Why does no one care that Bobo's retarded?

0  2014-12-01 by Motherfrogger

Not that I've got any problem with it obviously, but they've done some really hilariously rotten shit with him. Some stuff would push it for me if he wasn't so fucking annoying but that doesn't come across on a news clip or to the generally public. Like, why has there never been any outrage regarding how they've treated him? I just would've assumed that if most polite company were shown just isolated clips with no prior knowledge, say the big 'FUUUCK YOUUUU' meltdown or the 'I'm wearing this on my head because my face offends people' bit, that there would be some sort of backlash against the show?

It is something to do with america? Im not complaining i just don't get it

Edit: I get that he's not actually retarded but its just the idea of the reaction id get from nice people if I showed them certain Bobo clips


Cause he's not retarded, he's autistic, and he's playing up his character for da showww. I'd say Bobo and Gregg are on the same level of intelligence.

Bobo helped Gregg with his homework actually

I wouldn't even say he's necessarily autistic. He's just a loser. I've talked to him in person before at a show event, and was shocked at how normal he is. Definitely not a genius or a winner in life, but no more noticeably stupid than most people you'd meet in a mediocre college.



True and id agree, but Im just shocked nothings been taken out of context

Jimmy realizing how thin the ice is one of my favorite show moments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhzkSFjTmpk

"'The mentally challenged man, known as Bobo-' Do you know how bad that would look in fucking print? How bad?"

I thought ant was kind of sensitive with him and his stories on his most recent appearance on tacs

He is a fucking Asperger.

He is not dumb, just has trouble with sarcasm, and general social interactions.

Opie/Lady Di is way worse than Bobo in these matters.

I seriously wonder about our Lady Diana. She is a fucking idiot to the point where I have a hard time listening to her.

He's not really all that retarded. I text with him fairly often and he's actually a really nice guy that doesn't come across as that derp.

I suspect it's just that the show knows how to bring out the worst in him.

God, you text him often? Details

Why do you text bobo?

Ass Sex and his mom bakes a hell of a cake.

Cock pic exchange.

why not?

To get his brothers phone # for bum fun

Howie has had legitimate retards like Wendy the retard and Gary the retard and Beetlejuice on his show with no issues. Also he used to make Baba Booey wear a beekeepers mask anytime a girl was in studio cause his face would scare them. Aka O&A ripped him off, Hoo Hoo.

Actually he's only a quarter-retarded

Bobo hits just the right balance of sympathetic idiocy and execrable selfishness that makes me feel comfortable with the show shitting on him all the time.

When did Bobo appear on TACS, btw? Last I heard he had been booked but wasn't actually on the air.

He's been on tacs a good few times, he wrestled with a hot chick last time

He likes to do most of that stuff.

Bobo's on the spectrum.

I get sad about that sometimes, I'm sure I'm not alone.

if Bobo himself ever complained MAYBE some waste of life blogger would pick it up and turn it into something. but since he is the one booking himself on these shows knowing full well what his role is (and enjoying it) no one is going to white knight him.

Because he isn't retarded. Anyone remember the Vos vs. Bobo trivia contest? Bobo did a surprisingly reasonable job given the derp character he usually plays.

It's radio. Unless your a regular listener you'd assume it's just a guy putting on a character (Like Mr Imus). And if you are a regular listener you wouldn't have the humanity to help him.

Does anybody care that you're retarded?

Nope, especially not you... The High King of Insults 👑

True and id agree, but Im just shocked nothings been taken out of context

I wouldn't even say he's necessarily autistic. He's just a loser. I've talked to him in person before at a show event, and was shocked at how normal he is. Definitely not a genius or a winner in life, but no more noticeably stupid than most people you'd meet in a mediocre college.


Bobo helped Gregg with his homework actually