This is more for the serious Opie fans that still frequent this /r/: Why do YOU still listen?

5  2014-12-16 by clarkiswhite

You're always testing the "haters", acting like we obsess over a show we hate now. Well what about you assholes?! Whats your excuse(seriously)?!


might want to ask this ? at r/soccermoms

I don't lead a very interesting life.

Yet you lead a double one. Your secret identity is safe with me.


well I still listen because its really not that bad. Obviously there is less chemistry, but if u don't go into it overanalyzing everything you hear in your head, I think you can enjoy it. Jimmy is hilarious and they have guests in a lot more than they used to. Obviously thats because they need help, but the guests are good. Florentine is getting old, but whenever they have bob kelly or some funny comedian in it's always a good time. I tried to watch TACS but its honestly pretty boring, I only watch when jimmy is on. I'm also not paying for sirius xm anymore, I went the cheap skate way and made bullshit emails. If i was really paying then maybe I would be more critical. There are some rough parts, and talking about rock for the first hour gets old, but I still find it entertaining. I miss ant, but it happend and no one can do anything about it. I'm not an opie FAN, but I don't all the way hate him (yet). Although the more frequently i go on this sub the more i notice every small detail. And i hate to say it, but sometimes opie is funny and brings a different angle. Mostly, opie has always been the driver of the show, and he knows how to transition and all that shit. I also dont hate sam and e-rock, they have more ability to add to conversations now that its only jimmy and "sloppy tits." Thats my excuse. Its not as good as it was, and it took a little to get used to....but they've now found a flow. Also what the fuck else am i supposed to listen to, howard?

I listen to FM radio now and Free Beer and Hot Wingz has been what I laugh at during my morning commute.

Bahaha! "Serious Opie fans" that's a good one!

Also known as Opie himself and nobody else

It's like a sports team that sucks now.

I'm not gonna stop at least following the Bills a little even though they've sucked for almost 20 years.

I think people are over-stating how good the show was before Anthony's firing.

It is easy to find gold in Sirius clips but if you played them end-to-end they would not fill an entire show. The show has had ups and downs over the Sirius/XM period and when people got pissed off with the show - they stopped listening.

I did not stop listening. I listen less and often miss shows, but I occasionally tune in and hear what is happening.

I have stopped listening to several other radio shows/podcasts that have either not moved on or are repetitive for topics, but for the most part there is little out there for personality driven talk radio.

I have tried Howard but the ego and endless self-references drive me nuts.

I listen to Anthony's show but as I said his racist repetitive topics are grating. So, I listen to it occasionally. But I do not go after Anthony and create topics stating what an asshole he is.

This sub-reddit is the new Wackbag. After a while, these conversations always turn to how much they hate the show.

Everybody gets disappointed or feels slighted by the people that they dedicate time to listening to, especially when dealing with a time line like O&A. There are listeners who have been around for decades. But this was not going to continue forever.

If this is the end of the show for you - yell out Your Mom's Box and walk away.

"Check out the empties maaann"

points to r/OpieRadio

There's always a chance for some exciting radio since Norton is there and it's "uncensored" But when I hear Troyquqn describing diaper play I can't stand the doucheyness and change back to sports talk. I still listen but if I had an alternative, I'd be there

I still care about their opinions. Also, O&A were built into my daily routine so it was easy to continue listening. However, my main priority is hearing all of Ron & Fez... then I catch up on Opie and Jim. If I miss some stuff, it doesn't bother me. I used to be a diehard fan but now my attitude is as casual as Opie and Jim's.

...and that was all I had.

Anthony Cumia is NOT a stand-alone fruit.

It's like you invest ten years listening to a show and it sticks with you even though they killed off a cast member. It will be like this for atleast a year then drop off. I find myself listening less and less everyday. At some point I won't listen at all.

It's like Darth Vader, you just hope there's still a shred of good left in there.

I listen because i'm not a whiny crybaby bitch like everyone on this subreddit. I check this subreddit every day knowing that every single thread is about hating Opie. If it's not Opie, literally, everyone on this subreddit hates any guest that comes on the show. Everyone hates Jimmy because he's a hypocrite, everyone hates Jim Florentine for his use of "beautiful" all the time, everyone hates pretty much anyone that comes on the show.

Worst of all, they bitch SOOOOO much about hating the show, yet, they're still finding ways to stay connected to the show. You may not listen, or have a subscription, but you love coming on here because a part of everyone just can't leave the show even though it's not for "you" anymore. It's hilarious.

I personally listen to the show because it's still entertaining to me. I listen to the show, because i DO like to laugh at the crutches Opie has. I'm laughing AT him, not with him. Because of the people on this subreddit, i have now caught onto his shit. I agree, he's not funny. I agree he's talentless. He's blind to pretty much any hate against him. He doesn't care. But for every single thread to be about Opie is creepy. We've gone in circles over and over since Anthony got fired, and it's just the same shit i read.

The show has guests. Great guests. It's fun to listen to everything. I like listening to when E-Rock, Travis, Denny F etc all chime in and just talk. I have no intentions to stop listening as it's better than anything else available right now. I still get to listen to Jimmy and Opie. Anthony not being a part of the show doesn't really change a whole lot for me. The dynamic is slightly different, but in the end, the show is still mostly there. I do miss Ant's voice with Jim and Opie, but it is what it is.

seriously, you suck.

I thought this was for true congregants of The Church of Opie, not people who listen in spite of him. The majority of the audience listens in spite of Opie or to laugh at his expense.

So he's not funny, he's not talented, he's blind to hate against him but he "caught onto his shit," just what is this? You're a fan of that?

The fact that we're having serious trouble finding anyone to say anything positive about Opie's ability to entertain is increasingly interesting.

I agree with the last paragraph. It's pretty much the same show without Ant. He's missed, but I'd still take it over tacs any day.