Wtf happened to Wackbag?

0  2014-12-11 by GameVault

That place used to be poppin' years back. After a recent visit it's seems to be the same ten people and a pig posting and not even really posting that much. Anyone here an active member? What happened? I know after some people hurt O&A's feelings years ago and got shunned they started cracking down on dissenting opinions. Is that what killed the site?

deleted last sentence because it apparently hurt some people's feelings and I really am curious for an answer


It's down to ten people already? What happened to #the15?

What's your name over there?

I bet it's Beary the Arsonist.

Lurked for a bit and left. Checked it out today after listening to an old clip where they took a call from some guy from Wackbag. Checked it out saw it was kinda dead. Tried to check Full Blown Aids but that's completely gone.

Okay, you do realize that not having an account means you can't see the most active part of the board, right?

There are two active threads for today in the O&J sections the newest post in the TACS section is from 4 days ago. Where did everyone go? What am I locked out of?

We wisely decided to stop listening to the show and talk about the news, post porno and watch really shitty movies.

The Opie and Anthony Show area was basically on life support even when Ant was around and post-Ant, nobody gives a fuck and rightfully so.

Yeah I noticed that current events was kinda the only thing that I at least have access too that seems to have regular traffic.

People still listen to O&J? Also, there's a daily listening thread for TACS.

You're locked out of some of the off topic threads.

Are you a member? Wtf? I've been pretty cool here only being a dick to those who attack me first, for the most part. I ask a simple question and my thread is down voted to page 2 in an hour.

Yes, I'm a member there. Who's attacking you?

Oh, you'll notice in this cap that I haven't voted on this thread at all:

What I'm saying is I'm not a termitepaint type of poster. I dont understand the down voting if the thread.

So the site is poopin' behind a member wall. Gotcha. Thanks for an actual answer.

Poopin' all day, everyday.

My nigga! ;)

You actually give a shit about the voting system on reddit?

No I just wanted to get a legit answer before the thread disappeared into the depths of the subreddit.

Your pandering is becoming unsettling


The world needed a forum for Bronies to connect and, with the creation of Opie Raqio, Wackbag answered the call and re-branded. Since July the site's revenue has quadrupled as Bronies everywhere have made it their home on the internet.

It doesn't help that "new registrations are currently not being accepted"

One member liking every post effectively neutered the community.

The Brother Joe thread on Wackbag is quite entreating. Ronnie B quote thread 0will go over 10,000 early next year. There are still a lot a lot of funny people there but there is not much activity in the O&J listening threads these days.

Combination of heart attack censoring everything along with Twitter and reddit

Nvm. I understand why the site is a ghost town now. Went the way of the first TACS Reddit site. Shame.

What are you even talking about?

I got a crazy idea children. Instead of just down voting this thread why don't you actually answer the question. Well on the plus side I guess that means the question of if there are some active Wackbag members here has been answered. Thin skinned ones at that. I'm not attacking the site just asking a legitimate question. Thank you.

Thin skinned? Those are people who arent on Wackbag.

If you want a serious answer, dont start a thread sounding like a cunt.

If you want to know the official state of WB, please direct all questions to @three hole puncher. He can answer anything you need to know over there.

What part of my original post was cunty? Hell I even edited a part that MAY be taken the wrong way. No wonder that sites dead you must have to walk on eggshells to post there.

The fact that you had to delete parts of it should give you your answer.

Don't want to upset you snowflakes. No go enjoy your precious ghost town. You have done enough defending against nothing to earn an atta boy from the nine other posters and the pig. Now I think I'm going to take the advice of the others and just ignore you. Enjoy your obvious insecurities.

No go enjoy your precious ghost town.

Says the guy too retarded to figure out he's not seeing the entire board.

You have done enough defending against nothing to earn an atta boy from the nine other posters and the pig.

See above, dummy.

Now I think I'm going to take the advice of the others and just ignore you.


Enjoy your obvious insecurities.

Says the guy bitching about imaginary internet points.

You need some attention tonight, buttercup?

Is Wackbag the churning machine it was back in 06? Of course not.

Is it worse because "GameVault" says so? Even more not.

Dont like it? Dont visit the site. You want to bitch about it here? Deal with the responses.

Just ignore Fletcher(if he is the same guy on Wackbag). Lurking on Wackbag for a few times in the past to decide whether to join or not, I seen this Fletcher dude act like he is all and mighty. It's worthless talking to people like him. He has the Opie disease of having false self importance.

"Ignore fletcher" Now that's solid advice. Also, you shouldn't join. You wouldn't like it. Hell, I like it and I don't even like it.

I am the same guy on Wackbag. And "all and mighty"? Are you retarded?

And I have NEVER pretended to have some airs of self importance, so you can go cry yourself to sleep somewhere else. Oh wait, thats here.

Yawn. See what I mean? Typical fletcher comment, thinking he is really giving it to somebody, even though nobody cares what he says.