Opie complaining of guests not returning...

9  2014-12-02 by okconsumer

Today Doug Benson brought up Dax Shepard and and immediately Opie switched to "He used to do our show" mode thus bringing everything to a halt. Dax Shepard is probably a nice guy but he's a douche and nobody should care if he ever comes back. I'm tired of Opie playing the "everyone got too big our show" card. Does he realize they made fun of Matthew Mcconaughey when they "interviewed" him. I don't even hate the show that much and I continue to listen but boy does that always chap my ass.


He always makes it sound like, "we helped 'em out when nobody cared...now he's famous and is too big for our show."

First, you were one of the 15 radio shows that person did that week. Your goofy radio name "Opie" is some vague memory they couldn't give a shit about. A movie star needs to remember the 20 min he spent with a shock jock named Opie after making a major motion picture? ugh

Second, having guests in is mutually beneficial. You get a person more famous than you and therefore more people tune in. While the guest gets to plug whatever material they have to your audience. You are not "helping them" or "doing them a favor" to have them in studio, you egomaniac

Third, you are notorious for being an asshole to guests. You lack humor and social skills, so you shit on the guests, hang up on them, make them extremely uncomfortable, take awful phone calls from fans, etc etc. Opie has bitched about the South Park guys not doing the show anymore, when he was a complete douche to them one day, hanging up on them and shit.

Fourth, it's not the Opie & Anthony Show anymore. You decided to go at it on your own and a lot of fans jumped ship. Opie Radio doesn't have the brand or dedicated audience it once had with Ant. Why wouldn't guests want to go on Howard instead?

As a side note, "He used to do our show" makes it seem as though they did it more than twice. Half the time he says that shit, the guest made 2 appearances 1-3 years apart. Opie, your a fucking tool

The South Park thing is what makes Opie utterly delusional. It's one thing to be bummed that someone like Jack Black doesn't swing by anymore, but to actually claim that your dogshit show in Boston helped "break" South Park and now the creators owe you some kind of restitution is absolutely absurd. He honestly thinks they got South Park stuff into the pop culture lexicon by playing sound clips from the pilot episode on their not-even-Boston radio show.

He always claims that the were playing South Park sound clips before the show was on air (clips from the Spirit of Christmas short), but I'll bet anything if someone were to go back and find clips, they probably played drops from the first season of South Park which EVERYONE was quoting. "BEEFCAKE!!!" Matt and Trey should be sending Opie weekly checks.

He also acts as if bigger celebrities still have some duty to go back on the show now that they've hit it big, yet will talk on the air about not inviting back people who produced good radio because they aren't as big.

It's maybe not the most sympathetic example, but they had The Situation on when Jersey Shore was huge and had a good time with him, but a few months back while trashing him, Opie talked about how he wanted back on the show and they wouldn't take him. This is one example we hear about, but I'm sure there are dozens of others discussed behind the scenes. How is that any different?

Dax Shepard is married to Kristen Bell. Opie did the famous 30 second interview where he hung up on Kristen Bell in an incredibly rude yet hilarious manner. Why would clueless Opie ever think for a second her husband would do the show?

yea that and how they have had guests on in the past and were nice to them, only to turn around the next day (or after they left) and completely shit all over them. Hanging up on guests like a fucking child and talking over guests like a clueless dipshit really do not help. he's so dumb he probably thinks it has something to do with Ant's past discussion of race. That fucking delusional cocksucker.

Yeah, he's always taken it very personal when a celebrity that has done the show while on one or two promo tours in the past is not doing their show on their current promo tour, and that said celebrity should be going out of his/her way to come on the show because their interviews in the past were pleasant.

You'd think by now he gets that most actors and musicians do press out of necessity, not to forge and maintain everlasting relationships with radio jocks across the country.

The show ended with Cumia's firing. Since the re-signing, it's been a puppet show with two whores and the rotting carcass of a once great show. Nevermind, because that actually sounds like something I'd pay to see.

You know they discovered South Park ,right?

The real question is why would he want Dax Shepard to come back?


If a show slammed the phone down on Lynsi in less than a minute, I doubt Opie would appear on it. But Opie is a clueless moron so I wouldn't expect him to know anything about personal responsibility nor would I expect him to understand that nobody listens/listened to O&A/O&J for the zero prep celeb interviews.

Opie is just another entitled piece of shit who deserves cancer.

lol people upvoting cancer

Does Opie thinks by saying "he used to do our show" that somehow it's getting back to the celebrity and he/she is going to be devestated that they were called out by opie and immediately run over and apologize and do the show?


They were butt hurt because Jonah Hill didn't come on in for Moneyball (a supporting role) so they refused to let him in to promote "21 jump street" (a leading role & a bigger hit). O&A are just such bitches.

I also remember that Jon Stewart did the show 1 time on WNEW & for years after Opie would go "Jon Stewart used to do our show all the time, now he's too big". He did it once

And then Opie complained about Jonah not coming into to promote 22 Jump Street. So you won't let him come into promote the first and you're surprised he didn't come in for the sequel?

"He used to be a friend of the show". Well if he was your friend why didn't you let him come in to promote his movie? He was just a guest that came in a couple of times and had a good time. That's it. Not every girl you make out with is your girlfriend.

yeah, if I remember, the reason why Jonah Hill was a piece-of-shit was because "Moneyball" was a good movie and they assumed "21 Jump Street" was a bad movie and the cried "why do they only want to come in for the bad movies".

But why does it matter? I just don't get it. Like Jack Black always came in for a Tenacious D thing but not to promote his big movies and they would cry about that all the time. But what do they expect? That they become best friends and see eachother everytime they are in town? Its silly

He does not complain about Burr Or Louie CK the way he bitches about celebrities who did the LA style fake friend thing.

Hey come back.

Yeah I will next time I am in NYC. forgets show name upon leaving building

Dax Shepard got too big for the show? When the hell did this happen? Opie douched him out and drove him away.

How has Opie never noticed that that shit always brings things to a halt.

Dax and his wife have been doing the Stern show for the past couple of years. He probably just didn't want to promote Hoo Hoo.

I think he meant that in a funny way because the interview they did with Dax went terrible. Dax was being kinda creepy and gay.