Chip Chipperson has made deeper comedic inroads in the past 4 years than Opie has in the last 33.

22  2014-12-12 by ryanasimov



I'd love to hear Chip vs Opie, each do a 5 minute set at the cellar

Opie would go up first and, as Colin would say, drain the mercy from the audience. Chip would go up, perform Opie's exact same bombing routine word for word, and make it good with actual energy and timing.

Wow... I honestly never thought about it like that. You're not fucking wrong.

inroads why not outroads

outroads why not inroads? take us out ya piece of gahbidge

chip-mate, atheists


Eddie Vedder loves him!

it's not even close. chip makes me laugh on the reg.

a closer battle would be Opie vs Valley Jim

I'm probably in the minority but I fucking love Valley Jim. It's so not grody.

Valley Jim is tots gaggable! He always looks like he wang chunged that night..ehh

What's an inroad?

Its a road thats more popular than you

What does 'road' mean in this context? I'm guessing 'friend' but I'm not sure.

This being an inroad means that he's caused more of a disturbance and made a much broader impact on comedy as in he came from nowhere and just fawked it all up ya'know? In the exact way that Opie thinks he did in his head how no one has a defense for Chip because the shit he spouts. Like a little tea pot with a big veiny purple headed custard chucker aimed at your fucking eye or sumptin. Fok'n inroad yumor!

Oof, anyone remember early Chip? Unsure of himself, calm demeanor, not funny at all. It was awful. As a matter of fact, it had a lot in common with Opie.

And he has a bigger PEKKAH!
