I want to take a moment to thank Opie for all of the hilarious and insightful programming I've been listening too recently.

4  2014-12-12 by climbon321

Since Opie Radio has become unlistenable I've discovered so many amazing podcasts! Thanks for sucking it up you fat titted peckah!


ME: I love friends of the show, when I have spare time from being a father I also take a peak. #fistbump


God damnit....it is OpieRaqio. Please learn this.

What are you listening to

Serial (and Slate's podcast about Serial), Tech News Today, How Did This Get Made?, Bill Burr's Monday Morning Podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, Penn's Sunday School

If you've got a smart phone install an app like BeyondPod and start expoloring

Check out dan carlins hardcore history, and tell em steve dave both great for very different reasons.

Also, big jay and soder have a daily sirius show starting in jan, which should replace jelly tits and kid completely within the year.

When/where will it be on? I'd consider getting my sub back if there was a talk show worth listening to. When I finally cancelled after realizing O&J would not be good, all I had was classic Stern shows.

I do refuse to pay extra for that shitty app though, so on-demand isn't in the cards, and was why I could never listen to R&F.

Don't even have to pay for it brother man just register a free online trial every month

I'm OK rewarding them for doing something right for once. I don't mind the music stations, just never thought they were worth it alone. I always saw it as paying for O&A and Stern, and then the music was bonus. With Stern turned into a family friendly corporate tool, and O&J being terrible, I canceled.

If Big Jay and Soder were on during my drive home, I'd consider getting back on board.

Comedy central channel, not sure what time slot, hoping pm drive, pretty sure big jay said jan 9th but i might be talking out of my ass.

Podcast Republic is better, unlimited queuing, BP only allows one at a time

Robert Kelly's YKWD is pretty damn great!

How did this get made started becoming terrible

I'm listening to "Serial" and the various associated podcasts.

I've seriously been thinking of getting into it will i regret it,?


LOS and TACS. trust me I know good radio/podcasting (been doing this for 30 years)

Legion of Skanks was suggested on here a while ago. I'm liking it a lot.

Also Doug Stanhope.

Fuck i loved stanhopes podcast. How do i download and also give him credit

Burr, Vos, R&F have been good lately. I wish any one of them would brutally murder Opie and take his spot alongside Jimmy, primitive tribal style.

Burr is a faggotito

I put burrs new netflix special in a room ful of young people. They spent 20 minutes bashing this 25 heade bald mother fucker in black and white

Serial. Adam and Drew. TWiT.

Ok finally something i haven't heard of what is twit


For me, I've filled the void with Davey Mac, Florentine, Legion of Skanks, Greg Proops, Sklarbro Country, and the occasional "educational" one like NPR's Planet Money. Got Stanhope on deck for next week.

I've always had the podcasts but they still don't scratch that itch I have for O&A. Adam Carolla has probably given me the most laughs out of them all. Adam is like Ant in that he's one of the funniest non comic minds out there. I know Adam does stand up but that's not what he's known for.