Insight, by Opie: On Michael Brown (and bonus topic: banned pornography)

33  2014-12-04 by wifflebb

"Why is no one talking about how Michael Brown might have had some responsibility in his own death?"

Really Ope? No one is talking about that? The entire crux of the argument AGAINST an indictment is that Michael Brown's actions contributed to his death. Literally everyone who supports Wilson in this case does so because they believe Michael Brown's actions played a role in the incident.

There is nothing worse than when Opie thinks he's made some amazingly insightful point that everyone else is just too scared to make. The real issue is that he's too dumb to understand that everyone else is making the same point, but they're not saying it in the exact way he is.

And since this was also a recent topic - yesterday when they were talking about England banning certain pornographic acts... Opie the whole time is saying, "I don't need that in my porn. I don't have a problem with banning that." IDIOT - it is the same issue as freedom of speech. Yes, at the end he sort of back pedaled by saying you really shouldn't ban any of it because of the knock-on effect. But just the fact that his logic is "I don't like that, so I don't really have a problem with it being banned" and not seeing the direct link between that and his own endless crusade again speech policing.

I have to stop listening to this show. But I love the hate too much.


A few years back (if I was better, I'd have a link) Opie came up with this gem when everyone was talking about relationships, women, and such:

"I've ALWAYS said that men go for the attraction first, then you hope the chick has a cool personality too. But it's aaaaalllllll about the attraction first."

He, naturally, stopped the fun conversation dead in its tracks in order to say it. But he said it as if no one in history had ever heard such a concept.

Men are attracted to attractive women. And that's how relationships can begin. Brilliant observation, you shithead.

He's like patrice, but retarted

what a stupid cunt

Opie is intellectual syphilis.


Leave it alone

Oh you wanna do this?

Opie wasn't opposed to banning something that he personally did not enjoy. What if somebody didn't like raunchy talk shows and wanted him banned? He most certainly would not have changed his position on this pornography issue if Jim wasn't there to show him what a conceited, self-centered and hypocritical ass he was behaving like.

The fact that Opie has a college degree really illustrates the plight of American education.

Well, to be fair, that degree is in broadcasting. Wait, the fact that no talent assclown has a degree in broadcasting makes it worse. He knows nothing about how to do good radio.

He just has that meathead frat-guy mentality that it's "not cool" to know anything. It's why he'd always call Anthony such a nerd for knowing basic physics shit, like how orbit works.

It took me awhile to pick up on this, but it's become a huge part of what makes him a prick. He has all of the obnoxious traits of a jock without any of the actual achievements. He always talks about how he was a zero-pussy pipsqueak in high school. I have a feeling his fraternity days did a lot to make him the brilliant charmer he is today.

Sidenote: I loved when they were discussing hazing and Soder commented, "Y'know, you do have Evil Frat Guy face."

Well, its not like Anthony is such an intellectual himself. He prided himself on never reading.

No, but that just reinforces how willfully stupid Opie is, that he thought Ant was some kind of engineering prodigy because he knew what a cathode ray tube was.

he must absorb a lot of documentaries if he's not reading. i've heard Ant talk about a lot of subjects with a much much deeper well of knowledge than i was expecting. however, when O, A, or J start talking about computers I suddenly want to slit my wrists with a meat cleaver


Opie loves making himself come off like the guy that gets it in a world full of people who don't. This is particularly annoying because in reality he is an objectively dumb person. I remember once in particular, they were discussing guitar hero, and he went on a pointless little spiel about how the games are SO easy to program, and no one says anything about it! Him getting opinionated, once again, on a topic he knows nothing about is annoying as it is, but taking any opportunity to act like he's the only guy who knows what's REALLY going on, and isn't afraid to say what's what, makes him so unlikable.

his whole take on the porn stuff was very hypocritical. They always advocate for free speech and shit like that, but once again, this topic went over his head and didn't understand what the bigger issue of this banning causes, it's setting a terrible precedent in today's society.


I'll bet you were howling!

I stopped listening completely about a week ago. Before that it was shows here and there, or scan through them quickly. Honestly - don't miss it. Check back here every other day or so, and see that nothing major has changed, but once you break your routine - you won't miss the show because what it is today is nothing like what made you listen in the past.

Update us in 2 months. Old habits die hard

"Why is no one talking about how Michael Brown might have had some responsibility in his own death?"

Proof that Opie doesn't listen to Ant's show.

Opie is consistently an annoying retard, but I would never do two things I hate at once (writing an essay and thinking about Opies stupid voice). Youre talking about a guy that claims to know nothing about the case, but discusses it everyday because its a hot topic. He should either read up or shut the fuck up. Also, stop listening dude.

and this is exactly why the show sucks now...

if ant was on the show still, i know i had at least 3 days worth of radio gold after the verdict. predictable black callers calling in, calling ant a "racist" and ant fucking DESTROYING them with the facts.

it would have been great radio.

instead... dopie has 3 seconds of "i don't really know anything about that case" and then they just move along to something stupid.

dude... you've got at least half a days worth of radio that just programmed itself, instead this coward is so afraid and so uninformed he can't have a real discussion about it so he just moves on to something he's more comfortable with...

