Ant breaks down Fez VS Opie.

94  2014-12-18 by snoopkhat


Nobody is showing the second clip where Fez smokes Opie as a guest reliant pussy who overbooks people and lies about his interactions with Lady Di.

Too real, I guess.


"Send Florentine long has he been out there ERock?"

"Dan Soder has been in 12 times in 5 days, not sure how that happened, but it did. Florentine in studio...AGAIN!"


interactions with lady di? i haven't listened for ages

Why does nobody mention the second time fez came out as opie and destroyed the hack

Because that's when it was no longer fun jabs. That was when fez exposed opie as the hack who can't do radio without real talent.

like when Jim had to leave early this week and Opie just , out of nowhere, also just HAD to leave early and just gave the show to Sam?

It was cringe inducing to basically hear Opie abandon ship without any talent to back up his nonsense.

He fucking up and left. His therapist must have a new boat by now.



now with proper time linking

16:53 in for you mobile users.

What do you mean by, "YOU"mobile users?

Thank you, it started off with the clip everyone has already heard and I was let down.

Great stuff. "Oof, did you see that Fez thing? You gotta hear this. Oh boy. Fez just got on and was doing everything that people on Twitter and Reddit bash him for. He was reiterating all these things. He's opening up the floodgates of a radio war."

I hope this is the opening salvo of the Ant/Opie war.

As a fan that listened during the FM days, and a casual observer of this sub... Most of you guys are fucking crazy losers. The fact that you obsess this much over a few radio guys is absolutely pathetic. You're insane and you need help. That is all.

consistent listeners to a radio show, that may discuss the show on forums during the week = obsessed/crazy losers? what crosses the line from fan-obsessed for you? after a 10 sec scroll through the first 2 pages (25 posts a page) of your account i found 50 or so posts about the cleveland browns in the past 30 days. what an obsessed/crazy loser you are?

imagine there was a player on the cleveland browns that has been on the team for over a decade, and each game he fucks it up for the team. would you imagine that player would consistently be a topic of conversation? with o&a a third of the team were fans of is fucking it up for us.

like you, we are just talking about whats good and bad with our team week-week.

how bout those browns though. if only we could get a quarterback who throws the ball better we'd probably win more games. heck, if we got him a guy who could catch that same ball i think we'd be in great shape going forward. back to you michelle.



Pretty much. The older hardcore listeners have been listening to these guys for 4 hours as a day, 5 days a week, for 10 years.

I don't listen to my wife talk for more than half an hour a day.

You can call it pathetic if you want, but when something is that big of a part of your life, you're going to have strong opinions about it.

OMG I never even thought of it that way. I probably spend more time listening to my 'imaginary friends' on the radio than I spend listening to my real life friends. YIKES.

Eat shit and die

ME: Nice try on the hate tho

You're complete lack of self awareness is only matched by Opies.

How pathetic.

You really think this way don't you? That is stupid.

That's the bit!

Who asked for your opinion, cock face?


I can confirm this, went to an event years ago at Mohegan Sun and I was one of the only non fat slob psychopaths at the whole fucking thing.

And then he got all the pussy.

True story bro.

You are aware they never did Mohegan Sun as an event until Ant did his show there earlier this month, right?

Travelling Virus 2007? Did that not happen?

They broadcast live from there about 10 years ago now.

Fuck me then. I honestly seem to remember Ant (even Opie when Jim brought up Ant's live show) saying they never broadcast there before... even recall Ant saying he hadn't been there since it opened (late 90's).

My apologies sir, I stand corrected then.

You're a laughing stock, Mr. Hughes

anyone know where this footage came from? any more video from that show?

Scroll down, there were a half dozen threads on it when it happened.


looks like 1 person posted about 5 short videos, really wished there was some better quality video

Ant is so funny. He needs a cohost ASAP.

Every time someone says the show is boring without a proper co-host I agree, but then I check a clip and it's already fucking lightyears ahead of O&J somehow. A disgraced Tunisian knife fighter in front of a green screen should not be more entertaining than this 20 year radio vet in a multi-million dollar infrastructure.

*corsican pimp

Basque Jai-Alai player*

TACS is pretty good. Solo shows are fine. The issue is that the show can be brilliant if he did some changes (studio in ny; which is apparently in the works). The expectations are higher when you actually pay for it.

Im sure he will sort it out.

Source on NY studio?

Its been mentioned on the show a few times. No link to provide. We will see,

I think that's the major thing that's holding me back from sponsoring, having an actual studio. I feel like once he has an actual proper studio where he has to leave his empty mansion and go to work in, all the other minor problems will start to be fixed (cohosts, ads etc.).


Either that or guests everyday. At this point i don't listen to Ant shows without guests.

"There's a group of people who relentlessly POUND Opie"

Yep.. that'd be us he's referring to.


We pound him right where the shit comes out, right after bam margera is done.

Aww, now that's a bit unfair. Bam is straight, but he does let Opie prep him for Lynsi.

And don't forget clean up.

Can't just have that stunt boy cum dripping all over the place. It needs to be lapped up by a gentleman of questionable loyalty and talent.

