"Luckiest man in radio" - Opie to Fez

40  2014-12-13 by Opiehole

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcn4AmRvsPY @23:32

"Luckiest man in radio" is what Opie actually said when discussing Fez. Oh, the irony. That cunt has perched himself on the coat tails of comedic geniuses for 20 years and he has the arrogance to call Fezy the luckiest man in radio. If it wasn't for Ant, Jim and a long line of comics, he would still be spinning the hits in some who gives a fuck market.


The pot calling the kettle hack.

WAIT WAIT WAIT I GOT ONE. Thats the pot callin the toaster SHIT


in some alternate universe "All in with Opie in the Mornin" is being jocktobered by the Ant and Jimmy Show

Which one gives a freckle on a shit about anything that ever happens on other radio shows, or in the radio industry in general? Alternate Universe Ant, or Alternate Universe Jimmy?

alt universe Destroyer calls out A and J because as a father he cant accept that sort of humor. this creates alt universe jocktober, but there its called "Opies from around the world."

Holy shit! I forgot about "Fezes from Around the World". Never got a laugh from Ant or Jim EVER. Opie kept pushing it though.

Before Ant rescued him he was playing Stevie Ray Vaughn singles at 10 at night in Long Island. He never had the talent Fez had and has been carried for a full 10 years or more. Close to his whole career.

Go listen to Fez from the 1990s to about 2005. He's BRILLIANT in that period. Fez used to be the most talented guy on Ron and Fez. He used to be the draw on that show. Go listen to a show from like 2002, Ron will be good but Fez will just be stellar.

Opie never displayed what Fez did in his career.

Fez from 1990-2005 was brilliant? I didn't listen to Ron and Fez back then, so it makes it hard to believe, but I keep hearing it. So, what happened?

Edit: down votes for asking a question...fuck you guys!

Mental problems

Both Ant and Ronnie have identified (mentally stable) Fez as a 'comedic genius' and one of the funniest people they've ever met

It really wasn't that funny, just because Ron and Fez isn't that funny. But Fez was extremely quick witted. I find it way more interesting now that he's lost his mind.

These clips make Fez's rebuttal all the more wonderful.

He is a lucky guy (Fez), how many radio hosts get to just shut it down to this extent and still keep pulling in the paychecks for years, while also milking the company for huge medical bills?

But Opie is the last guy who should point out luck.

You have to be kidding, what a delusional fucking moron. He has no talent whatsoever, and no humor whatsoever. He'd still be the local hack on the radio playing music were it not for Anthony, then Jimmy.

Holy shit, Fez finally found someone the listeners will back him up against.

From spinnin' the hits to owning puddin' tits.

You can't own tits that out of control. They own you.

just to clarify: as lucky as fez is to have ron to carry the show through his genuine mental issues, fez is ACTUALLY TALENTED. he did 15 years of amazing radio. he was a genuine cohost

opie has NEVER done any of that. he's NEVER had any talent. he does not have a leg to stand on

Oh boy this thread is going to blow up.

Fez's complete and total decimation of Opie was the funniest thing I've heard in ages.




Don't you haters get it? That's the bit. Why do you even listen to the show? It's as if you listened for straight comedy instead of subtle, brilliant, bits like this.

There is nothing brilliant about Opie, just assholes like you pretending that his idiocy is deliberate.

Let's just say they are on equal footing as the second most talented person on their shows. That being said, Fez has never sold one subscription or popped a rating point, yet Opie and his show have. He's been dragged around from opportunity to opportunity by Ron and honestly, the goodness of Opie's heart. XM wasn't creating a channel for Fez, nor clamoring to hire them at all. That, gentlemen, is the definition of lucky.

I will say this again, there is nothing sadder than you dumb fucks who hate the show still posting in a dying subreddit about it. It's pathetic.

OOOH! I found One thing Sadder than fucks like us who hate this show, and still post in a Dying SubReddit!!

How about some Loser, who spends his Saturday nights Bitching on the Same "Dying SubReddit", about how "Pathetic" we are! Define Irony!

He's got a point ya know?

I didn't say you were pathetic for posting here on a Saturday night dummy.

Let's analyze this. You hate the show now and Opie. Yet you fags are still posting in a fan subreddit about his show, analyze his daily Twitter activity, staged a hashtag fag protest, and some real cunts tried to organize a rally. That's the definition of being a sad shithead. You must have a horrendous life to be focused on a radio host in his 50s.

I focus about 5-10 minutes a day on this sub. (by the way It's the old O&A show sub, not Opie Radio) It would make sense that most of the people here are not crazy about the new direction of that clusterfuck / shadow of what it used to be, unfunny disaster known aka Oqie Radio.

