O&A/TACS fan gaming subreddit?

0  2014-12-12 by GameVault

Would this interest anyone? Just none of that PC master race nonsense. That shit is douchier then Opie.


What's your gamertag, queer?

Only if the game involves a cracker

There is a new one where you are bread. Close enough?

typical console gamer

I can without a shadow of a doubt say I have a more powerful computer and PC game library that would make you jealous. But go ahead and show the others what self important cunts the majority of the PC crowd is.

shutup dweeb I have a apple 2 with over 5 kilobytes of games on a color screen

What's your gamertag, douche? This bummer rat guy is never online.

Edit: that isn't you.

i'm totally me

I made sure to side with the man all the way through Far Cry 4.

frekain nerds!

mobil1977 on Xbox one - I got most games

I am interested, however need to get a new System with wifi access, PS3 broken for over a year now, and I've regressed to Metal gear on PS1 and other PS2 titles.

Regressed? Metal gear is fantastic. I think I've been misunderstood. While I am huge collector of everything gaming (hell I've got two 20th anniversary ps4s on the way) I'm not a multi player gamer. While getting together for multi player matches of course can be a part of the sub reddit I was thinking more along the lines of a general gaming sub reddit discussing games, news, maybe even collecting as well with other fans of the show(s)

You don't play mp, so what's the fucking point of a specific sub for discussing single player games.

Gaming in general. Sp and mp. I'd probably play more mp (I used too) if I didn't have to work so much to support this hobby.

There are plenty of those subs

Regressed in terms of technology. Had a PS3 and am looking forward to MGSV:TPP but it crapped out, so I went to what still works, ie: ps2 and Gba. nothing pleases me more than getting a Gamebreaker 2 in NBA Street v2. Other than a blow job... But I digress. I love the entire Metal Gear series, but alas, am tOo poor right now to catch up...

I've got a few broken ps3s so I'll see if I can get one running and get it shipped out to you. No promises though, one got the ylod I fixed it and it broke again so its probably done and the other one idk.

You like videogames a little too much dude.

Some people collect cars, coins, etc. I collect games. At least I'm not one of those awkward loner types. House, girl, friends... and a room full of games.

Are you the city who wanted ant to start a let's play channel?

Yes but I never said channel. Just record it when he played games and say some funny shit. Throw it on site or use it as filler when he's off. And it was a popular idea. Oh and I'm not a city, I'm quite fit.

Steam: a bottle of sriracha Get at me to play civ or co op starbound

Der PC wird die Schwachmischlings jew Konsolenbenutzer zerquetschen. Es gibt kein Entkommen! Heil Cumia!

Ein Deutsch Douchebag . Machen Sie nicht uns schlecht aussehen .


Ich bin ein unwissender Amerikaner mit Google Translate

Mach dir keine Sorgen , ich werde verlassen Ihre wertvollen Nazi Stolz ungetrübt . Hagel und so.

Warum haben Sie Ihr Konto löschen . Ich habe mich nur verwirren mit Ihnen.

why did you delete your account. I was just messing with you.

Probably not, but if anyone wants to play Extinction on the neglected stepchild that is Call of Duty Ghosts for Xbox 360, let me know!

Any neglect that Call of Duty gets is well deserved

  • Steam: GoatOvaries
  • Origin: GoatOvaries

shutup dweeb I have a apple 2 with over 5 kilobytes of games on a color screen

Any neglect that Call of Duty gets is well deserved

You don't play mp, so what's the fucking point of a specific sub for discussing single player games.

Regressed in terms of technology. Had a PS3 and am looking forward to MGSV:TPP but it crapped out, so I went to what still works, ie: ps2 and Gba. nothing pleases me more than getting a Gamebreaker 2 in NBA Street v2. Other than a blow job... But I digress. I love the entire Metal Gear series, but alas, am tOo poor right now to catch up...