What's a former tin knocker turned brilliant radio broadcaster to do...??

5  2014-12-17 by [deleted]

Ant was abruptly and unjustly thrown out in the street like a fucking intern for tweets that Sirius thought had a "violent" tone. WTF ever. I think he is very talented and that he really loves entertaining PEOPLE. He obviously loved his job and he seems very bummed and probably still in shock that he's not there. His new show does need another person and he should probably do it from NYC, but what evs. People are complaining about the 7 dollars he charges, but what other income does he have?? Jimmy and Opie are getting paid MORE money and their show is terrible. TERRIBLE. Anthony entertained me for years for free, so I personally don't mind the 7 bucks. The main thing, for me, is that I think Ant really likes his listeners and really wants to do a good show for them, unlike Cunty McGingercock. I think Ant will figure it out, by trial and error. I hope so anyway, he's too talented to become the next Howard Hughes. Unlike Greggshells, he's got the name AND the mental illness.....beeeautiful


I couldn't agree more. Ant WAS that show as we can see now. After all the years of gratis sirius programming i mustve saved $300. Hes made me laugh harder and more consistently than anyone on the planet. He wants to make a good show. He has all the elements to make that happen. He does need to tweak a few things yes but the show is brand spanking new. Even Seinfeld's first season wasnt great. Give it some time. And like others have said if that $7 a month is burning a hole in your pocket you need to go over to r/personalfinance.

Ant WAS that show as we can see now

I'll tweak that to say that it was Ant and Jimmy's chemistry that was the reason we all tuned in. Ant needs someone to catch his references and run with them. Jimmy also reacted well to when Ant went overboard on racial issues. He wouldn't shy away, but rather poke a bit of fun at Ant and turn it back towards funny and away from borderline "Stormfront" radio.

When those two found a good tangent and went off, it was the best fucking thing in radio.

So you are saying that Ant needed the OnA show as much as the OnA show needed Ant.

It's almost as if The Opie and Anthony show needs BOTH Opie and Anthony!

Troy threatened to meet Zito outside his house on air.

Not violent enough to fire? Zito could have made a police issue out of that blatant threat.

Anthony never threatened anyone.

Ant fucked himself when he tweeted that he "hopes some homeboy would shoot that bitch in the face." If some Bobo with a gun went out and shot some black woman thinking it was the woman that attacked Anthony and then told police "I did it for Anthony!" Sirius would wind up in a legal dispute with the dead woman's family.

Ant fucked himself when he did not leave it be after the first or second tweet. His social commentary sealed it, it was in the context of hate and anger and not discussion, one or two tweets, then save the rest for the show, he could have said all that shit and then some

Sirius' excuse was bullshit, they wanted to head off backlash before it happened, which it never really did.

They could have suspended him 2 weeks, chastised him publicly.

I am willing to bet Ant would have gave a half assed apology if they offered him a suspension.

Or they coulda let it blow over. I get why they thought it was violent, I just found Troys outburst worse.

Well the bottom line for Sirius is that the show was already on a decline and they saw canning Ant as a way to put some money back in their own pockets. His tweets were a good excuse to terminate him.

Agreed that the show as in decline long before Ant got fired.

But it was still far and away the best content on the platform. That just goes to show you how dead of a medium radio is.

It would be like the part where Eddie goes to kidnap Clark's boss in Christmas Vacation. "I appreciate that, Clark..."

Doubt that streetwalker had a family that would have its shit together enough to put together a big lawsuit.

Why would Sirius enter a legal dispute with a dead woman's family? Twitter had more responsibility than Sirius in that matter (which is still none), and we both know Twitter wouldn't be sued over something like that.

Because lawyers always have their clients sue the people with the most money. They would sue the killer's family, Anthony, and Sirius. The lawyer would play a million out of context clips of Anthony saying violent/racist shit and say that Sirius should have known that Anthony was capable of inciting violence and if they didn't give him a platform to spew his hate he wouldn't have a rabid fan base (they would introduce clips from jacktober and assault on the media to demonstrate this) full of people who are willing to kill for him. It would be a bullshit argument but it would be enough to get Sirius to settle out of court rather than have to go thru a legal dispute that would give them a bunch of terrible press.

Your country is fucked.

This is America... where a woman won a lawsuit against McDonald's because she accidentally spilled hot coffee on herself that she bought at McDonald's and it burned her.

You need to read up on that case. It really fucking burned her, and she wasn't the only one who was injured. Their coffee was NOT served at safe temperature.

I did read up on that case and if you order hot coffee it is going to be hot enough to burn you... you should be careful. If it was cold she would ask for her money back.


They thought about it - they just decided that it would be cheaper to blow up the show but still keeping some part of it on the air.

Yup. And they made the right choice, from THEIR perspective. The bosses never listened to the show, they weren't fans of great radio, and only had an awareness that the Opie and Anthony Show was causing trouble and talking shit.

They cut the head off the show, scared the remaining two into towing the company line, and things are working fine. From THEIR perspective.

For the hardcore fans, it absolutely sucks. But the bosses don't give a shit about the fans.

Let's all be honest: SXM fired Ant because Gawker made it a "racist" issue. SXM (and most large companies) is terrified of anything involving race AND if the press is addressing it. The violent tone angle is complete bullshit bc Troy's situation was much worse.


Yup. Also, Chan said that he enjoys that his articles get people in shit. Fucking scum...

Troy's situation wasn't really worse because they could say it was just a bit done on the air. Also Troy was threatening to beat someone up. Ant said he wants someone dead. If some black woman was shot and the retard who did it said they did it for Anthony Sirius would wind up in a civil suit and probably settle/lose money. Sirius saw a chance to get rid of Ant/pocket some extra cash and they took it.

Those are great points. My main point is it only takes is one rag site to push anyones tweets to others that would have never seen it to cause a termination.

He just wished shitty stuff on people. Which a lot of people do, when they have fistprints on their head.

I was broken in on over Christmas a few years back when I was with family, and I still hope all those people involved strangle on their own blood.

Zito wasn't black, sad but true. Had he been Troy would have been removed by security and fired immediately.

Thank you for "Cunty McGingercock"

Are you going to delete this post too ol' Jackie?


Nope. Keep on keepin' on


cause you're a nigger lovin' faggot

Maybe he can be like a Youtube broadcaster. He'll get like 100,000 views on his videos and earn a living off that. You know some of those guys make up to a million a year through views. Shiiiiit. Ant has enough followers and sluts on PalTalk that follow his every word. Take TASC to a live Youtube stream.

I wonder if he's ever tried to do commentary on any of his video games. I'd watch that. On O&A he used to talk about his rants in CoD when he'd get killed by a kid. He loves video games and he loves commentating so this would be a pretty good combo to watch. AHHHH YA LITTLE FUCKA GO HOME TO YA MOM YA DOUCHE BAG YEAH GO HOME. BOOM HEADSHOT

Agreed. The INSTANT I found out, I cancelled XM entirely and the day that Ant's show went up for subscription I popped in my credit card info. I would rather support someone who makes shit happen and truly is funny than some shitball corporation that has no offline abilities.