabbath to remain popular so he could have a chance in hell of getting laid. When that big death knell came, it finally and permanently dawned on him that his already slim chances of dating a non-hooker were over, and he resented it more than anything.

KISS is the corniest band ever

You have to accept that little Jimmy is not all human. His weirdness can be annoying but it also makes him a good comedian.

I like when he pretends he hasn't heard a song.

They both have awful taste in music, and it used to only surface once in a while. Now that the wanna-be Ronnie B has to play a song everyday we get to hear about their shitty music tastes for 20 min every morning.

I love Jimmy and therefore refuse to acknowledge his taste in music.

He is in love with a band that peaked in the fucking late eighties early nineties. Jimmy annoys the fuck out of me when it comes to music. It's not even his shitty taste, it's that he can't wrap his head around there being other music out there. Shouldn't surprise me I guess from a man who thinks good sex it getting jerked off by a chick with a dick, but he's not gay.

peaked in the fucking late eighties early nineties

lolwut? try late 70's

Seriously, both Kiss and Sabbath peaked around 1978.

damn, that long ago? i could care less about KISS so that makes sense.

Couldn't*, geez man, get your shit together.

nice try with the hate

Couldn't care less.

wow, really? is that today's problem?

That's correct.



Either way is A OK


Well get over here then, sexy

I love Jimmy and agree with the statement but enjoying KISS is indefensible. Nothing is worse than Opie the other day trying to use words like "harmony" and "melody" to Judy Gold who must have thought he was retarded.

Black Sabbath are for the ages. Kiss is worse than garbage.

He's 1 for 2 right out of the gate.

Maybe he meant Korny.

Anything he says about music has to be taken with a grain of salt. This is a man who worships Black Sabbath and Kiss. I like Sabbath, but he acts like they're the only band that's ever put out good music.

Morello is a sick guitar player.. however I have never liked any of the bands he has been in. I'm just sayin he's pretty innovative and original with the way he plays.. to bad he can't write anything worth a shit. Jimmy is the worst when it comes to music.. one dimensional close minded idiot. (and I love early KISS and Black Sabbath..) but I would shoot myself in the dickhole if I limited myself to just that and a handful of other bands.

I sent him a playlist of bands like The Melvins, EYEHATEGOD, Sleep, (whose second record is a complete Black Sabbath wank session), Pentagram, early Alice Cooper, Cirith Ungol, Budgie, Trouble.. etc...

I wonder if he even gave it a second glance. I would love to hear what he would say about some of those bands. Almost all of them have elements of Sabbath, but he would probably come up with some lame ass reason not to like them, or just say they are all copying Sabbath.. NEWSFLASH!! everybody rips off everybody.. it's called influences, it's how you make it your own that counts. I bet Florentine has thrown his hands up in the air more than once, trying to broaden Jimmy's musical horizons. His Boneyard show is a joke, same godamn twenty bands over and over again.

We're talking about the guy who brings up the name Donald Pleasence once a week. He's stuck in the early 80's. The number of times I've had to Google what the fuck they're talking about is astounding.

Like the 1981 movie "On Golden Pond" or 1994's "Once Were Warriors."

Baby. Boy.

That is all.

Black Sabath?


KISS is definitely cheesy, but when Jimmy talks about RATM he means the edgy teenager shit they do like burning the American flag.

If you think RATM is cool for anything other than their music, and if you think their politics are legit, you're probably 15 or under.

Yeah that was the worst thing he ever said possibly. Truly sickening

In fairness, millionaires rapping against the man and corporate greed while being signed to a corporate label is pretty corny. When that fell apart the band basically replaced the singer with the guy from Soundgarden and stopped being political.

Yep. Always felt that way.

I don't like their politics. Well anyone not an actual member of the communist party probably doesn't, but they do have a kick ass sound.

Damn him for liking what he likes. And damn him for not liking a band everyone else does.

Who gives a shit? He's not forcing you to only listen to KISS. Only himself.

Jesus Christ.

I LOATH ratm. I cant stand kiss either.

KISS is just a silly band. Rage Against the Machine are these big political revolutionaries with the cheesy "yo ch-ch-check it" way of talking and making a bunch of generic statements about fighting the power. I think it's corny as hell

What are some of the bands you like?

Fuck you he won't do what you tell him

Is everybody in this thread shadowbanned? Not seeing any of those "all 6 comments" that are supposed to be here.

Anyway yeah. RATM is as corny as an Iowan turd. Kiss is merely ridiculous.

Rage is either the most cynical showbiz cash-in of all time (which would be cool) or it's earnest commie dweebs who're gonna kick off THE REVOLUTION, MAAAAAN with idiotic bro-rock because they're too nerdfaggy to go out and shoot their own Jews and homos like real ball-swingin' commies do. (Good players tho.)

Kiss is just straight-up showbiz, two Jews openly manufacturing moronic goy-rawk about being wasted and gettin' pussy—when one of them is a teetotal workaholic and the other is Anthony's sister with stuffed jeans.

That's good.

Iowan turd™

My opinion of music is nothing at all like Jim's but I agree that Rage Against the Machine is fuckin corny as shit and I'm surprised more people don't seem to think so. This video parodied their cheesieness pretty well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoebyWkvOIE

That's clearly Black Eyed Peas being lampooned in that clip. The name "Beans and Rice," video directed by "Sir.I.Am." etc, etc

it pulls from a few different things but the beginning is exactly what Rage Against the Machine looks like to me.

Eh this is a stupid thing to argue about, I'll admit, but I again have to disagree, they are referencing Black Eyed Peas back in the 90's before they got Fergie. It's from their first album and back then they wore a lot of camo and puffy vests. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51cXjM5AzPL.jpg That whole sketch is talking about how they went from having this pseudo 'underground' message to completely selling out. Black Eyed Peas are notorious for that.

Yeah, his name is Sam.I.Am, it's definately parodying the black eyed peas, but I'm just saying that while doing so it captures the cheesiness of Rage Against the Machine.

Yeah, I'm wrong...but I'm still gonna say I'm right.

Let's be honest, Rage Against the Machine isn't very good, either.


Johnny Cash

Taylor Swift

He has Lookin' Ass on it too


Five Finger Death Punch

He tweeted about it. Jimmy the buttrocker

i love him, but whenever he talks drugs on his Vice show it's fucking painful. one of the most lucrative, successful and notorious drug traffickers of all time next to you, and you have the balls to say "well i was an addict but i've been sober since 18" fucking ridiculous. you started, suffered from, then ended your "drug problems" all in less than a 1/4 of the sentence the man next to you served for his.