This nigga Opie said...

64  2014-12-02 by Dannyprecise

During the show where they marked the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination, there was a back and forth between Jimmy, Ron B., and Bobby Lee about the protection the President had back then. Ron mentions one Secret Service agent was pissing in the trees and Jimmy makes a joke that went something like this:

Jimmy - yeah, even Clint Hill, the agent following the President's car, stopped to check his phone because the SiriusXM app wasn't working again.

laughing in studio

Opie - really, the app is down again?

Jimmy (sighing) - well, no, I'm just, I was just, it's a joke.

Opie - oh...right.

This happens frequently yet the deserved lashing is nonexistent. He's incapable of understanding when a comment is said in irony or with a punchline.


it makes you wonder that if during all the other shows when comedians were riffing and making amazing radio Opie was sitting there like BoBo, completely unaware of the killer going on in the room.

He is obviously a couple notches above BoBo in the autistic spectrum, but i wouldn't be surprised if there is something going on there. Since flying solo Opie has proved himself to be dunce and douche time and time again.

I actually find myself listening to, and enjoying the try hard, please like me attitude of someone like Jose from Liquid Metal over Opie.

Bobo?!? How about he's Chip without the "Whassat?" and leave it at that?

yeah, i can agree with that.

Anthony had a Chip line today after the American Ninja guy started doing Chip that couldn't have been anything other than directed at Opie.

What did he say?

he said a horrible chip line then "im just going to throw it to you" and you can mother fuck me if thats not how opie acted towards jim and ant for years after bombing for years.

That seems like a stretch to be honest.

That line had nothing to do with Opie...


Says you

Opie is definitely on the spectrum.

A couple meaning two? Two whole notches? That's probably debatable

obligatory "oof" - It's times like that when I change the channel.

Imagine if Vos had done that? They would have replayed it 80 times and the beating would have been ridiculous.

Also, I can't even read Opie dialogue anymore without picturing his dumb fat neck and his stupid broken teeth.

Thinking back to that big wall of words Vos pronounced wrong, like "Giselle" for "gazelle," just imagine how Opie would have reacted to that trashing.

"Hold on, did you say 'Giselle?'" - Jimmy

"Uuuuuh uuuuuh Gheh-Zella?" - Anthony

"Ha ha, real funny guys, it was a mistake, alright? Leave it alone. Snowy, what are the roads like out there?" - Opie

Not his succulent jam-tits?

Haha very good very good

I think its in times like this that Jimmy shows himself to be a 'spineless jellyfish'. Everyone else is fair game except 'the boss' and other comedians that can help his career. The same reason he didn't go after Joy Behar- 'She can help my career'. Yuck

Jim Norton had no reason to "go after" Joy Behar for her opinions. He held his ground and had a civilized back and forth with her. Same way he handled Lindsey West.

He's just a nice guy, our James.

I was using Joy as an example and have no particular issue with her politics etc. I just thing Yimmy took a more lenient approach with her for someone with a fairly one-eyed view, because she was a comic. He went toe to toe with Ant many times about his partisan views, and also the infamous Jesse Ventura fight (a non-comic). All this being said, I will concede that Jimmy is a fine young chap on most occassions!

Patrice might have rolled over in his grave when he heard that

This isn't conservative talk radio. They don't have to "go after" every person who says something you consider "too liberal."

Yet you use a word he uses often "Yuck". I'm also assuming your reddit name is a reference to little-jimmy-norton that everyone has called him for years.

Correct- I'm a Jimmy fan in general but I think sometimes he needs a little bite with that bark.

He's bitin and barkin what is this guy like a fuckin dog or somethin?

Home run Chippah!

For me, it's this attitude:

ME: That's the bit, you idiot! Seriously, you didn't get that? You thought I would seriously say that?

Never owning up to it. Just time and time again being dumb and getting the rings kissed.

The guy is just sitting and waiting for a chance to complain about something. I guess that's his crutch since he's not, you know, funny or anything.

Well he is good at being a complete piece of shit.

That's because he is too busy looking at his Twitter like a tween to actually post attention to what is going on around him. You know, things like his job.

why are you still listening? that's the real question. Just stop already, it's a complete waste of your life with the multitude of good, entertaining, educational and/or funny podcasts out there.

This was an old show from last year that included Anthony that I downloaded from some site.

That being said, you're right, I should stop listening, but I can't. I've been faithfully listening since 2006 and it's hard to break away. I don't know how many more black eyes I can take!

It's really not. Just stop.

It's very freeing. I'm a happier person since I've cut Opie out of my life.

What's worst, the guy on the show that missed a joke and made a stupid comment....or the guy who goes online to make fun of the guy missing the joke...and then says he can't stop listening and has no self control. You're a loser buddy.

I vote for the guy who missed the joke.

Yeah the guy who failed at his job is definitely worse.

I agree. Such as Lookin GOOD Radio, a great podcast out of LA. It's free on Itunes. I listen to it like crazy.

Wait, your brother is a pilot?


The show would be 10x better if people didn't treat Opie with kid gloves.

The show would be 100x better if Opie was able to take a joke too.

True story

I decided to listen on youtube today, and in the first few minutes Opie is saying that Creed's songs were good because they were huge hits.

I think this is the checking out point for me. Show's over. :(

Opie has many follies, but your transcript is a little inaccurate. He did laugh at it and Jimmy being Jimmy, probably mimed the action with his phone.

It seems to me that Opie is simply not paying attention. I'm sure most people could tell Jim was joking, but that's if you're actually listening to your co-host.

Time and time again Opie places Jim on the pay-no-mind list and doesn't respond to jokes or statements from Jim. Opie is beginning to resemble Todd.

I was listening to this just 10 minutes after this post, lol dodgy'
