Doug Benson 3 days in a row

41  2014-12-03 by DRIPSCBW

I'm probably in the minority here but I actually enjoyed it. Nice to see someone come on and do multiple shows who isn't a regular like Florentine


i don't mind the guy.At the moment he seems unaware that bashing Shitbag is off limits.

bashing Shitbag is off limits.

This subreddit is so negative that I can think of seven people "shitbag" might apply to.

only one of them is Capital-S Shitbag, however


I know he milks the pot stuff in his stand up but at least he can hang and not stomp on everyone. And Opie gets really confused when Doug challenges him since he's so unfamiliar with being in that position. Really shows how much of a pussy everyone is around OqieRaqio.

The 4:20 comedy show thing had me kind of gearing him to hate Benson, but boy has he won me over. MonsteRain has it exactly right: you can actually hear Opie get a little flustered and lose his train of thought when he realizes that someone is offering mild disagreement.

The pot comedy thing is annoying, but he is actually pretty funny. His movie podcast is pretty good.

I thought you were going to bitch about it, he was actually good. Called out opie on some shit and he got along well with jimmy.

Noo not at all, I actually really like Doug. His chill attitude was great, had interesting takes on topics, plus he was calling Opie out on things that no one else ever really gets into

ok I am in based on your comment. I'm going to listen to the show that I haven't done in months.

How in precisely?

there's thing a new place called youtube

You're supposed to say "all in" you dumb piece of shit


Benson is good at hanging. He's actually more tolerable on the show than he is on his own stuff like Getting High With Doug.

Opie should totally go on Dougs show, I'd love to see him have a panic attack.

Doug Loves Movies is great though, especially the Leonard Maltin game

oh my fuck getting doug with high is so bad. the only good episode was Jack Black because he got too high and freaked out

Its an awkward feeling watching it. I love the ganj, but it only pointed out the awkwardness more. It feels forced and everyone including doug seems paranoid.

the live episodes with like 5 people aren't too bad

yeah i like them too. but the ones i've liked have all been taken over by the funniest guy in the room. dan harmon took over one and just dominated the room. and pete holmes took over the other one. i also didn't mind todd glass that much somehow.

I agree. As much as I love weed, Doug and some of the guests that come on, watching other people smoke weed is insanely boring, even when you're high. Except when they get way too high, like Jack Black or Jim Jefferies, then it's kinda funny.

Getting Doug with High.

His getting high show with Jack Black was so hard to watch.

Jack is way way too high and awkward. Doug doesn't really lead the show into anything interesting either.


Number of appearances left until the sub turns on him: 3

Ah yes, the Soder/Florentine Equation.

Yes, the "FloSo Corollary"

I've already turned on him, just biding my time to unleash until it's a popular opinion...

Fuck that be a leader

When the time is right, young squire.

Naw man, no upvotes in dat game son. I'm alls about dem upvotes.

The decision to make this post was steeped in folly.

We need folly in here occasionally bruh.

Me too, he's boring. Didn't even bother listening to day 3. What is the point of this? Nobody else to come in?

No kidding. I'm surprised this hasn't happened already

Anyone that calls Opie out on his BS is good in my book.. today. Imagine if Florentine actually didnt care and went after Opie? Jim Jefferies would destroy Opie as well. Also, you have to know that Ronnie B sees RIGHT through Opie's lies.. but he's cordial enough not to turn it into something negative and instead gives Opie "outs"

So true. Florentine always sounds exhausted when he does the show, either from holding that shit back or from Opie stealing all of his mannerisms

Definitely biting his tongue. If you hear him on any other podcast with others he has no problem calling people out.

I'm not sure if he wasn't told that Emperor Jam Tits must never be informed that he's not wearing any clothes, or if he's too stoned to care, maaaaan, but it is refreshing to see him challenge Opie, at least a little bit.

Emperor Jam Tits, that made me chuckle.

I'm confused, are you talking about Opie or Erock?

So tired of Doug Benson. Jesus, can't we get anyone new on the show? Bill Cosby for third mic!

More Rich Vos and his unfunny wife.

Didn't someone tell you? All female comedians are 10's with godlike comedy skills. Just ask Jim. He prides himself on honesty.

i'm enjoying him too. really over the whole "dude, pot is so fucking awesome" bit, especially with people on facebook posting nonstop about dabs and g-pens and shit. but he's seemed to have put that whole persona on the back-burner for the past few days, and i almost like him more than ever.

Maybe because he doesn't only talk about pot the way you over exaggerated that he does?

He fit in really well with the show and you can tell he's been listening lately, he was familiar with the pacing, Jim's characters, recent topics they've discussed.

I've known of him, saw Super High Me, it was okay but I'm not big on the whole "pot rules maaaan!" style. I think he's funny and laid back enough to fit in in this type of environment.

big fan of Doug... didn't like when Opie uncomfortably volunteered "He smokes pot" to the dude in recovery. I get why he did it but it was forced and didn't get the reaction he wanted. No bueno.

Couldn't manage to listen to all the shows, but I'm interested in what Doug called Opie out on...


can anyone here actually talk about what he challenged shitdick on?

Fez being upset, but I'd like to hear what beyond that.

Which benson podcast should I try? I saw 3 of them I think

Doug Loves Movies is pretty good, I've only listened to ones with guests I liked. Getting Doug with High is OK too but you should expect everyone on there to be high out of their minds. The ones in front of a live audience with like 5 guests are definitely worth the listen.

"Mark Whalburg" is the best impression ever.

I hear some good things about Benson. His "Super High Me" documentary is supposed to be the shit.

I like to think that he's just showing up uninvited since the first day went so well.

It also had Opie 3 days in a row, did you enjoy that too?

He's a 50 year old pot comic, I wonder how long he and Rogan can keep it up before people start noticing

Rogan will have an audience forever, thanks to the UFC/podcast. he gets very interesting people on there, as far as scientists/conspiracy nuts/astronomers/etc to keep people tuned in.

Wtf do u have against pot comics?


Ok. You dont think people already notice that?


"Hey dood, I smoke WEEEED!"

"Remember that guy that did that Mcdonalds documentary? I'm gonna do that, but with WEEED"

how old are Cheech and Chong?

Cheech = 68 Chong = 76

And you're a middle aged hag whiner. If you released a bear trap on your own head, how long before anyone noticed your lifeless body next to the the tub?

How was Opie "confronted" haha you guys are insane.

I was surprised how much I warmed up to him. I honestly would've mind him back tomorrow.

I think it'd be a brilliant move on the show's part if they had a new third mic every week. So you could have Patton Mon-Thurs, JJ Mon-Thurs, maybe even Louis or Billy Redtits.

Naw man, no upvotes in dat game son. I'm alls about dem upvotes.

When the time is right, young squire.