two o-peas in a pod

39  2014-12-10 by [deleted]


A bald man with boobs. Opie is Ms Garrison

At least Opie accepts his age and balding Mr. Hair plants Cumia

You're such a boring, humorless cunt thermitepaint. Bring a little joy to this world for the holidays and go kiss a .42 slug will ya?

Keep trying to sound like Jim Norton.

No, I'm serious. You should absolutely kill yourself. I don't really care how you do it. Maybe you can skateboard off a bridge

Glad to know I'm getting to you Jimmy Norton.

Or do you like Opie better because of the thin skin?

Lol no one mentioned Ant.

Opie-Apologists want a war so badly, its a little pathetic.

You're an idiot.

No, I'm really not :)

Yeah you are. I'm aware no one said anything about Anthony you tard, but if you're going to attack Opie for his appearance just remember your favorite Guido whop Anthony cumia has fake hair and fake teeth.

I think I'll take the man boobs.

He isn't my favourite Guido whop, I don't even listen to TACS dummy.

Once again, Opie-Apologists are pretty pathetic, and you sir, are the leader of the pack.

Big fan of Opie. But who's the stiff-nippled loser on the right?

stiff-nippled loser


Look at those fuckin boobs. Opie's tits are huge too.


The boobs? Look at that fucking forehead thst used to carry hair. Greg is not the playboy he thought he once was.

Wow... Over the head on more than 1 level

Brilliant.. LOL!!!

Love the direction of the hairline, I'm all in with the forehead...

ME: It was a lighting issue.

Issue: boyish figure

Yeesh. Lynsi must be questioning if being a gold digger is really worth it.

But I don't see her with no broke... broke

Eh, I think Bam services her well enough for it to be worth her time.

Opie and Dopey.

LOL! It's funny because it's just so goddamned mean.

Not even close. Ron Howard has kept me entertained all my life. From the sleepy town of Mayberry, a trip to the Moon, and the genius that is Arrested Development. Greg Hughes might have made me laugh once... or maybe it was a smirk.

If the Opie and Anthony show never brought you joy, why are you here? Even if you think he's not funny, no Opie = no O&A show.

When did I say that? You apologist really only read things the way you want to see them. Anthony, Jim, legions of comics, as well as the willey group of weirdos have kept me entertained. Opie has always been the lying hole. I figured that out in the XM days.

"Gregg Hughes might have made me laugh once...or maybe it was a smirk"

This means Opie never made you laugh, which means O&A never made you laugh.

You haters pick out anything possible to shit on opie and speak with extreme hyperbole. Don't give me that shit.

You have to be kidding me, right? You cannot possibly be so fucking stupid that you don't realize that there were dozens of other comedians and guests that were part of the show that make people laugh. Opie has been the single biggest anchor on that show for nearly 2 decades. That does not mean one cannot listen and enjoy the other people on the show.

Holy fuck, you call me stupid, yet you completely miss the point. The point is: no Opie=no O&A show. The same way no Anthony=no O&A.

O&A with both Opie and Anthony was better and will always be better than anything else with these guys do on their own.

No, I am not missing the point moron. You said this: "This means Opie never made you laugh, which means O&A never made you laugh."

The Opie and Anthony SHOW, which had endless comedians and entertainers has had me laugh many times. Opie by himself? Maybe 3 times. Enough with this nonsense that Opie gave Anthony some type of fucking golden ticket. Anthony is extremely funny and talented, and was already appearing on other radio shows even Stern. I am sure something would have happened. Anthony and Jim Norton, and any other guest, is far better than Opie and least as of the last 15 years. The humor comes from Anthony. He needs someone to bounce off of, and Opie is not all that great compared to any of the dozens of examples I can give. This is not the mid 90's, Opie is a HACK.

Wow you are unbelievably stupid.

Has to be a troll attempt. Nobody is that dumb. It isn't possible. Even opie supporters aren't that acutely devoid of basic cognitive comprehension.

"This means Opie never made you laugh, which means O&A never made you laugh."

A glob of primordial protoplasm could see the obvious logical fault in that statement.

This fucking stupid asshole is always posting on this forum, even a troll would have lost interest by now. He is an Opie nut sucker that cannot stand seeing the cunt bashed for the talent-less cunt he is.

The bitch skipped fivehead and went straight to six. "I'm all in on going bald"

Is... is this photoshopped? I honestly don't know.

omg when the baldness kicks in it will be awful

Clearly it already has

How does someone with that hair have the nerve to sit there and shit-talk Prince Whatever for his baldness? I don't know how you can be seated in a tiny studio talking into a mic with other people huddled right next to you and say that out loud without turning purple from shame.


someone should photoshop this

No wonder he doesn't go on about a visual element to the show anymore

is that the opster




Opie is looking more menopausal every day. His womb is finally dry and barren.

I believe he should be faulted for his actions – not his physical attributes. Wet blanket deployed.

Yea let's be fair to the Opster because he never made a living insulting people and their appearance.


I hate having Opie as a radio name! But I've had that name since I was seven years old, so I'm stuck with it!

Plus, when I got into radio, and the Program Director asked me what they should call me, I voluntarily said "Call me Opie"! But I leave that part out of the story, every time I bitch about it. Because if I didnt, then I would have to admit that I actually went into radio and said "call me Opie"!

Has to be a troll attempt. Nobody is that dumb. It isn't possible. Even opie supporters aren't that acutely devoid of basic cognitive comprehension.

"This means Opie never made you laugh, which means O&A never made you laugh."

A glob of primordial protoplasm could see the obvious logical fault in that statement.