Opie perfected slurping it out the vagina like an oyster in one shot.

The last time he fucked up the cleanup he had his second child.


cringe.. ugh

Even though he didn't say anything critical of Opie, Ant even bringing this up has to bother Opie incredibly.


All opie has to say is "why are you talking about this on your show, you don't even work here anymore"

He'd have to actually talk to Anthony in order for that to happen.

He should just leak texts of him saying this to Anthony

"Now don't go telling Ant that I was angry about him discussing the Fez thing..."

Opie doesn't work for Heinz, but he talks about ketchup.

<caller> wants in on this BADLY... yuck

When he says this I imagine some fat sweaty insane trucker salivating from the mouth and masturbating in furious expectation.

Then you hear them talking to someone else in the background, or listening to another radio station, not paying attention to the phone.

The time he brought Bobo on the air and yelled at him about he wouldn't stop calling.... stupid Bobo responded "You guys called me!"

Outsmarted by a numb skull.

Do you have a clip of that by chance? I've heard it before, but i would looove to hear it again.

I can tell you exactly where I was when I heard it, but not the date. I'm guessing sometime in July.


Here's what I took away from that clip: 1. Fez actually can be funny if he talks 2. Ron Bennington is going to do TACS before Opie, a guy he did radio with for 20 fucking years.

Opie will never be on TACS

Thank God.

This. If this was going to happen it would have already.

Ron on TACS will be appointment viewing.

Awesome. Maybe something will finally happen.

Lmao Opie is like an old QB in the NFl who was surrounded by good players his whole career but then he switches teams and is totally bad.

More like a center. He touched the ball, but everyone else did the work.

more like the ref, really. "Ed Hoculi wants in on this BADLY...Ed....go ahead."

Ant's face looks like when a kid in school cursed at the teacher and we all wait anxiously for the teacher to flip their shit.

He knows Greggshells was furious when he heard it.

You should get a job providing analogies, because this one is spot on. I imagine it wouldn't pay worth a shit, though.

At least someone is talking about it... your move, Oqie.

Love it.

Love it. I don't know how he's still showing so much restraint against that traitorous, jelly-titted fuck.

Opie is the doppelgänger of Todd pettengill

I'm amazed Opie hasn't mentioned this on the show. That guy is weird. And none of the callers have mentioned it either.

The callers are more screened than sluiced gold. After the Jerry incidents, the phones are on lockdown.


Why does everyone want Opie on TACS so badly? He would be the most boring guest on the show yet. Nevermind the fact that his ego probably won't like Anthony being in control for a change.

We don't, stupid; we just want to point out what a cunt he is for not doing it.

It's what they call "win/win".

Because if he did do TACS, we'd have some respect for him sticking with his co-host and pal for 20 years.

I lawffed when it happened...I lawffed when I watched the vid later...i lawffed when I watched Ant watching the vid. In conclusion...I lawffed. With....and at.



how bitter about soder

Yeah, I don't think he appreciated Soder being in his chair 3 out of his first 6 days gone from the radio.

Soder??? Frank was better???

Yeah, there was definite weirdness there.

I think Anthony's a big stupid for not trying to hire Soder himself; those two have great chemistry, and really energize each other......and not in a gay way.

That was definitely pretty gay bro

I also don't remember soder going on a selfish racial rant that endangered everyone on the show.

endangered? what the? so you're saying free speech only goes as far as what sensitive people allow?

why, hello Opie, nice to see you here.



Does anyone remember downvotes?

The only thing I took away from that video is that Ant makes some weird ass faces, aside from looking strange in general, he has that constant "do I smell Beavis catshit on my upper lip" expression.

That really wasn't the good part of that Fez clip- and I'm assuming Ant intentionally didn't pick the harsh stuff.

Yaaay.. "Opie Sucks" Sorry woman.. it's not "Opies" spot anymore.. "Opie" banged it. I'm truly happy to see "Opie" fading off to obscurity in "Management" land. I really hate him but this is "Post Graduate Studies" school shit.

Edit: Go ahead and up vote.. I only don't because I know it's false. Happy girls

Edit2: Go on.. You're unsure there are more of me.. Up Vote me to Canada.. It only disproves your point that much less.

Did your comment make sense in your head?

It's one of those "you had to be there" type things..

" "


I don't know what you were trying to say...but I'm going to upvote your right to say it. Happy holidays.

Ughh.. "My Spot" Sorry man.. it's not your spot anymore.. You blew it.

I'm truly sad to see Ant fading off to obscurity in "podcast" land.

I really love him but this is high school shit.


Go ahead and down vote.. You only do because you know it's true. Sorry guys


Go on.. I'm sure there are more of you.. Down Vote me to China.. It only proves my point that much more.

I wasn't gonna downvote but you kept asking me to!

Thank you for your service!!

It is "his spot" as long as they keep doing shitty boring shows that only remind us how truly great Ant was and how Opie is nothing without him.

I agree with your comment but your edits are annoying

Then you hear them talking to someone else in the background, or listening to another radio station, not paying attention to the phone.