Erock: Crazy or Compulsive Bullshitter?

2  2014-12-15 by panjshirlion

I wasn't on any O&A discussion forums back when this show aired (the Halloween after hurricane Sandy), so I never really got a chance to see how others felt about it. Almost all three hours of the show are given over to dissecting Erock's deceptive vagaries. It's one of my favorite shows of all time.

It's entertaining the whole way through, but Erock's house of cards really starts tumbling down at around 2:11:40. They spend the last half hour or so of the show debating each other on whether Erock is out of his mind or just a lying lazy lump.


I get the impression that Erock has a bit of a Scorch-Costanza Complex. He starts out just plain lying but builds enough of a story on top of the lie that he feels invested in it. Then, when people start to doubt him and call him out for bullshitting, he circles the wagons and forgets that he was lying to begin with.


3:02:10 is the general discussion of Erock's sanity. Sam, Travis, and Danny think he's nuts; Ant and Jim think he's a lazy liar.

Looks like I've got a real hit on my hands.