"Look, I've had this stupid nickname since I was 12 so I'm stuck with it, okay?"

15  2014-12-07 by ryanasimov

It really sucks that Opie's start in broadcasting back in college was predicated upon the condition that he was forbidden from using anything other than his childhood nickname. Just ignore the years of hypocritical shit he heaped during Jocktober on other broadcasters' names, because that's totally different. You see, they made up their nickname when they started broadcasting, but Opie was FORCED to use his childhood moniker.

I guess I now see the grand design of the burden of his nickname; "Opie Radio" is what the people want, not "Gregg Radio". It's been a long haul, but it paid off with a self-titled channel: "High Voltage" became "The Virus", which became "The Opie & Anthony Channel".

It has all led to the crowning glory of "opie radio/raqio". Take THAT, Howard! See how far Opie has come from "The Nighttime Experience"?


Management loves the nickname.

They are just happy the one with real balls that made the show is gone, and they finally have a Howard Lite show.


He said he went by Gregg Opie Hughes and a program director told him to pick on in his early 30s. He picked Opie and never looked back.

All the childhood nickname stuff is bullshit.

It would have been better had he been stuck with a rape allegation

Raping ears for 20 years

Funny Mo Fo is his other moniker.

You are forced to go by your nickname in radio. That's why comedian Jim Norton is known as "Toast" when he's on the radio. Think of all those great radio guys with fake names:

Scorch, Brother Wease, The Greaseman, Bubba the Love Sponge

All the coolest and least hacky guys in the world have a fake radio name.

Op you're totally off!!! Does no one remember spuds Buckley?

Why does his name have two "g's" at the end anyway? I don't think I've ever seen another Greg named Gregg.

Extra g for gay.

2 Gs like Gregg Allman...

One of the last times Opie made me laugh, they did a segment on this topic in 2013.

Doesn't Opie not like to be called Gregg? I think I read that on OAPedia once.

I think he just shies away from anything truthful about himself.

In all fairness to Opie he probably would have changed his name like Maxwell by now, but he met Anthony who he had a very successful partnership for over 20 years, and so the name stuck, business wise it doesn't make sense for him to change a recognizable name.

business wise it doesn't make sense for him to change a recognizable name.

All he would have to do is explain that. It's obvious and acceptable. But he's NOT A SELLOUT MAAAHHN so he blames it on phantom friends and family he expects us to believe actually gave enough of a shit about him to give him a nickname.

I'm betting everyone in his fraternity had a nickname except for him, and they all liked every other member, except him. So he gave it to himself so he could feel like he finally belonged.

I can see keeping the name Opie in the title of the show for recognition purposes, but he introduces himself to the guests as Opie and never calls himself Gregg except on rare occasions when his real name is specifically part of what they're talking about. He chooses to go by Opie while pretending he hates it. I imagine Gary DellAbate doesn't introduce himself to people as "Baba Booey" even though more people know that name than his real one.

Except that Maxwell changed his name because he doesn't want his listeners to know that he's a JKB.

You guys are really stretching for things to be bothered by now, aren't you? If you put this much effort into your lives you might not have enough time to listen and be aggravated.

Good point there Not Sam

Lol whatever you guys are like bunch of women in a sewing circle at this point. "And did you see what he was wearing?"

What a group of losers.

Sam, I know he gave you your big break, but the white knighting is a bit unnecessary at this point in this place

Lol whatever you guys are like bunch of women in a sewing circle at this point. "And did you see what he was wearing?"

What a group of losers.