boring bullshit filler.

what a fucking waste.

the show sucks balls now, and opie is why.

no courage, no insight, not interesting at all.... just a slowly fading meathead with illusions of grandeur.

yeah, why couldn't we have niggermania cumia ranting on one topic for three days. that would've been RADIO GOLD

(god, you are such a faggot)

At least there would have been some informed passionate talk about it. Instead we get a couple of guys that haven't even read the grand jury report attempting to discuss it for weeks on end.

passionate? sure

informed? ehhhhhh

I'm not washing Ant's balls but he usually has most of the facts before he starts a rant. This is supposed to be entertaining. Not half reading headlines and then shrugging your shoulders saying "I don't man I don't know what happened"

His facts and position were usually whatever he happened to read on Breitbart or Fox or Drudge or _____ site the night before.

Not that that's the worse thing in the world but I have no idea how somebody could find three days of that horseshit to be radio gold. It was literally the worst part of the show for years.

I don't agree with a lot of what he says but you can't deny the importance of an antagonist when it comes to entertainment. It would have been nice to hear a debate between him and callers. Anything would have been better than "no one knows what really happened" No shit, I can hear this at the water cooler for free.

I never really found Anthony and Jimmy screaming over callers and repeating the same points over and over again all that entertaining.

That's not to say that Opie's shit is any more entertaining but at least he doesn't focus on it forever.

To the idiots downvoting me, ask yourself, if Anthony behaved the exact same way he currently does but he used Huffington Post, DailyKOS, CNN and the Daily Show as his quick would you be screaming at the radio redfaced about those liberal sheep and their bias mainstream talking points?

You're the flipside of the same faggot coin.


Go listen to NPR faggot.


All talk radio does this & it drives me nuts. They go "how come no one is talking about...." & then just say the opposite view point of a 2-sided news story that is represented on every segment about the story.

What an amazing insight, Opie is hack /s

We used to hate to love Opie, now we love to hate him. That's what they call an inverse paradox, right gang?

He says this because he's trying to cater to a certain type of person. I've noticed it more and more since Ant left, ironically.

Not that his remarks were insightful, but he was talking about the protesters.

No he wasn't. He said it again today. They were not talking about protesters. During Lionel discussion.

He was talking about the protesters jackass.

Nope - he said it again today when Lionel was on. They were not talking about protestors. He said, "Nobody is talking about Eric Ganer's responsibility in this." Meanwhile everyone is.

Um not always. Some/alot of the media hides, or neglects to mention that view point quite often. Yes, some media outlets probably cover it properly but let's be real the media senaltionlizes stories and picks which side they want to take, and what they report. You can't deny that. The media fuels these protests and the purposely ignore important facts. They also pick which stories they want to report. People die in police confrontations every year it's only when the story fits a certain mold do they pick it up (white cop killing a black pereon).

Don't take a couple sentences out of context.

I have no idea what point you're trying to make. There are two sides to the argument. He either played a role in his own death or he didn't. This is the entire debate. Opie keeps saying, "No one is talking about Michael Brown having some responsibility here" as if he's deep and insightful. But the very simple fact is there wouldn't be a national discourse on this topic if that view wasn't very prevalent.

You seem to be making some other point - I can't really follow. My point was just that Opie is retarded if he thinks people aren't having this conversation at length. It's one of the only things my family argued about over Thanksgiving.

Yes people are having the conversation but a lot of major news media's aren't. Learn to read asshole. That's what I mean when news organizations simply cover what they want. Also, a lot of people ignore the fact that the suspects may have contributed to their own death.

If it's being discussed at length why has a lot of the media ignored it? How your family handles the conversation and what's happening in the media on a grand scale are two different things. The fact Michael brown may have had his hands up is seemingly ignored by a lot of people.

You're just reaching as usual with Opie. I can take two sentences from you, misquote them, and make you look retarded too.

You're right - I should have known that when he said 'nobody' he was referring specifically to the mainstream media.


The conversation was about the media you literal cunt. It's nice that your family can have an open, and diverse conversation about the whole thing over Thanksgiving dinner, but for most families that's not the case. Also, entire communities have neglected to reason with the fact Michael Brown may have had has hands down, and was in the wrong. They don't care. It's a white cop killing a black kid. That's all they see and a lot of this has been fueled by the media. The truth is on a national level that dialogue isn't being had. Sure some people are, but generally speaking the media has its own narrative to write and they don't care if Michael brown had his hands up or not. It's completely racial.

You're crucifying Opie for saying "nobody" when really it's mostly a figure of speech to say the conversation isn't being had on a wide scale. Maybe your Fox news watching grandad is having the conversation, but do you think the black community, or media is? Not really.

LITERALLY EVERYONE who supports Wilson?

I didn't realize there was another defense. You either believe Michael Brown had a role in his own death or you don't. That's sort of the argument, isn't it?

There's also blatant racism

Yes, and those people believe Michael Brown played a role in his own death.

yes, and there are also people that don't even make that bullshit excuse

Well, to be fair, that degree is in broadcasting. Wait, the fact that no talent assclown has a degree in broadcasting makes it worse. He knows nothing about how to do good radio.

I'll bet you were howling!
