
0  2014-12-14 by pootsforever


The joke is his date is 11 and the date is 12-13-14

I like Jimmy's profile picture because he looks like an edgy bad boy with a soft side who probably plays by his own rules.

that's just his character "the goose"

He looks like an aging dyke.

He looks like a Russian trucker



2014-12-14 01:47:27 UTC

My girlfriend plus today's date = 11,12,13,14

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

Is opie rubbing off on him here?


ba dum flop. oops missed the hi hat

Our sweet boy jimmy, got his personalities mixed up. He was supposed to tweet this as Uncle Paul, making it funny and understandable. Instead he posted it under his true identity. Silly yimmy. Ill bet his fawking pecka was gettin tugged so hard and his mother delores was yellin at him so he got confused.