Opie doesn't know what Greggshells means

49  2014-12-13 by sheRATCHETT


LOL, we got him to say Greggshells. Yayyy


RT @Vorpal_Duck - @OpieRadio Play on "egg shells" I assume. But, I'm not fluent in Lame so I'm not sure. ME: LMAO...seriously? SO lame

it's totes lame u guys.

How ironic he says hes "not fluent in lame" as he gives the most lame, passive aggressive insult in the history of insults. Good one, Vorpal_Duck.

he's just showing everyone that he's not bothered by it....I'm sure.... it's interesting that he's always telling people to stop watching the show if they don't like it... but he seems to still be paying attention to "the haters"


Ugh. I'll bet that Opie writes ":-)", and refers to the Internet as the "information superhighway."

The intertubes.

ME: Totes mahgoats. Super DUPER Lame. #L7

opies response: "Play on "egg shells" I assume. But, I'm not fluent in Lame so I'm not sure. ME: LMAO...seriously? SO lame"

Holy shit the "fans" that comment on his twitter are the douchiest fucks. What fag actually says I'm not fluent in lame as a diss/comeback?

A Regular Joe would say that.

Eh, six of one, half a dozen of another. If I wasn't laughing, I'd be crying; I let the muckity-mucks on reddit worry about greggshells. I show up at 5:55, I do my mediocre radio show for a few hours, I play some music and describe them as "deep cuts," I do a poor Florentine impersonation, I get back to work.

Ah what can I say? I like my radio like I like my oatmeal in the morning - plain and watered down.

You guys rule. I love Regular Joe.

The only thing that comes to mind is those porkers who used to be glam metal groupies and still dress and do their hair like it's the mid 80s.

Who uses the term "slam"????!!! He's the worst!


Someone working Opie. Bumpkins like you and him never see it coming.

The saddest thing for Opie is that he has to go in to the studio everyday and face Jim ,Sam ,Erock etc knowing that they realize now how talentless and defenseless he is against bashings like the one he received from Fez.

I bet Jim can't even look him in the eyes anymore.

Fuck Jim too. Hack.

I almost feel bad for Opie. The thing is, if he would just be a real human being, recognize his shortcomings, and work on them or around them, then most of us would forgive him. Instead he keeps doubling down and making delusional statements like "everyone loves the new show."


This is why Opie sucks. Greggshells is clearly a clever joke. If he had any sense he'd just give it to them. Like "you bastards, you got me this time!" Instead he has to be like "totally lame dude!"

He is literally autistic and doesn't understand the humor in it.

He's probably too dumb to make the connection to the term "walking on egg shells."

It would require a man who reads at a 4th grade level to understand idiomatic speech, relate it to the obnoxious behavior which spawned it that he doesn't even realize is obnoxious, and then apply wordplay humor to it when he has such a poor grip on comedy and social situations that many people consider him to be borderline autistic.

So it ain't gonna happen.

...just, fuck him. He's answering the poorly crafted slams, diverts from using humor by seeming/being oblivious to his nickname, all to keep heat on him over the weekend. nice try with the tweet, tho.

Opie doesn't know what a lot of things mean.

Like "funny".

meh....we've moved on anyway. It's #Puddingtits #PuddinTits now...

Could we please drop the "g" to make it adorable? #PuddinTits


Or how about add an extra unnecessary 'g'


Two G's, like Gregg Allman

Or maybe Gregg "PuddinggTits" Hugghes

and gotta have a ' in there...

puddin' tits

ol' puddin' tits works, too

I'm wich'ya, but apostrophes don't work well in hash-tags,

Leave off the last g for greggshells

I always imagine Harley Quinn saying that and then smashing Opie's moobs with a humorously large wooden mallet.

You're wrong. This is a classic desperation move from the Opester.

The timeless classic of pretending you know nothing about your aggressors in a bid to convince people you aren't bothered by them.

"This is a classic desperation move from the Opester."

A classic desperation move was when he ate all of the film out of the bam tape before Lynsi made copies, and threw his wife's skateboard in to the sewer before she took the kids and did a pop-shuv-it out of his life.

Whenever Opie says "I guess" in his tweets, it's a signal that he's truly butthurt.

Yeah, I noticed that too. He's trying to deflect the insult, like it doesn't bother him. This doesn't bother me, but I guess it's supposed to be insulting.

He does the same when callers criticize the show. He'll say "Did you really think you would get to me?" or something similar. Then he'll stop the show and prattle on about the "haters" for a good 10 minutes

Yeah he doesn't know what being a good raqio presenter means either. Greggshells is a genius name, whoever came up with this pat yourself on the back.

I came up with it. Thank you.

You're loying

Nuh, deh, doh I'b doy loying!


HaqieRaqio by a mile. Fez is merely a distinguished gentleman of the homosexual persuasion.

"Not fluent in lame" might be the lamest, bitchiest thing I've ever read. Jesus.


Yeeeuuuuuck those fucking white knights!

I guess he's doing his job getting attention.

I don't think it's getting people to listen though.

that's cause he's dumb


I'm sure Opie knows exactly what it means and is once again playing it off.

OF COURSE he re-tweets the guy who "assumes" its a play on words of egg shells, because you know, hes too important to actually know, so he trolls his comment section for the 1 person who tweets like they speak just like ME: with the vague bullshit.

He just replied to my tweet, and told me to "have a good one." You know he was typing that through tears. I'm ready for the white knights to start in. Although, perhaps calling him an "easily offended baby with no talent for radio and a dwindling fanbase" was a little bit harsh.


2014-12-13 19:56:48 UTC

@OpieRadio you edited out the part where fez returns as "poie" and really lays into! too much for ya handle, GreggShells? #opieraqio


2014-12-13 22:05:31 UTC

. @relics0 I have no idea what GreggShells means? Some kind of slam I guess?

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It's....so LAME!

Sick fawwkin burn

Aside from some pathetic white knights, he took a pretty harsh beating in those replies

Opie is the Proletariat... Opie is the Proletariat Bore... Opie is the the Proletariat Bore of Moldova.

Opie gives each of his kids their own Christmas tree?!?


There's a Lynsi "gem" on an idea if there ever was one.

Oof, I just feel the angst coming off of that tweet. It's like how I would act in high school to be too cool for the room.

I don't like that the first dope to reply to this moronic tweet in defense of 'Raqio is apparently a Prince Devitt/Finn Balor fan.

What's wrong with Prince Devitt?

Couldn't have done it without you boys... even though my tweet is a grammatical disaster.

I don't think he understands the context in which we're calling him that.

I hate to come off as unknowledgable as the guy you're all bashing, but how exactly did this nickname come about?

You're either very, very stupid.........retarded, really........or you've just never heard the phrase "walking on eggshells" before.

Greggshells (from Latin: douchus hyper-sensitivus): a combo of Opie's name (Gregg) and the key word in the phrase "walking on eggshells", which is what everybody has to do with him, because he's a hyper-sensitive, special-needs faggot of a radio host

"walking on eggshells": to watch what you say or do around a certain person because anything might set him or her off

yeah that's what i thought but i wasn't sure because i wasn't around when you started calling him that

So what else do you and your sister do for fun in your trailer besides obsess about a radio host and jerk each other off?


lol fuck all these haters

team opie

The only thing that comes to mind is those porkers who used to be glam metal groupies and still dress and do their hair like it's the mid 80s.

A Regular Joe would say that.

Someone working Opie. Bumpkins like you and him never see it coming.


Who uses the term "slam"????!!! He's the worst!