Opie's Xmas party bathroom sex story

10  2014-12-10 by Speclester

Does anyone believe this? First she was grabbing his "piece" at the bar in front of his bosses then on to the ladies room were the program directors wife recognized him by the red hair on his legs? Then onto the parking lot were everyone was watching through the windows. What a liar........I don't think the two Jim's were buying it


The awkward silence as he tells stories is unbearable.

A room of people listening to someone with authority over them lie and tell unfunny jokes is always such a debilitating and uncomfortable silence. Everybody is screaming "THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN AND YOU'RE NOT FUNNY" in their heads but going "hmmhmm, and then what happened?" and giving polite, job-saving chuckles. Basically every unfunny lie that Opie told at any length on air is like that.

Dead on. You sound like someone who works there.

His lying is a bit

I'm not ly-ying.


No one believed this horseshit, not even Florentine.

Wait. Was this Opie telling this story, or Chip? This sounds like a "story" straight out of the Chip Chipperson book of "FUCK YEAH!"

Wow, this shows Opie has gone so far into believing his lies that he's starting to fabricate stuff that's egregiously fake. I don't listen to the show anymore, but did Jim or Sam not call him out?

I don't believe him. My reasoning is that he lies about almost everything, so why would this be any different?

I think it was Florentine who asked "did you have shorts on?" when he mentioned the hair.

I'll never understand the need to lie and make up awful stories.

One day when he gets called out and caught in a lie he'll just shrug it off and say he was making out in a room but he wanted to pump it up for the radio.


I dont know or care

You mean the same way everything he says is fake? Then no I don't believe him.

Patrice called him on a lie once and he got for real mad. They were talking about Clint Eastwood opie said he didn't like his movies, and Patrice said opie you Said you don't like Clint Eastwood..

A few moments later opie stops the convo and says " wait you calling me out for not liking Clint Eastwood?, unforgiven is pretty fucking old bro"

Patrice laughed and said " why you mad? Ahhhahaha"

Opie went on for a few more mins talking about the movies of Clint he likes and the one he doesn't...

I can't follow this story. What does unforgiven being old have to do with liking Clint Eastwood?

It's a Clint Eastwood movie. Opie said he hates his movies. Patrice said its his favorite one of his. Back peddling ensued

I know it's an Eastwood movie, just don't understand the 'pretty fucking old bro' line

Oh he changed his story and said " I only like a few of his old movies"

They were arguing because Opie was saying Clint's newer movies all sucked, because he considered Unforgiven an old movie. Patrice did not consider it an old movie. That's what the argument was about. I don't know what this guy is projecting onto that discussion.

Thanks for clearing that up.

I don't know if he's ever told a genuine story about sex he has had. I pretty comfortably put the numbahhhhzzzz of women he's had sex with at 5 or less.

Opie is a virgin. Hudson and Harlem are Bam's kids

Christmas christ-killer.

I believed he banged some girl FROM the Christmas party. He was a handsome guy and a local celeb but all that other stuff is just embellished nonsense.

He was never handsome if the photos from every part of his life are to be believed.

photoshop is a key tool of the hater agenda

Thinking about it now i bet some of this story happened to someone he knew but HE was the one looking under the stall


Like none of you have ever told a small white lie or two before....

A small white lie? I can probably come up with 20 embarrassing lies that Opie told for at least 5 minutes to an international audience. I don't publicly and grotesquely lie at least 4 times a year to hundreds of thousands of listeners.

Maybe he embellishes for the show a little bit.

yeah? does he like to pump it up for the radio?

Perhaps more than that.

A lil' bit, a lil' bit

I believe him. And if he's lying, why would I care? He's doing a radio and trying to be interesting. Just like Ronnie B has said numerous times, lie to the listeners.

Here's the difference ron is an admitted liar, a carney at heart, and naturally entertaining whether he's telling the truth or not.

The auditors don't like sarcasm. It's a life of truth bombs.

yeah? does he like to pump it up for the radio?

A lil' bit, a lil' bit

I know it's an Eastwood movie, just don't understand the 'pretty fucking old bro' line

Thanks for clearing that up.