Remember when Opie said he truly believes he should be the host of the Tonight Show?

2  2014-12-13 by ciggybreath

It was met with complete silence from Ant & Jim


"HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON, we have a very important caller on the line. Hi who's this?" -Opie cutting off Jennifer Lawrence Christmas story

"Hi it's me again." -Lady Di

Hearty laughter and applause -Studio Audience

PFG-TV staring Opie, coming soon

It was during the Jason Ellis thing and it was fantastic.

Timestamp, asshole.


I just remember the time it happened, not the specific time.


I remember looking at myself in the rear view when he said this and i wasn't the same person. he is insane.

The most heartbreaking moment of that is ant says "on are way out are we?" 😔

Ellis said that, he wasn't responding about Opie.

hahahahahaheah!! Ellis sure showed him!

do you mean "on our way" you incommunicative fuck?

He'd spend the entire show talking about the musical interludes going into commercial breaks. "What was that little thing you guys played as we went into break before? Was that Crazy Train? Oh, that must've been for Jimmy. Jimmy must've told you guys to play that. I get it. Yeah, I've taken a couple peeks at their stuff, but I was more of a Led Zeppelin guy. I know we talked about them stealing most of their stuff on the show yesterday, but isn't that still just amazing that they did that?"

Opie Pupkin


This is impossible because he doesn't know how to read. He'd be stumbling through the cue cards in the opening monologue and probably throw a tantrum.