"me and Ant never had a conversation about continuing" - Opie

0  2014-12-08 by furmp

After Ant got fired why in the fuck would he call Opie and Jimmy and tell them he was making a podcast and he'd like them to join? Why would Ant have the clairvoyance to know that his podcast was going to make money? What kind of douchebag would he have been if he got his friends to quit their gigs just to jump into a sinking ship and not be able to go back to Sirius? There was way more pressure on Ant to carve out a living and Opie is acting like they were in a similar situation.

I think the reality of this situation is that Sirius is a magical la la land devoid of a proper business model. Sirius can overpay people and do silly shit with their money. Meanwhile Anthony has a small business that can't do whatever it wants so if Opie were to have contacted him and asked to be a part of the show Anthony, being the owner of the equipment, might have offered Opie a lesser role than 50/50 partner. In addition Ant might not see Opie as worth a ton. Maybe Ant sees Jimmy as worth more so maybe a split would have left Opie with the smallest slice. At least, that's how we'd pay him if this sub reddit were in control.

So ultimately I blame Opie for destroying their brand in the end. He had a chance to suck it up and join Ant with a smaller paycheck while being free from management. But instead he just didn't say anything to Ant. What did he want? Ant to beg for him to quit his job? He needed Ant to say the new podcast requires Opie? It doesn't and since Opie never had a chance of being in charge of it / in control of the format / in control of the phones... etc. he isn't going to be interested and he'll always make it sound like Ant just didn't make all the moves. Like Ant was supposed to tell two guys to quit their amazing jobs because he had something better coming up. At some point Opie has to realize that this entire thing required him to have half a nut and he failed.


Fuck me for reading all this drivel and expecting a chiproll that never came.

you act like going through threads hoping you're getting chiprolled isn't depressing as all shit

I come here for mainly a good opie bashing since I haven't listened to the show in awhile, not to read about this guys theories. Chip rolling and opie bashing are the only things this sub is good for anymore.

or maybe they just dont like each other and they are using Ant's firing as an easy way to break it off.

Let it go, man. Jesus.

Anthony destroyed the brand when he got his ass whooped by a black woman on the street and then he went on a career destroying racial rant on twitter, or do you think this had no effect on the brand.

And why dont you blame jimmy too for sticking to the steady paycheck on a real company and not going on anthonys basement to work.

You anthony ballsuckers really are so blind as to write drivel like this when we all know you would have done the same thing and stuck on sirius.

You know the other thing that could have happened anthony could have decided to not go on a "they are not human" rant on todays pc world and we would still have a show to listen to.

He didn't destroy the brand at all, they could re-unite tomorrow and the brand would be exactly the same as always.

of course it ruined the brand you dipshit. you act like you things it's cute

you act like you things it's cute

I don't things it's cute, I just don't thing it affected the brand at all.

yeah nice reddit history you O&A nut sucking fagget

You have 3 posts, 2 of which are pointlessly arguing with me. You are clearly the faggot in this scenario.

yeah this account is for my book fuckwit. you'd never get to see the real account. such amatuerism

I don't care to. All your posts here so far are terrible.

nah i don't think Ant getting attacked and tweeting about it ruined their brand. why would that be the case? i'm not trying to blindly Opie bash here. if i wanted to i'd attack his idea of what a radio show is or i'd just timestamp some piece of their show where Opie embarrasses himself. i'm bashing Opie's strategy as a businessman specifically his ability to maintain a brand.

really do you think radio stations around the country want to have the opie and anthony brand and have anthony associated with them so when he goes on his next jimmy the greek rant, they get to enjoy the shitstorm too, maybe lose some advertisers all worth it to get the ratings from the small maybe 30k knuckehead o&a army.

I mean just look at his show he has said that hes not going to focus on the subject as much and race issues are still at least brought up every show. I really dont think hes able to control it any more.

sHet upP aHktRasUer

sTapp doOnVahTing mE aHktRasUer

Just to summarize: Opie should have taken significantly less than he was making at Sirius (both in terms of absolute dollars and as a percentage of the O/A/J trio), and he should have called Anthony to do this.

Great call.