What's your favorite impression Anthony does ??

1  2014-12-07 by [deleted]

Mine is when he does a girl peeing.....hahahahahaa!


The asian guy who wants a "rock star haircut".


That shit just kills me.

awesome - Opie almost ruins it though

Why is this only a 2 min link?! Fuck man. I love this. I was feelin low for personal reasons i wont get into now, but to hell if im not feeling good now. Feelin like ahhh ahh Californya boy. Hiyet!

I was feelin low for personal reasons i wont get into now,

Ha ha


He does a great impersonation of a White person, that dusky Arabian arms dealer.

Seriously though, Andrew Dice Clay.

His Ronald Reagan is spot on

edit... fuck opie

Agreed you beat me to it... And why the fuck would your reply get down voted? Should have added a "fuck opie" in there somewhere.

"Mommy!?!?, keep me away from the big headed monster!!!"

damn, didn't notice it was getting downvoted. yea i forgot the obligatory fuck opie apparently.

I don't know if maybe other people are tired of it, but his Jesse Ventura just gets funnier to me.

Jesse "Dice" Ventura was pretty good.


Since no one said it alex jones but his Japanese and ventura impressions are top notch

I've gotta see the AJ impression. Where?

Hoo Hoo Howie

More character than impression but Yoshi, Just because it's so needlessly over the top.

I always enjoyed his very rare Damone from 'Fast Times" impression.


He's the assistant to the executive producer.

Anthony - Damone Jimmy - Jimcy Opie - Helen Keller

Sandy Kane


Love when Ant did Bobo, "Mr Maloonigan's come here.... Cmer"


White man.

Tara Reid

Reese Witherspewn

Oh Ventura for sure.

Tara Reid in Vietnam.

"Saigon. I can't believe I'm still in Saigon."


The Tony Danza impression kills me everytime

My favorite Anthony impression is O.J. Simpson; Anthony makes O.J. so loveable when he does the O.J. voice.

Deaf karaoke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRRCLw4J3Qw start at about 5:20

His mother in law stories/impressions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeR_fihC6vE

Probably doesn't count as an impression, but his "FYOOCHAAA!!!" guy through the bullhorn was always great.

japanese girl and anything from platoon because I can quote platoon just as well and it fucking cracks me up

I loved when he did Popeye: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLHio5xd0vk

Also Tom Brokaw and Casey Kasem.

Vince Mcmahon, because it causes him physical pain but he does it anyway. A true showman, even if that show is dumb radio shit.

don west you idiots

When he does reagan as bobby kelly. He did it once and it was amazing. During the "jim norton theoretical physics" you tube video, its right near the end."...DUDE... I broke my knee... man..."

Alanis Morisette.

Mine is his newest character, depressed guy who just barely realized how fucked he is. Another new character hes been testing out is ' I now realize how much I needed Opie guy, so I better not back all the Opie reddit hate guy, guy.
