How come Opie isn't getting ramone'd?

17  2014-12-13 by IronXth

I've never called in but presumably it's simple enough to pose as a fan and exploit Opie's vanity to get through?

"The haters are just looking for attention man, I really like the direction the show is goi....RRRRAAAAAAMMMMMMMOOOOOOONNEEEEEE!! There's a Bam Margera in my wife!" Or whatever.

Surely they wouldn't cut someone off for doing a classic O&A bit back at them, right? How tragic is it that we already know they would?

I'm almost certain if it did happen Opie (and everyone else in the room) would ignore the actual insult and reason that "Ramone'ing" doesn't work anymore because it was an 'O&A thing' and of course it's a different kind of show now..

God I hate that cunt


"RRRRAAAAAAMMMMMMMOOOOOOONNEEEEEE!! There's a Bam Margera in my wife!"


God i hate the " why don't you call and say this" guys, is this sub filled with social-phobes who have never made a call before? lead by example like jerry fuckface

Most people on here don't have the means to listen in live, (I never have).

so just call in with an off-topic switch "did u hear what dane said about you guys in (fill in your area code)?"

You can't be that obvious. They would just dump it. You have to be a subtle asshole.

Where's Jerry when you need him?

Said it before and I'll say it again. A caller will get out Raaammmmooo and will be hung up on. You really think Opie or Jim would let that call happen?

Might have to go with my other idea then and cover the Street Fighting Man/Erock jingle intro but aimed at Opie

All I've got so far is keeping the big jam tits part but replacing the 'mayoooo, mayo' with 'cuckoooold, cuckold'

I'll work on it

None of the bottle pissing ,hitchhiker murdering truckers will get the reference.

Management is happy with the show.

ME: Babykiller from Idaho, whatcha haulin?

RRRRAAAMMMMOOOONNNNEEEEE!!!! Bring me a fat titted hack radio DJ!

Riveting story

It's called a dump button. Everyone uses it now because of Janet Jackson.

It's kinda cringey when fans call and ramone anyone- it's really gotta be Jimmy to be funny

because it's not funny at all unless jimmy does the ramone bit

Ever heard of delay and hanging up?

Yeah they would cut someone off. Theirs a delay.

In your writing ability?

Does opie dump out on callers? It's obvious when the delay button is hit -- there's an abrupt cut in the audio.

" (sighs)...(slaps the console)...ahh...let's go to Snowy in Michigan SNOW-AYY!"

He has had audio removed from replays.

That's true. But that's not quite the same thing as hitting the dump button. Don't get me wrong; it's faggoty as fuck, and Opie's a pussy for doing it. But if the argument we're evaluating is "Ramoning Opie is pointless because he'll dump out," then it's not super-relevant that he'll cut it from a replay. The live listeners would hear it, and then reddit and wackbag and the rest would know that he cut it from a replay. Still worth it, I think.

In the synapses firing in your brain?