Can I ask a serious question? Why do the fans hate Lady Di? I find her super entertaining.

4  2014-12-16 by buttriot

She's just an irredeemable trainwreck. I get that you can't have her drinking Natural light everyday but she always seems to have something interesting to say. Like Bill's death, this new drug dealer. It's actually one of the few things I don't like about Jim, how he tries to not have her on the phone even. And wtf happened to Bobo?


I love every second Lady Di's on the show.

Your question is an excellent one, and it has only grown more complicated as we have burgeoned our contempt for Opie.

Lady Di updates are probably one of the reasons why I still check into this subreddit. I've completely stopped listening to the show but I'm still curious about whether she's alive and if she's tried to access veterans benefits. I have a theory as to why she's so fucked up (based on my experience as a Veteran and a licensed mental health professional who treats Veterans) and I'm waiting for it to be validated straight from the horse's mouth.

She's a buffaler, not a horse.

I didn't know there were any more people alive from World War Ewwwwwwe. Is she really a vet?

And what the other guy said, thank you for your thermite service

Curious as to your thoughts, Lady Trucker.

Why don't you tell us your theory and stop acting like a vague faggot.

No offense, thank you for your service.

Bobo left O&J for Anthony's show.

I never understood the hate for Bobo, to me he's an unintentional comedic genius. The only thing that lets me believe he's not just putting on an act is that he'd have to have the best timing I've ever heard in a comic.

Lady Di I just find sad and depressing. She's not a rare gem of oddness, she's just a dime a dozen loser. Go to any bad neighbourhood and you'll find more people exactly like Lady Di than not. I enjoy the occasional awful train suicide jokes thrown at her and I enjoy how much Colin Quinn seems to enjoy her but I just don't see it. The rest just feels like picking any random super poor person from any shitty tower block, any poor fuck that life just shat on from birth and repeatedly telling them they're a loser piece of shit. It just all feels a bit like the cake stomp thing, douchey and mean spirited without the wit to make it worthwhile.

I find Lady Di entertaining to a degree. I found her internship to be incredibly hilarious. That being said, I don't need 40 minute updates with her. She's entertaining in small doses but it get's too be too much if she's on longer than a couple minutes.

Her internship was the best thing that's happened on the show since they got dropped from radio in 2009

I agree. That was the show's best week in YEARS. So many gems...

I dunno, tequila and donuts day.


I love Bobo and Lady Di. It is 1000% funnier than listening to Opie and Jim watch Youtube videos

agree, if she took over for opie the show would shoot up in quality.

She's a burnt out burden and a crutch for Opie used solely because she antagonizes Ant, Jim and the fans.

Lady Di is reprehensible as a person as well and it is always the same old shit.

Maybe you like it now, but appearance 30 will make you want to chuck your radio or computer in the garbage.

Lady Di has added some of the best content to the show. Her internship was an amazing train wreck where she shit with the door open and ugly Betty walked in. Compare this to Opies song of the day now.


To me it's the same issue as Florentine. They are good in small doses every once in a while but when O&J have them on all the time because they are lacking material it gets old and their charm wears off.

because thats what the fans do

She's either a hateable human being, a living tragedy or both. If she's a fuck up with nobody to blame but herself, then I don't wanna hear her enjoy her 20 minutes of attention to kill time (and humor) on a radio show.

If she's just like a victim of circumstance (yuck) then I kinda feel bad that a millionaire with straw hair is using her as his go to bit. The end.

i turn off the raqio when she comes on. same with sh*tstain Roberts, unless the topic really interests me.

You can say shitstain here. You're among friends.

Listening to her makes me feel normal and reduces my generalised anxiety. I listen to old bits featuring her on YouTube.

She is only entertaining when Ant and Jimmy are goofing on her. But this is OpieRaqio so Sam is now coaching her and trying to make up horrible bits with her.


You must be a new fan of the show. I started listening in 2012 and when I first heard Lady Di she entertaining, but mainly, because she was new. Fans of been hearing the same shit from Lady Di for years. It's fucking aggrivating.


i feel like that is the case for anything to do with OnA, at first its the funniest thing ever and then you get sick of it.

Over all the years I've been listening, the moment she comes on I change the channel. She is so fucking annoying. Thankfully bobo fucked off.

She's a complete trainwreck and that part is entertaining. However, her denial and how she treats herself is completely repulsive and infuriating.

Take any Lady Di phone call. Any of them will do. Now listen to any other Lady Di phone call. Can you hear the difference? Because I sure as fuck can't.

She's the best. Her and the Bobes. Two dummies ripe for riffing.

Finding out that she was literally begging on the streets felt like the perfect summation as to how low the show has sunk. She's a trainwreck as a person but it's grim as all hell!

Shes a fat idiot


I love the Lady Di calls. Except when Opie used to pick up in the middle of something else and ask her why she was calling during a good bit.

Di herself can be really funny in small doses. I get annoyed by how Opie handles her. Going to her phone call while pretending he doesn't want to talk to her, then just stating the obvious about her instead of having fun with it.