65  2014-12-13 by EskimoEscrow

We have found our new Fuhrer...
Denny can still be our piss lord though


"I need my guys. My other guy went to long island, he's doing his own podcast... I need my guys, I can't keep having Florentine in every day"

Get Lady Di on the phone!

"I hate talking to Lady Di, is she on the phone yet?!"

She's dying to get on!

I liked the double meaning of Fez implying Opie needs others to carry him and that he's one of those guys guy type of douches.

Fez has a very long and recorded history of being one of the greatest men to ever live. Link me to the great old Opie bits


Ride or Die. Whatley's Warrior's 4lyfe, son!

Opie was sellin' wolf tickets but cuckboy couldn't work up the spit to answer back so he obviously must swallow.

Hashtag Opieradio!

I forgot to mention my twitter

Hashtag Opieradio.

Follow the show at hashtag Opie radio.

O' Denny
Who Piss In Heaven
Thy Whatley Cum

Give us our Daily Blueberry
Our Daily Dead (air)
And Forgive all our Haters
And lead us not into Florentine
Deliver us from Opie.

7 foot four, 5 hundred sixty pounds, Grenoble, France.

Heil Whatley

We need calls into the show next week... Endlessly reff'ing "his guys"... Or "hashtag whatleyraqio"

Photobucket? I didn't ask for these nostalgic feels...

Photobucket is nostalgic? I feel like an old man.

All hail our new Fuhrer cousins!! HEIL FEZZY

I would really love to hear what Ronny really does think about Opie behind the scenes. We all know that he is somewhat friendly with Greggshells professionally, and I'm willing to bet that the only reason he really does it is because it means more exposure for his brand and name. I highly doubt Ronny actually likes Opie at all, hell, I'd say he probably hates him. I think yesterday really allowed the average listener to realize how Opie is perceived behind the scenes. Suffice to say, they don't like him very much and it was evident in how Ronny was completely enjoying the entire bit. Interested in seeing how this goes forward, Greggshells, being the ever sensitive hack that he is will not forget about this incident. I fully expect him to cause a scene on Monday, and shit all over Fez - which is really pathetic to be honest. To state the obvious, Fez has been in the dumps lately and this was a rare return to form. Last thing I'd want to see is Opie completely destroy the very last chance that Fez has at making a comeback. But with that said tss tss I don't think fawking Fez likes possies tss I think he likes big fawking joocy peckahs all up in his mouth and aezzhole or sumfin tsss he just like gargles cum and rubs peckahs all ova his face and hes like 'oh look atame, ima faggit of sumfin' tss tss wordplay yuma, gettit. posses sounds like pussies tss tss ┏┏ bish

You make good points, up to and including the Chiproll.

You know Ronnie was fully on board cause it's the only character he had Fez do twice

Hypnotize Camp Posse, roll with us or get run over.


Denny knows the hits,he can suck his own dick, and unlike Jesus he actually exists so I am gonna give him my vote of confidence.


You sad faggots are really scraping the bottom of the barrel, are you really supporting fez. The weird thing its that you shits are the same people that will attack fez for being the horrible tumor that he is.

And something for your hipocrites to consider in reality anthony has bobo and lady di a lot in his show but theres nothing wrong with that when daddy anthony does it.

I have always loved Fez

She's dying to get on!

Fez has a very long and recorded history of being one of the greatest men to ever live. Link me to the great old Opie bits