gotta love Doug Benson

15  2014-12-02 by Blockyblizzle

he's the only one that has really called out Opie on his bullshit, like when opie was calling out Fez, jimmy was kinda scared but Doug really went after him. Gotta love Doug


I've just finished listening to that whole discussion now. Opie didn't even understand what Doug was getting at.

Doug pointed out that the end of the show with Ron, Opie said something like "we should do more of this". Doug was then saying that it's obvious why Fez is upset, even if he's being completely over-the-top and deluded about it, Opie just didn't get it.

Doug said (to Opie): "I just... I don't get why you don't get why Fez is upset."

Opie just went: "What?"

So Doug elaborated for the dunce: "You seem like you don't understand why Fez would be upset by all of this?"

The Captain responded by going off on a ridiculous tangent: "Oh... Well... I lived with someone like this for a long time. Mental illness is a mother fucker. I can't be bothered by this. There's a lot of trickery that's involved in mental illness, a lot of guilt, which makes you feel guilty cause they're so insecure..."

Ol' Pudding Tits finally sorted his thoughts out, but still didn't get what Doug's point was: "...What, I should be bothered that Fez is bothered by that?"

Even though it's uncalled for, everyone listening or in the studio can understand why Fez was upset, except Opie.

Yes, Fez is an extremely insecure, somewhat deluded, borderline Schizophrenic and he's over-reacting. But, he is reacting to something - and that is why he's upset, and that was Doug's point. Opie just couldn't see that. His whole take on it was "Why is he getting upset?" Even when Doug spelt it out for him, Opie still thought it was about himself.

Opie's idiocy and lack of basic logic actually provides entertainment when there is some in studio to point it out and call him on it.

I think that's a major difference between the old show and what it is now. When Ant and Jim had one another to back each other up they would call Opie on his stupidity in situations like this. Likewise with Ant and Opie on Jimmy, or Opie and Jimmy on Ant. I think the dynamic of having just 2 main hosts is what's not helping, they're both so defensive and polite to each other. It's only when there's a familiar regular in the studio like Vos or Bobby that they begin to call each other out for their shit.


...Anyway, Opie's dumb.

upvoted for "Ol' Pudding Tits"

opie even hinted at this sub
opie said something like I love Ron and Fez "Ron is great"
doug and sam said something like "it's like saying jim was great but that opie guy...not sure about"
long story short opie said jokingly "you son of a bitch, sounds like theres a certain website out there for people like you"

Well fuck it then. If you're reading this, Sam, I'm in your pants. I'm in your pants Sam. I'm in your fucking pants, Sam. They're our pants now.


Oh... Well... I lived with someone like this for a long time. Mental illness is a mother fucker. I can't be bothered by this.

I can't believe that idiot tried to make it about himself again. I was curious to listen to this clip but after reading that, "I'm all out"

For someone who lived with mental illness he has a very poor understanding of it! His only knowledge of Fez's issues is of how it effects him and His relationship with Ron. He also cannot comprehend why 'Ron sticks with him' Ie FeZ? Loyalty and non-superficial relationships are beyond his Reasoning.

It's baffling how mentally ill opie sounds as he is getting all jerked off about the mentally ill.

I totally thought I was gonna get Chipped at the end of this

It's just Opie's usual "WHY ARE THEY DOING THAT?!" "WHY?" dumb guy exasperated voice that he goes to all the time.

If you don't have anything to say, say it as loud as possible.

I think the dynamic of having just 2 main hosts is what's not helping, they're both so defensive and polite to each other. It's only when there's a familiar regular in the studio like Vos or Bobby that they begin to call each other out for their shit.

This is probably the most concise, accurate criticism I have read on here since the split. It perfectly encapsulates why the new format is so dull, and why the first week without Ant worked at all.

im not reading all that shit

im pretty sure that he knows exactly what he's getting at, he just thinks its funny to not get it, also i think he's really obsessed with this stupid drama shit and wants to keep it going, he knows what he's doing. he's just choosing to keep the same "angle" because it "works." lol

Didn't he also change the subject right after that? Not the overall subject about Fez, but I remember him clambering away from that part of the conversation like a bitch.

Opie's not dumb, he just didn't have enough coffee yet when he says dumb shit. (from today's show) ooof! how many times has he made the lame ass excuse? Hey Opie! Face it, you're a dumb-dumb.

Thank you for your service.

Upvoted for a well worded synopsis on why this sub is what it is.

I forgot we are the same 10 people. I am actually replying to my own sockpuppet.


Yes, spelt.



past and past participle of spell.



Jim brought up a good point after that. You seemed to ignore it. Jim used to have some of the best comedians in the world fill in for him when he was gone, and fans loved it, but like Jimmy said you can't let that stuff bother you, and you can't worry about losing the gig that much. Fez has done radio for decades now. He shouldn't even need Ron.

What did Doug do/say? I didn't listen.

Neither did Opie


I wasn't going to address this nonsense, but my kid was sick onkay? I did close my eyes during the interview for a few moments, but I promise you, I was not asleep, onkay? I've been on the radio 15 years, onkay.

Not a huge Doug Benson fan generally, but I've liked him on the show. Jumps in just enough, has a different take on things, but doesn't feel like he's forcing a "unique angle" on his opinions like Opie does.

I thought we hated Doug on Monday. I can't keep up with this shit!

Can we get a link to a clip?


Doesn't look like a fucking link to me, pigfucker.



i listened and i didnt catch that.

i thought the Opie vs Fez thing lately was a bit

I interpreted this more of Doug not getting that Opie is just an oblivious asshole on purpose when it comes to fez. BTW I've liked Benson on the show more than I thought I would.


I find it hiilarious when opie talks about mental illness and all the symptoms he hates, because he does those exact things! He fucking says how they guilt you and play mind games, but when Fez got upset he started doing this reverse psychology passive aggressive bullshit by saying "Okay well that's the last show me and Ronnie will ever do, there Fez happy now?". Fuck off.



Opie shoulda went destroyer and called him an La comic faggot. But fez would cry and management likes the new direction the show is going in so nice try with the hate.

Doug Benson isn't funny and the only reason he's on is because the show is desperate.

that's fucking bullshit. Doug is funny, his podcast is one of the best, and he had Big Jay on the podcast, who is probably the most underrated comedian on the planet right now. Vs. fat Roland not getting Big Jay on there for God knows why. He's a nice, mellow, funny dude.

Big jay fucking rules.

So we're only interested in only funny all the time again?



Doug needs to stick to smoking weed



Doug Benson stunk on the show. I only listened to a few hours worth of the two days combined, so maybe he completely turned it around the rest of the time, but from what I heard he contributed next to nothing. He's just naaaaaaht funny.

Also he pushed the idea of moving the show back to something like 9 a.m. Fuck you pal, you have nothing to do with it, shut up. You haven't been on the show in 5 years and I wish it would have stayed that way. People who work want it on earlier in the morning, it helps us get up and get going.