Like Moxson4 pointed out, you seem to come here only to bitch about the people who bitch about the show. One big giant circle jerk and people like Dre and Termite Taint are the one's he get to eat the cracker (or whatever item people jerk off on that is edible). The sub has passed you two faggots by (don't ya love how that expression just pisses you off). I could really give a fuck any more and the fact that I'm wasting 3 minutes of my time commenting on any of this is beyond me.. oh well It's Sunday.. and Sunday's are for fucking off anyway.

Actually, I come here to share opinions on Opie and Anthony...but you're correct, I should move on to the other subreddit. It's full of wordy blue collar trash like you...complainers with empty lives still obsessing on a show they don't listen to when there are multiple alternatives. Cunts to be honest. Take care.

At least most of us share a common interest! But you actually took to E out of your Saturday night, to let everyone know what a Rebel you are! And letting everyone know that you are the Lone Voice of Opposition, MAN!!!!!

Almost as pathetic as a cunt like you whining about people that hate Opie. Why the fuck are you here if you cannot stand people shitting on your hero, little boy?

Fez was consistently fucking hilarious when Ron and Fez were on NEW with O & A.

Luckiest man in radio is probably Anthony since he was climbing in God damn attics before Opie dragged his ass out and gave him a career.

The second Luckiest is Jimmy. If it wasn't for Opie no one would have ever heard of Jim Norton. He'd be opening for Jim Florentine or some other middle of the road comic friend that felt bad for him.

Opie without Anthony or Jimmy would still have a career in radio. Without Opie neither Anthony or Jimmy would be in radio. Maybe Opie wouldn't have had the success he has now, but if you think Todd Pettengill is some down on his luck, broke radio hack then you're an idiot. The guys worth more than anyone calling him a hack. So to say Opie would have never made money in the industry is dumb, and he's got an eye for talent and putting together a radio station so there's that too. Gotta love when a bunch of fat, worthless slobs with no careers of their own bash highly successful people.

being a hack and having money aren't mutually exclusive ya dunce.

and you say "bash people" when all were talking about it Opie. Stop trying to generalize Opie like hes part of some legion of successful, brilliant minds that were judging. Hes a guy who goes on the air 3 hours a day and complains, so he breeds a certain base that....get this....complains! HELL, even you , right now, are complaining. SO please spare us with the "Opie has money so that makes him better than all of us" angle.

Its weak and even you are better than that.

I never said anything about complaining you ass. I said without Anthony and Jimmy that Opie could still have made boat loads of money whereas Anthony and Jimmy were both living in obscurity before meeting Opie. Anthony got his chance at 32 to do radio. It's not like he had tons of offers waiting for him at his door.

im not debating the Anthony part because i agree with you on that but if you think Opie would be ANYWHERE without Ant, you're a little crazy. MAYBE he would have became a drive time disc jockey in some semi-major market, but dont talk as if Opie was the bread winner talent and Anthony just got lucky riding the coat tails of Opies "talent" .

There's plenty of "hack" radio hosts in large markets making large amounts of money still, and obviously Opie knows how to program a pretty good channel as well. To say he would have no success in the industry without Anthony is a stupid thing to say. Ask Todd pettengill and his bank account.

And Anthony does credit Opie for the direction of the show. Opies also the one that stopped playing music and turned it into a morning talk/shock radio show. He's also said Opie was great at handling a lot of the behind the scenes stuff that Anthony couldn't do because he was new to radio. To say that Opie sat around and road someone's coattails is a fucking misguided statement. A lot of revisionist history gets stated as fact around here simply because people hate Opie now, but you can't discredit his contributions just because he's not as funny, or a bit hacky in his older years.

to me, Opie would just be another Todd if it wasn't for Ant. and to "manage a radio station" all he does is ask successful people if he could just play their shit on his channel. the only thing that's original on that station is sam and eriks show. Not all that great.

He caught on to Howards market and decided to get someone funny to get bits going. All of Opies bits were terrible, Ant put him on the map.

And Opie put t Anthony on the map. They were a team. No one person can be credited for everything. Yes, Anthony is the funnier guy but if you think funny gets you anywhere in the radio industry you're an idiot. Anthony says he had no idea what to do early on. It was opies foresight and eye for talent that helped the show grow as well as Anthonys comedic genius. That's been my point all along. People just want to ignore the facts so they can keep hating on Opie when in reality he had as much to do with Anthony getting popular as Anthony did with Opie. Just because Anthony was funny doesn't mean he would have been able to turn it into the show it once was without having Opie there. Listen to Anthony early on, even into the wnew years he was just happy to be there and was awful himself. Some of his bits were no better. Must you be reminded?

