I wish Tommy Z-Man would take an elevator ride with Ray Rice

5  2014-12-05 by donkeytrotter

That is all. Oh, Opie is the worst person alive, Isis included.


Unlistenable. Also see; Sam, Coattails, Blowhard, Brooklyn Guy and that Midwestern cackling broad that Ron calls 'darling.'

That Midwestern cackling broad that Ron calls 'darling' is Janice from Chicago.

HHIYAHHHH RAHNIE laughs uncontrollably

Sam looks like Shawn Michaels after 100 superkicks to the face. Then his snobbyness - yuck.

Tommy Z badly needs a shotgun haircut makeover. I muted my radio yesterday only to hear the same fucking commercial 10 minutes later when I unmuted. He STINKS.



But then where would you get your cigars?

Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on!

Tommy Z-Man is like family to the Opester.

Also, ISIS has never cakestomped a homeless man. FACE!

Nice try with the hate tho.