A clip from Billy Burr's new special is doing its Reddit rounds...

8  2014-12-15 by exophrine


His special was great. But that's not what Ant's ballwashers are gonna say

It was decent and I really like Burr, understood him keeping quiet on the Anthony front too, thought it was the classy thing to do. Still it was really off putting and cringey watching him open up with 15 minutes straight material about the problem of apology culture and SJWs ruining people's careers for dumb shit, as if he's taking a stand against that stuff. Either stay quiet and let a friend who you owe a huge part of your success to get fired for his opinion because you didn't like what he said or take a stand against apology culture, you can't do both.

It just felt nasty watching him strut around the stage with his, 'Yeah, I said it!' attitude ranting about pussies who give in to pressure from special interest groups knowing he recently had a chance in his real life to take a very real stand in a way that would've actually mattered and he kept quiet. Again, I don't have a problem with him staying quiet on the Anthony issue but don't fucking open your next stand up special with a huge bit about how you're the one guy brave enough to stand up for free speech. It's douchey and supremely phony.

I believe this special was recorded back in June before the Anthony firing.

Or people could care less about their drama and just don't find Burr to be the funniest person alive.

It's black and white so we know he's an artist.

and 50% not guilty.

Hahaha perfect


He's talking about his own experience growing up Catholic and letting go of it. Why the fuck should he have to make jokes about how stupid Islam is?

I don't know, it might be braver. Bashing the Catholic Church is basically accepted. You can find comics from the 80s doing their why I left the Catholic Church bits. It just is rehashed material. No one cares. Talking about Islam would at least be relevant.

First vinyl now black and white. Why?

All of you people downing his Christian based material... you realize this was filmed in a gigantic former church right? It's The Tabernacle in Atlanta. In a former church in the heart of the South is the perfect place to make Christian jokes.

It's one of the least funny or original parts of that special.

edgy stuff going after the white christian male. i did laugh though. here's my new clean bill burr bit.

'so i have a medicine cabinet in my bathroom, i store my vitamins there, and every time i go to tighten the bottle closed the top slips off and drops on my f&*#ing dirty bathroom floor. how come these dorks haven't figured out how to make smooth threading or better yet a flip top, why isn't the flip top a universal standard... anyone else like hairy black areolas?'

Most American comedians go after white christian men because our country is over 80% christian. It isn't about being edgy so much as it is talking about shit you know about/being relatable.

It is also the safest possible target.

In America Christians are the highest possible population. Most Americans are raised under some form of Christianity. If you are telling stories that are going to apply to yourself or other people in the audience you are going to use Christianity. What the hell does Burr know about being raised Muslim? If he was attacking Muslims in America that would be less than 5% of the population. That is much safer than attacking the majority. This idea that people should just trash Muslims because it's ballsy only applies when you are doing it for a Muslim audience.

I agree. Also, Bill Burr was raised christians. All of the comics and musicians that people whine "lets see them go after muslims" were all raised christian. They are talking about their own. Like Richard Pryor talks about being black, Jim Norton talks about loving tranny, its ok for all these comics to go after christians.

I remember Lady Gaga did something anti-catholic and Norton whined "lets see you go after muslims if you want to be edgy". Lady Gaga was raised catholic. She wasn't raised muslim. Completely different situations

It's apart of a larger network of conditioning. The straight white Christian male is the ONLY target people can freely pick apart. Di Paolo, Ant and Jimmy are probably the only people that still speak openly about the war against this white devil. It's an easy target and dare I say hack, perhaps indicative of Bill's new antiseptic approach of appeasement and ladder climbing.

Nah I think that's bullshit. I remember one time I was listening to O&A and they did 2 stories in a row. The 1st was the italian group complaining about a mafia commercial & they said "italian Americans are the only group that it is socially acceptable to make fun of". The very next story was about like, fat people or something, & once again they said "fat people are the only group that it is socially acceptable". The point is, everyone wants to feel like they are the victim and they have it the toughest but the truth is that all people of all kinds get their balls busted

if bill had balls he'd talk about the indoctrination running through college campuses and the uniform of a waif like crusader and how funny it is watching them try to participate in the outrage only to be swept away in a sea of violence by the same oppressed they think they're taking 'heroic measures' for. bill played it safe, and obviously he did the right thing. long time fans will overlook it and it courts the whole SJW base.

It would be safer than attacking the majority if the majority were as crazy as the minority (Islam). You act like edginess is all quantitative. Shitty point.

Not a shitty comparison. It's easy to slam Islam to Christian people. It gets done all the time. Unless Muslim people are listening you are running no risk. But either way, Burr isn't trying to be edgy. He is speaking about what he knows. In America everyone knows about Christianity.

First of all I don't care about Burr's edginess or lack-there-of. It's not what I'm arguing. Secondly, are you really implying that performers' audiences are the ones who get them fired and given bad publicity? The radio audience O&A performs for didn't get Anthony fired, gossip journalists who'd never heard of the show did. Also, the people who listened to O&A and followed Ant on twitter were/are almost ubiquitously white. Obviously then Anthony ran 'no risk' of getting fired by tweeting something that could be perceived flagrant against ANYTHING other than his audiences' and country at large's largest demographic: white people. :O but wait, he DID get fired specifically for talking about black people!!! BY white people who got tattled to by other white people!! Wow, it's almost as if religious/race/ethnic relations regarding comedy, language and privilege are complex and don't just default to the most primitive, kindergarteny explanation, displayed so eloquently in your "goo goo ga ga der iz less of them so it more safe 2 say meany weanies abt them on a stage." theorem. Who woulda thunk it? Well, besides people who own televisions or computers and actually formulate their opinions by observing reality that is. What does 2+2 equal?

