Did Opie mention the bashing he got from Fez on the show yet?

9  2014-12-16 by clarkiswhite

Any audio if he did?


he won't say anything til a caller slips through his screeners and brings it up, at which point he'll scream something like "UUUH YEAH IT REALLY GOT TO ME THATS WHY I POSTED IT ON MY YOUTUBE ACCOUNT. NICE TRY ON THE HATE THO. FACE!" and Jimmy will whine about how siiiilllyy everyone is.


Jimmy won't be wrong.

Yes, but he'll also be a faggot shackled to a talentless albatross who he is terrified of joking about too harshly.

Nope. Two shows now since the Fez beating and he hasn't said a word.

He is pretending it did not get to him, but we all know it did. The hyper sensitive faggot cannot take a joke at his expense....let alone some one blasting him.

He'll pretend like he's in on the bit and say something like "omg these dummies don't get the show, they don't get it." But the fact he didnt address, when they address all sorts of low-level goings on in the R&F show means he's keeping it off air.


can someone link this please? haven't heard it yet. or at least provide some deetz.

awesome, thanks man!

You're welcome. Glad to spread the goodness.

for sure dude, this'll spruce up the office somethin' niceeeeeeeee

...and above all else, reallllll

Respond to Fez? What would be the point?

Hey did post it on their Facebook page, though. Weird

He posted half of it....the harmless half.

You all think Opie himself posted that?

That stinks of Sam the shit stirrer. Or maybe the passive aggressive Consumer.

He posted half of it....the harmless half.