Brother Joe's shitty Journey cover band playing a dump casino. That old bag of shit up front gets it.

11  2014-12-08 by crookedmile


the three people dancing are acting the fool, if you'll excuse the profanity


Also, dump casino is my new favorite term.

"I lost my shit at the dump casino."

Dear Joe,

Try the salad bar.

Hugs, Your belt.

Joe is the worst kind of fat, especially for an older man. He has a feminine pear shaped body

Wait a minute, why is the drummer playing behind plexiglass?

He's also running a check cashing concern to make ends meet.

It's usually done to keep drum sounds from showing up in other dudes' mics.

Problems it solves: Your drummer is a crazy hard-hitting John Bonham kinda guy but you're not a crazy loud band so you need to tame that shit. Or you're a crazy loud band but your loudness is made up of a lot of highly amplified subtle sounds that would get lost if all the mics had cymbal noise coming through them.

These are not Journey cover band situations.

So they're just trying to look "pro," or one of the guys in the band has tinnitus and can't have cymbals smashing by his head, or the drummer has incurable shit-breath, or they like the shitty sound that putting the drummer in a rattling plastic box makes.

Because the casino wanted to alleviate the suckage that would inevitably ensue for the $20 they paid for the band.

Hate to say it, but casino gigs pay pretty well - they have the cash. The downside is you play a LOT of sets in a day, it's pretty grueling.But, people have child support to pay for, bad tattoos to get covered up, and it's not like they're going to just go work in banking or something. I have some guys on my Facebook feed who I used to hang out with and drink with in Hollywood before they got famous, who have gold and in one case platinum albums on their walls, who are doing the casino gigs covering the Rock And Roll Classics 12 hours a day. It's kind of sad...but it's steady work.

It's silly, but it's supposed to dampen the noise from the drum set so it doesn't drown everything else out. It's usually used in small buildings.

I've only seen it used on TV - bands on SNL and Letterman typically will have the plexi up to keep the mics clean for broadcast. Live, they're about as useful as Sam Roberts behind a microphone. Unless they've got acoustic issues on the gambling floor...don't want a shitty cover of "Don't Stop Believing" to bother the grannies at the nickel slots, now.

Nothing says rock like baggy jeans with runners.

This is what AIDS would look like if it had a light show.

The blazer/t-shirt/jeans combo is rough. I'm half expecting David Brent to make a special appearance.

It's just the same guys haha? 2U covers Journey

Yea what are they called Jourankle or sumthin? Fawkin killed deez cocksuckas, take us out whale boy

And that isn't even their final form. After Journey, they switch to The Busboys.

Not the band the busboys, but actual busboys.

Is that the Opester on bass?

This makes me want to kill myself.

Did he pay those 5 people to dance?

Nothing cooler than watching "BGene Bono" and "Joe Edge" sharing a moment on stage and flowing off eachother's vibe

I think they're better at Journey than U2.

Are they just using pre-recorded keyboards for this? They should get Opie "The Psycho" Hughes to come do some air keyboard on songs like this. Maybe even a Genesis cover or two.

wish it was a journey to da center of da eart' or sumpthin tss

13 seconds in... must comment: look at that sashaying ass flying back and forth!

So many pairs of mom-jeans on one stage!