It was funny. But was it THAT funny?

4  2014-12-10 by bonecrushingkisses

Kind of sick of the over the top laughter. It seriously makes me uncomfortable at how transparently phony it is.


The show sounds like everyone in the room has a gun pointed at them, and a guy in a balaclava is holding up a sign saying "act natural or everyone dies"

Opie and Jim really do not like each other, understand each other, find one another interesting or funny or know how to be interesting and funny to the other guy. They've been working together for 13 years and they've got the chemistry of a chlorine bomb attack.

I don't get why they can't pull it together. Like you said, they've been working together for many years and they're supposedly professionals. You'd think they could meet and try to fix things. Ego, laziness, possibly lack of talent are my answers to why it doesn't happen. But maybe some people just can't vibe, it's either natural or it isn't.

I believe the answer is pretty likely that the performers feel at least to some degree the same way we do about the situation. It's not just like a dozen of us here. I feel we clearly represent an overall disappointment about a really funny performer getting fucked over, missing laugh we all expected to be having at this time and his friends trying to act like he never existed. Notice how they barely discuss him and I know it's obvious that's what you would do but to expect your fans to forget about another member of a cast who was the funniest element? Even Bobo blew you off to go do better things. That's retarded. Opie you are retarded.

Yea but 6 months is long enough to realize that he's not coming back. There is zero sense of urgency to try and get something different going. Zero show prep, zero creativity, zero ambition, big middle finger to loyal customers.

i totally agree. I think he's always done nothing and it doesn't make sense to try now. fratboy failed in the right direction.

Excellent observation.


Jimmy doesn't actually have a nervous twitch in his eyes. He's just signaling for help in Morse code.


Boy, this describes the current state of the show perfectly.

Florentine is a CIA plant with hopes of getting everyone out safely one day.

No he's more like a FBI tree tsssssss

Fawk yeah, foliage yumah

yes, yes it does

The one that is driving me batty when I subject myself to the current show is all of the CONSOLE POUNDING. Considering that Opie has repeatedly stated that the behavior is antiquated shockjockery you think he'd STOP DOING IT CONSTANTLY.

One time he was slapping the console like a basketball player hitting the court on defense and Jimmy said in frustation, "What the hell are you doing? Stop it."

He saw Ron do it so naturally he does it now. Nothing opie does or says is his original idea.

Everything he needed to know about radio he learned from Brother Wease and stole from Ron and poorly imitated it.

Opie is a Scorch-level deluded idiot.

I was just going to say when Ron does it, it is a genuine "line of the month" moment. And only adds to the fact that I'm usually howling at that very moment as well. But I guess that's the difference between inclusion and alienation.

I've heard ron do it to yokel callers before....


I'm howling! H O W L I N G ! ! !

? that's the Zoo baby!!

Jim's "catching-his-breath-laugh" where every HA is over-pronounced.

That's the one that's clearly a put-on to me.

He saw Ron do it so naturally he does it now. Nothing opie does or says is his original idea.