Opie's dismal attempts at racial humor were as unsubtle and forced as you would expect.

13  2014-12-11 by ryanasimov

I've been listening sequentially since the show started in '04 and I'm up to late 2011. For the past few weeks of September and October (excuse me, Jocktober), Opie has been trying to make a bit out of saying "Those people..." as a tag to someone else's line. He usually shoehorns it in when Anthony or Jimmy make a veiled reference to race but the Opester has to make sure us dopes understand the joke.

An example is when they were discussing Sofia Vergara and Anthony laughs and hints that one of the photos they were looking at had a racial element that he found funny. Jimmy laughed too, and it would have been enough for the listeners to catch on but no, Opie has to steamroll in with "Because THOSE PEOPLE look like animals...", proving once again that Opie's brilliantly nuanced sense of humor is preeminent on the show.


Opie is the real racist

because he is 125 pounds soaking wet, pale pussy with NO DICK.

"THOSE PEOPLE" is terrible, but wait until you catch up to this year. Right after Anthony's firing, if something remotely regarding race would come up, Opie would say something completely non-offensive and then say, "OH god. I'm fired now. I'm fired, aren't I? Sam am I gonna be fired? I'm getting fired for this. Oh god. We're fired. So fired. Sam? Fired? Sam?"

It was an attempt at making light of what happened to Ant, I guess. Nobody EVER played along with him, and he'd do it way, way, way too long.

It sounds like bobo and David show

The David & Bobo Show was funnier.

Quick. send this to Gawker!

Opie explaining shit is infuriating. One of my main peeves with him was how when a popular story is referenced by someone, he has to stop the conversation "Just to clear things up, because we have a lot of new listeners."


and then its silent and you have to move on. he doesnt allow funny to sit in front of him. he has to stomp all over it.

Right! He will stomp on a hilarious Ant or Jimmy line, but when he's about to puke up what he thinks is a funny line, he says WAIT WAIT WAIT!! And then says the line, followed by the fake uncomfortable laugh from O&A.

Never mind THOSE PEOPLE, what about "questionables"? Seriously though, let's get into this

I've heard Opie try to stuff "questionables" into a conversation a few times, but Anthony and Jimmy never bit.

because it's fucking retarded

His cadence makes it that much more enervating.

that's a great word to use to describe it

He should lose his job over this

Remember "I DIDN'T DO SHIT!"??

I still chuckle to myself about that one.......

Ive brought that line up recently too. It was around when i first started really listening in '10-'11. Before i was even aware of any of the opie hate i kept thinking why the fuck does he keep saying that? Its not even remotely funny, is he trying to be cute or something? Then i learned of his awful obsession with trying(and failing) to come up with catch phrases.

Opie's humor is less nuanced than a terrorist attack.

not as funny either

Depends on the attack

I am fucking outraged.

I bet Heeby Kikeberger Greenstein loved the joke, as the jews hate the fucking Jigaboos too.

Where is that faggot slit eyed gook Aleks Chan when you fucking need his yellow rice paddy working ass?

His boss is most likely a kike and told him to keep out of it.

I hate racist people like Opie.

Yeah, and white people!

Now you are taking things too far sir.

The times when I cringed the hardest was when Patrice was in and Opie repeatedly said "fo' sho!" in a non-ironic, wanna-be-hip tone of voice that he wanted Patrice to acknowledge, which Patrice of course never did. Ugh.

I wish Patrice bashed Opie.

I'll do you one better! I wish Opie would have taken Patrice's place.

No one want's to watch Opie perform the "Elephant in the room" material, dude.

I'm very offended and hurt. Opie needs to be immediately fired.

Don't we know yet that Opie the Spergstroyer doesn't understand humor?

I wish Patrice bashed Opie.