And Howard was hardly the first to do shock radio. Don't believe that shit. Also from what I can tell Opie, even before the fued never credited Howard as much of an influence at all. That was more so Anthony. So you could say Anthony was ripping off Howard if that's you're argument.

It was opies foresight and eye for talent that helped the show grow as well as Anthonys comedic genius

but if you think talent funny gets you anywhere in the radio industry you're an idiot.

Great point TP, being good at something never got anyone anywhere. If Opie didn't pluck Ant from obscurity he never would have gotten another opportunity ever. Please keep enlightening the haters with your flawless logic.

He was a 32 year old tin knocker that did voice impressions. Yeah people were just knocking at his door. It's hard enough to get into morning radio. It's much harder when you have no experience, aren't known by anyone and work construction for a living. If you think Anthony had many more offers past Opie then you're a dope. There's well known celebrities, with large followings that don't make it in radio. Listen to early shows and Anthony didn't know what he was doing and he sounds like he's happy to just have a gig.

Even Opie had to beg the station to give Anthony a chance because they wanted nothing to do with an unknown guy. Opie also had to beg for Anthony to get paid.

So you really believe Anthony had another opportunity coming? Because I just don't see it. Guys that work there entire lives in radio don't make it much less an unknown, construction worker from long Island with absolutely no experience.

Edit: and fuck you stop replying to me. I really need to start reading usernames. You're supposed to be ignored God dammit!

Edit: and fuck you stop replying to me. I really need to start reading usernames. You're supposed to be ignored God dammit!

Oh TP, I highly doubt that even you would be so dense as to not recognize my writing style after numerous interactions. I think my posts really irk you, to the point where you can't help but reply even though you put me on your dreaded "pay no mind list".

It's hard enough to get into morning radio. It's much harder when you have no experience, aren't known by anyone and work construction for a living. If you think Anthony had many more offers past Opie then you're a dope.

One of your biggest weaknesses TP, and what I believe really inhibits you from making any significant headway on this subreddit, is your inability to properly interpret arguments and refute them adequately. If you read my post closely, you would have noticed I never affirmed a proposition of my own, only challenged your claim that being entertaining had no correlation to success in radio. Since you put forward the initial claim, you still had the burden of proof, which you still now bear since I have identified flaws in your initial argument. Since I never affirmed anything, there isn't really anything you can challenge me on I'm afraid, TP.

So you really believe Anthony had another opportunity coming?

I never asserted that Anthony would have gotten another opportunity beyond a reasonable doubt, only that you asserting the opposite is invalid reasoning, as this is something that cannot be known in all certainty. Anthony was also on stern in 1994 and did very well, that is not to suggest he had the inside track on a gig, but he was definitely capable of breaking into the business by some other means. Why do you think Opie gave Anthony an opportunity to begin with? Because he was some down on his luck tin knocking schmuck, or because he was extremely talented?

I'm afraid you're wrong again TP, since I never asserted a claim you really have nothing to challenge me on. I simply refuted your notion that Anthony never would have gotten another opportunity, and being talented does not correlate to success. Both of which, much like yourself, are utterly ridiculous. I eagerly await your next response, I am not fooled by your "pay no mind list" and "Damn! I didn't see your username" copout. I know and you know that you need to respond to my posts, even though you do not have a legitimate argument to speak of. You lose, TP.

No I said you can't just be funny and think you'll break into radio and have a successful show. Early on if Anthony was left alone to do a show it would have went horribly. He said himself for years he didn't know what he was doing. Try and recognize what I'm saying before you drone on, and on, and on. Anthony even struggles on his own now. You need people to keep the show rolling and to bounce things off of. Say what you want but Opie and Anthony had great chemistry for years and it was there drastic differences that made it that way. It was also opies ability to know radio and the industry to which Anthony had no clue.

Maybe he would have broke into radio but let's be real it would have been highly unlikely and that's pretty much what I've been saying. I'm not sure why you're arguing with me. There just aren't a lot of opportunities in radio and how many of them obtain any success at all? It takes a great deal of skill, luck, right place right time. It just doesn't happen all that often. Maybe Anthony and Carolla that's it and Adam Carolla got dumped from morning radio faster than a bad habit. I never said Anthony couldn't do it, but it's like winning the lotto twice and how many times has that happened?

Oh and no I don't normally look at who I'm replying to but since you're a creepy stalker/fan I guess I'll entertain you while I'm bored at work.

TP why am I not on the pay no mind list anymore? I thought you said ignoring my badgering would be easy?

Watch as I ignore you are and don't care. See its easy.

I thought your initial argument was that Anthony would not have gotten an opportunity if it weren't for Opie.

Luckiest man in radio is probably Anthony since he was climbing in God damn attics before Opie dragged his ass out and gave him a career.

