Opie's opinion on the Eric Garner situation

0  2014-12-08 by okconsumer

Opie's blind support for the police in the Eric Garner situation is infuriating only because he flip flops to other side every other sentence, is he afraid Club Soda Kenny is gonna push his shit in or is he just that bad at forming an opinion?

Also fuck da police


"I'll never get killed by the cops"

I hope he gets run over by a speeding cop car that on its way to a crime scene

Or as Hold On Hughes calls him, "Eric Gardner"

Maybe not everyone agrees with you opinion on the situation?

The problem is he has no stance, he doesn't know what he's talking about

No Neck Gregg never has an opinion on anything of substance. He always asks the room "where are we at" on everything. He's a dullard with his thumb in the air and always trying to be on the side of 51 percent of opinion.

That is why his politics are based on "Oh they're all douches" and a 5 minute Carlin bit. He's a coward and a simpleton.

After ant speaks for 8 minutes....

right, and that's why that's our take on it

He's a coward. Conservatives have a louder and more aggressive emotional stance on topics and he's frightened by that