You did spend a lot of time and write a well thought-out paragraph but you are still wrong. Here in America if you trash Christianity you are running more of a risk than trashing Islam. Tune in to Fox News. Tune in to Bill Maher or read a book by Sam Harris. This idea that people don't talk shit about Islam isn't true. oh.. and 4.

Exactly, it's like when people from this sub talk about having a job or seeing a woman naked. No frame of reference.

edgy stuff going after the white christian male.

Isn't the whole bit, in context, defending the old white christian guy's right to say dumb shit, and criticizing the "liberal" outrage over it?


It does seem like a lot of his comedy revolves around tonality and voices rather than actually funny dialogue, I do like Bill though

If he does not talk to Anthony for any other reason ever, he should at least ask him who did his hair plugs.

Burrs Hairline is losing an inch a year.

Not gonna make it in Hollywood like that, also a knosejob and some chinwork, you fucking LA hack.


Yeah, what the fuck was that?

You seem extremely concerned with men's appearances. Project much?

Tssss what's he workin on a house or sumthin FAWK YAAA DOUBLEGUNS BITCH

I know a LA Hollywood hack sellout when I see one.

I know I am pissing in the wind with my opinion on Bill but fuck it.

He gave zero fucks about O and A once he got his Hollywood status.... Oh you rubes still buy those drowsy phoners he gives when he has some horse shit to plug.

That's a fuckton of generalization there. What does "buy" the phoners mean? Yeah, he called in on occasion, he lives 2000k miles away, what do you expect? He's been in many quality projects, Breaking Bad, The Heat, etc. That's selling out? He's not on a fucking deodorant commercial. Hack? You have me convinced you don't know what sellout or hack means.

Ever since he moved out there we get calls in the airport, plugging something.

He used to hang, but he is fucking Hollywood now. No more hang, 3 minute calls with 2 word answers.

He had 3 lines in Breaking bad, and stood around near railroad tracks looking nervous., spare me the fucking fame card, he got too big for his fucking britches, and fuck him.

I am well aware of what a hack is, just like I can see a white knight who just discovered Bill 2 years ago.


How did you not laugh during his helicopter bit? He painted such a vivid picture of it. It needs to be animated. His reenactment "look to the left we have orange county. Over 20 miles of bea... Sir put your seatbelt back on..." Still makes me laugh. Ease up on ol billy ballsack. Nia was on his podcast today, uh oh.

Does Burr have some really strong stuff against Muslims?

Do you? Are you printing it or putting it on video?

Bashing the church. How original.

Oh...sarcasm pointing out the lack of originality of something. How painfully ironic. You fucking moron. Why don't you call into the show and bore us. Or better yet; drive your big rig and your 6th grade education off a fucking cliff

Why are you so mad? Why so fucking defensive about Bill Burr the cuck?

Why are you shitty toward him? Just because he's not following Anthony by the dick into any broadcasting booth he ended up in? I'd say the only cuck is you. You're a cuck that wants to suck Ant's jizz from your fat wife's cavernous belly button.

And why are you so far up Burr's ass?

Why? Because i don't openly hate him? I happen to like his comedy...beyond that i hate this anti-Bill faggotry in this sub. Mostly because it stems from the fact that, apparently, Bill is supposed to show solidarity to Ant by speaking up for him. And apparently Bill should feel bad about being married to a black woman. Just blithering idiocy.

he married yoko ono who happens to be black

As I said in another post, I don't give a fuck in the slightest about who is supporting Anthony or not. It's you that is heavily emotionally invested in a cuckold comedian.

Why are you so emotionally invested in cuckolds?

And why is this sub obsessed with them too? Good lord.

I suppose you can sympathize with Bill, being a fellow cuck and all.

Your supposition is wrong, but your existence is not wrong.

It's ok to let all those feelings out. Express yourself, just like Madonna taught us all to do.

It's okay if Louis CK does it, though. Oh wait, has he come out in support of Anthony? Oh well then fuck him too right guys?

Nah. CK is even more predictable. I don't give a single fuck about who is supporting Anthony.

It's cause he's Mexican, they only care what white comedians think. Most of the haters and anthony supporters are racists.

Yeah, there sure is a lot of material out there about DEFENDING people who are getting in trouble for espousing deeply engrained religious beliefs. Oh wait, that's NOT a common comedic trope? And you're just a dolt who thinks he's oppressed because the comedian didn't burn a picture of Muhammad?

Didn't realize there were so many butthurt God-botherers on this reddit

Not a christian, never been one. It's just so fucking lame going after the church in this day and age. They have zero influence in the west today. Even the pope himself supports fags, atheists, and what not.

I don't know how you can look at the modern Republican party and claim that Christianity has no influence in the West.

Keep in mind I support going after Islam too, like those cartoons in Denmark.

Depends on how you look at it I guess. The GOP is worshiping jews for the most part but I would say that they have no influence culturally at all in the mainstream.

Did he talk about bowing down and being subservient to a gorilla woman? That would have been more topical than the Catholic church. Fuck burr and his ballwashers here. People bring up he was Chappelles show and breaking bad. He really stole the show didn't he? He's a terrible actor and they could have put anyone into those roles. Fucking hack, I guess hanging on the mic is his trademark now? Die burr.