I think Opie is now just playing the dumb radio guy character (Chris Rock 12/8)

7  2014-12-08 by [deleted]

Stopped listening couple months ago. Listened to today's show with Mr. Rock because I saw Jim tweet about it. So opie has Chris Rock in studio...spends the first 5 minutes listing off every comedian in the movie and saying how great the movie is, then he just reinforces what we've always known about him and his inability to have a conversation by pouting and saying "I don't know what we're supposed to talk about". Way to go you "professional broadcaster". You have CHRIS ROCK in studio and you don't know what to talk about! You make it painfully obvious everyday why you ever became a name anyone cared about in the industry.


Sorry, this post stinks. I hate Opie as much as the next guy, but he was clearly saying "I don't know what we're supposed to talk about" in reference to not giving away any spoilers. This was pretty evident when Chris Rock mentioned Jerry Seinfeld, and both Opie and Jim said "Oh ok, I wasn't sure if you were going to reveal that cameo.

It's like trying to teach an octogenarian to ride a bicycle after they've been pushed or towed for 20 years. Every time he has to propel himself, he falls on his ass, looks back and goes, "Oh, I gotta be the one to move this along?!?"

Wait you think bad interviews are new since July?

Didn't he say "I don't know what we're supposed to talk about" in reference to the movie and what cameos could and couldn't be mentioned?


Ive listened to every show since the firing. Its exactly what they ment. The fucked up unbreakable last week with mass spoilers and ppl got pissed so they are trying to not spoil top 5 since its premire only

Anthony was absolutely the best interviewer of the 3. Miles ahead of the other 2

None of them were really any good at it. They could do the "hang" but not anything that required actual prep. (ala Ronnie B)

That fucking redneck caller was radio AIDS. What the fuck was Opie thinking? He just completely interrupted he flow of the conversation so a redneck could call in and talk about another Chris Rock film he liked, then give his opinion on the NBA. You could hear everyone else in the room patiently feigning interest.

Fuck, Opie really is terrible.

Goddamn it's annoying when there's an interesting topic in the news and all this jackass can say is, "I don't know" and then defer to the listeners. The only thing he gives any effort towards knowing is mediocre 90's rock and it's starting to grate on me.

What about reality shows

I heard Ant bitching on his show the other day, about not getting invited to something Chris Rock related, but I turned it on at the end of his rants. Who screwed him this time? Was it Opie?, or Sirius?

Opie said he was invited by the movie company because he has to do this interview

When Ant bitched about this Chris Rick thing on his show the other day, it kind of reaffirmed my opinion, that Anthony can say all he wants, that he loves the new show, but it's obvious the he just Can't let go of Sirius!

i don't think Ant gives a fuck about Opie, but Whenever Jimmy does Ants show, Ant has a genuine excitement about him, that you can't fake. I wish Jim would have joined Ant on a full time basis, but I understand why he couldn't.

He made a name because his former co-host was entertaining.

And then he sucked ya peckah right? These Chippy pastas are getting lazy.

tss u fukkin got me u piece of gawbage

As in ...what they're allowed to talk about in the movie without spoiling shit. Sometimes you lot hear what you want to hear ....