Opie's Demo Reel - Never Forget - "I know there's a lot of rock n rollers out there"

11  2014-12-02 by crookedmile


The one thing you cannot take away from Greggshells is the consistency he has for coming off desperately needy.

So at what point did this ugly, awkward dork think he was model material?

Opie is a Rochester 5. He would have been a Manhattan 3.

I wish he stayed up on that fucking ladder.

I wish a sweet young retarded boy ran into it, knocked it over, and left the Opster paralyzed from the mouth down.

Let's make that from the eyebrows down. I'm sure even his blinking would become unfunny and annoying.

As horrendously atrocious as this is, he actually managed to get through an entire script without stumbling over even one word. How do you LOSE the ability to read and speak over time?!


and when he looked back in the sand of his new beach front property some 20 years after leaving centerport with two very bad diagnoses and a dream of becoming a professional broadcaster he realized there were no footprints instead of the usual one. confused by this anomaly he heard the faint sound of what seemed to be andrew dice clay screaming 'that's cause i've been carrying you this whole time you cocksuckerrr'.

you're a drug addict. now go to bed.

In the anti drug psa, he legitimately looks like he has downs syndrome.