Burr discussion is at the top of r/netflixbestof (PC and SJW abound)

0  2014-12-16 by [deleted]

I don't want to directly link to it and break Reddit non-participation rules and fuck over this sub. So check out /r/NetflixBestOf


There's like 3 negative comments that all got downvoted to hell. You are an exagerrating faggot.


I've always thought Burr was a misogynist hack until I watched this special.

Oh noes! Say it ain't so!

Another reason I rarely stray outside of this sub. Reddit is just full of the worst kinds of people.

Reddit is just full of the worst kinds of people.

Yeah none of that rabble on the good old O&A subreddit!

His new special is really solid. Broke 100,000 ratings on Netflix in the first week.

"Devastatingly honest" sticks out to me. What about it is devastatingly honest? It's certainly not dishonest, but just because it's not some typical, safe, hacky shit means that it's "honest" now?

Some of the fucking people in this country are so intolerable.

Bunch of dumb cunts in that thread