Is there any source of criticism Opie would listen to?

0  2014-12-13 by jsmill1

I think that there's no source of criticism which Opie would take seriously. He blocks all of it on social media. Sam, E-Rock, Travis, Troy, etc. all either don't care or are too scared to mention how shitty the show is. Jim probably cares but not enough to risk his job, and plus Opie would tell him he'd been doing it since 18 and Jim's just a comic.

Management apparently loves the show, but he ignored management whenever they'd disagree with him in the past. Guests don't say anything, and the ones that don't like the new show just come in less often (Colin Quinn). And of course Anthony is gone.

So what's left? It's not like he's told the listener numbers, and he'd probably just attribute low figures to Anthony leaving, not his inability. I say this because I still do want them to somehow get out of this, for Jim's sake, but it's just looking impossible at this point.


Amaral69 was ruthlessly diddled as a child and has to carry a pillow to sit on everywhere he goes

Management from all the shows they did during jocktober told them they were doing great too.

Psychedelic drugs. Lots and lots of DMT and shrooms and his ego might go down a few pegs.

I just don't think it's wise to speculate how the people in question are are internalizing the situation. For all we know, going only on the evidence presented to us through show audio, Jim is perfectly comfortable with Opie and the show. The rest of the cast has also never said anything negative about the new format and never given any indication they are unhappy or disappointed with Opie.

We also don't know what has been said behind the scenes when the mics are off, or if there's any criticism of Opie from the rest of the staff. Until there are first hand comments by the staff or Opie on the situation, we can't assume their personal feelings towards each other.

I can assume that Erock is secretly a Russain spy if I want, but without any evidence I can't come to any conclusions. Besides he is to much of a fat fuck to be a spy.

Sam's history with Scorch has me convinced that he's either irritated or perversely amused by Opie's idiocy.

Have you tried going outside and making friends in the real world and not getting caught up in fake radio politics?

You're posting your opinion here too...

Did you tell all your numerous friends in the outside world to wait a sec while you ran inside to post here?

Hurry up and go back to your healthy and well-rounded life that's completely free of having to do something as low as posting on a forum such as this, you cool guy you.