Was listening to the old stuff. Opie in the first 5 mins of this is infuriating considering everything.

4  2014-12-09 by [deleted]


Say "Marky Mark" again, Opie.

Bonus Opieizms: high-pitched whining, repeats himself, falls back on "list-creation" as entertaining engagement with a guest.

And what's this shit? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl6UOji6c-w&feature=youtu.be&t=352

Hahaha. "Spinny spin spin spin spin."

Oh, man. He is an annoying piece of garbage.

He did this sing-songy ditty another time...I believe it was "Fatty-fatty-fat fat fat fat". Very douchey, and probably has a Geneseo back-story.

If I recall, he's singing a song from some kid's show that his son watched all the time and drilled into his head. Less douchey than a Geneseo fraternity origin, but not by much.

He truly makes my skin crawl.

What's great is Anthony and Patrice just continuing to talk. Ignoring the absolute drain that is Opie. God, he's so awful.

I can't tell you how many times I listen to a show like this, and there will be a point where Patrice (or anyone really) and Anthony are breaking something down (as Opie would say), in a very interesting/informative/funny way, and ol' bald jelly tits just HAS to interrupt to either say something totally wrong, or say what the actual talented members of the show have already said but in a much dumber way. I've literally said "God, SHUT THE FUCK UP" outloud in my house. I can't think of a bigger burden to a show that I've liked than his untalented, unintelligent, non-entertaining ass. We could have had hundreds of hours of incredible radio if he hadn't been around the past 10 years...

I find myself saying the same thing under my breath while walking on the sidewalk with my headphones on. It usually follows Opie attempting to make a profound point that most people realized was cliche when they were in high school.

I do usually say it under my breath, or just in my head, or maybe just let out a groan, but there are sometimes like the example I said where I just can't stop myself from literally saying "GOD. JUST, SHUT THE FUCK UP". I'm not even the type to really cuss that much, and I'm not the type to let even the most annoying shit get to me to even a decent degree, let alone a BIG level. But with Opie sometimes...just...god damn. Go away. Shut up. He literally adds NOTHING positive to the show. He only detracts. Again, it seriously depresses me sometimes to think of the literal countless hours of amazing radio we could have had from 2004-2010 if not for The Burden being around.

(I know me calling him "The Burden" can be kind of douchey and isn't the type to catch on, but if there was ever a nickname for Opie. That's it. The Burden. A fucking 10 year long burden to one of the best radio shows ever produced. That's what he is, and that's why I want to call him that, as dumb as it may come across. It's just HIM.)

BTW, you nailed exactly what I was going for...or I can't even "take credit". It's obvious. You just summed it up perfectly. I HATE when he interrupts with nothing to say. I hate when he interrupts to say something stupid, and I hate when he combines the two and interrupts a nice flowing conversation to interject a point someone already made 5 minutes prior in a much more concise, eloquent way.

As great as the What If Machine (machine where you ask a "What If..." and the machine plays it on the screen) from Futurama would be to see well...obviously...just anything. When I was bored of seeing the big changes and their outcomes, I would just LOVE to ask shit about Opie and show once and for all how little he contributes, how lucky he got, and how he was only around for so many years during the successful periods because of those IN SPITE of Opie, and not because of him.

Such as "what if Anthony had a high paying, high budgeted, high operation gig in Manhattan and could reach the same audience as SXM", and the comics and guests for whatever reason had to choose. You know god damn well all those "regulars" would be out the door, including Jim. Every last one. God, what happy days those would be. Again, its depressing to have that thought and think of it have happening the past decade. I didn't start listening and DLing shows till like 2011/2 so I'd STILL be combing through the old stuff just because I wouldn't have to fast forward through like 40 percent of the show being ruined by Mr. Bald Bitchtits...

How has he not killed himself yet?

Fuck... I'm moving on guys. I can't listen to old clips and get any enjoyment out of them anymore, the show now is so awful even watching clips of it feels draining.

If I cut and run now maybe I'll be able to start listening to Patrice appearances in a few years and ease back in.

I would finish it with "Your mom's box" but that seems even more pathetic and infantile than ever before considering the circumstances.

I feel your pain, friendo.

Opie's phoniness has become so glaring to me listening to the old stuff is mentally taxing.

thats why I created the nopie collection. Can't enjoy anything with that dullard in it

I can only imagine what kind of things Patrice would say about someone like Opie if he never even knew the guy.

The first thing that popped in my mind: "Fucking piece of garbage."