Without Opie neither Anthony or Jimmy would be in radio.

Now you seemed to have "moved the sticks", which is a fallacy, and proposed a whole new claim altogether.

No I said you can't just be funny and think you'll break into radio and have a successful show. Early on if Anthony was left alone to do a show it would have went horribly.

These two propositions are entirely different in what they present, and you cannot transition seamlessly from one to the other if you have not sufficiently proved your original argument.

Maybe he would have broke into radio but let's be real it would have been highly unlikely

This point is voided by your initial argument, which projects certainty.

Without Opie neither Anthony or Jimmy would be in radio.

Furthermore, it's highly unlikely he got a gig with Opie in the first place, but just because something is highly unlikely doesn't mean it would never happen. You project certainty in cases in which it is impossible to discern. You are not omniscient TP, despite what you may think.

Oh and no I don't normally look at who I'm replying to but since you're a creepy stalker/fan I guess I'll entertain you while I'm bored at work.

Given your poor grasp of the English language and inability to craft proper arguments, I can't say I'm surprised with your lack of attention to detail. Regardless, you should have been able to pick up on my writing style now, unless you are truly hopelessly dense. Not to mention I constantly refer to you as "TP", which should have been a clear indication in and of itself. Just admit you made a miscalculation by putting me on your exempt list TP and that you cannot resist responding to my hecklings. You cannot prove your point when you don't have one, and since there is significant amount of doubt and variables surrounding your initial premise i.e. Anthony would have never gotten an opportunity in radio if it weren't for Opie, it is not something that can ever be found valid. See you in 2015 TP, Oh wait..

E-RockComment: 2 TP: 0

Look at how much I care...

You're a creep that stalks my comment feed. Go away. Anthony needed Opie just as much as Opie needed Anthony. That is a fact. Conversation over. It's 4. Work day is done which means you are too. Night, night.

Look at how much I care...

Your responses make your caring a self evident fact, and also a faggot if you stand by your initial proposition in that regard. I hope you have reconsidered though.

You're a creep that stalks my comment feed. Go away.

How do you know TP? You're pretty active on this sub, surely I would happen to stumble across your fumbling posts from time to time. Perhaps you're the creep for continuing to argue with people on this sub without having a legitimate argument to begin with. Only a creep would continue to associate with people they are not fond of. Perhaps you are the nuisance that needs to "go away".

Work day is done which means you are too. Night, night.

I thought I was done for the week 4 posts ago? I thought you were a man of your word TP, it seems I was mistaken. Your inability to commit demonstrates a weak character and an even weaker rationale, I think you should just throw your hands up and quit this sub altogether.

See you in 2015!

Ha! Good one, TP.

E-RocKComment:2 TP:0

Look at how much I care...

Hey TP, if you want to continue our conversation why not try to prove your original premise within the context of this discussion, that being Anthony would have never gotten an opportunity to do radio if it weren't for Opie? Perhaps you can win me over.

I appreciate that you have removed me from the pay no mind list, despite your steadfastness earlier.

You're being put on the pay no mind list except for once a week I'll respond to one comment. Good bye for now.

I forgot you're the asshole I put on a 1 a week comment. Well now I'm ignoring you for the month since I fucked up. See you in 2015!

Watch as I ignore you are and don't care. See its easy. Jimmy was right. Good bye.

To be perfectly honest TP, I thought you would last longer than you did, but perhaps I was giving you too much credit. At first I thought you might be a master troll, but now I just think you're just a dullard and bumbling buffoon.

Look at how much I care...

Apparently a great deal, even if you go through the trouble to copy and paste the same response it's tangible proof that you care, contradicting what you said earlier, and also the initial premise you presented in our first exchange.

but yes Opie, and Anthony are both faggots TP is a faggot for caring about Twitter as much as they do reddit as much as he does.

I hope now you see the invalidity of this premise, and have reconsidered your stance regarding it. It is possible to care about things trivial or non-essentiall without automatically being deemed a faggot.

Just so we're on the same page TP, am I still on the pay no mind list or not? If you have truly removed me I think that counts as another win for me, if you stuck to your guns that would have been a resounding victory for you in my eyes, but alas that ship has sailed.

E-rockComment:3 TP:0

Look at how much I care...

Copy-paste doesn't matter TP, you already back pedaled from your original position, you already lost. I appreciate that you revoked my status from the pay no mind list, and advise that you tread carefully on this sub from here on out if you insist on continuing to spout illogical nonsense. See you soon, TP

E-RockComment:3 TP:0

Look at how much I care...

Fez from 1990-2005 was brilliant? I didn't listen to Ron and Fez back then, so it makes it hard to believe, but I keep hearing it. So, what happened?

Edit: down votes for asking a question...fuck you guys!