Anyone remember Jim Norton's terrible awful glasses?

50  2014-12-03 by [deleted]


He looks like a lesbian with leukemia.

When he grew out his hair he looked like a lesbian too. I think lil' Jimmy may be a lesbian.

He looks ashamed in both of those photos, as he should be.

Looks like Bobo

that face is made for 240p


I like trannies, alroight! I'm not loy-ing.

I am locked on his chin, or the lack of one rather.

The Anti-Jay Leno

Jim has never been in genial denial. On his rider it demands anyone in the green room have their chin covered by pulling up the neckline of their shirt.

I've also heard he's a bit of a bully, utilizing lateral movement while conversing forcing the person to shift their entire body to look at him instead of just being able to turn their head.


I can't believe he's stuck with that haircut for so long. I know he's grown it out a few times for comedic effect, but ooof... it's not flattering at all.

He grew it long fairly recently....looked like a bull dyke.

Looks like the head of a dick

He always had a cock head, with his recent weight loss he is a definite Irish pencil dick.

Those are Saul Berenson's glasses!

For wasting my time!

I don't think the glasses make Jim norton ugly, jim norton makes the glasses ugly hideous


That's for wasting my time!

*steals glasses through open car window

He looks 75 years old in those. He's got old man face.

He looks exactly like Stalker Patti when she got her head shaven for the show.

What a creepy little bastard.

If I ran into a guy who looked like Jim, I would definitely try to avoid him with great effort.

He really has an oddly shapped head. It's flattened at the top.

I almost want to believe that's Bobo