Did they really just go an entire week w/o acknowledging Hypnotized-Fez?

1  2014-12-18 by [deleted]

Yes... They really just went an entire week without mentioning that bit.

It's shameless, and when it does get mentioned, it will be in the context of: "I didn't want to bring it up for fear of mocking the mentally ill." -Or something equally lame.

Holy fuck, that's juicy. Good for Fez and shame on feckless, nutless, gutless Opie for the way he handled the whole thing. It was small of him. He's a small person.

Zero self-deprecation, zero spontaneity, And it's OBVIOUS that the staff really -is- walking on Greggshells: "Don't anybody mention the Fez thing, and screen out all the callers who try to bring it up."

I know I'm not the only one who's enjoying this, but it's getting to the point where it's just too painful to watch this shit die.

HASHTAG OPIERAQIO I guess I feel a little better now that I got that out, (read the whole thing in the twitter-guy voice)