Does shithead even lift?

0  2014-12-07 by swarrrm

For a fat titted no shoulder old man cunt he's talked about going to the gym and eating healthy a lot. Anytime anyone's diet gets brought up shit tits chimes in with some smug comment about his perfect organic diet. He's mentioned having a personal trainer and going to the gym/doing yoga/meditating etc.

I think this is all bullshit and he's never even touched a weight tbh, just look at him. I think maybe his wife went to yoga a couple times and told him about it, then that turned into him being a seasoned yoga veteran himself. Same goes for the bullshit meditating stories and any weight lifting bullshit he's mentioned. I bet he benches the bar max and struggles.

I'm actually a part time personal trainer and can tell you from experience just by looking at him that his wife wants to tug on my fuckin peckah hard she wants it soo bad she said 'Chippah u got a big fuckin peckah and started suckin my dick so bad she sat on it with her asshole its so tight for my peckah to get in dat or somethin but i still made her cum like 3 times


double posts cock suckah

does this lifthead even shit

Too long, never even made it to the chiproll.

My chiproll was such a fuckup it would make chip proud. But seriously shithead just pretends to work out. There's no way he has those tits while going to the gym and eating behter