What Pisses Me Off About Greggshells The Most

0  2014-12-01 by [deleted]

It's not his interrupting, his shitty attitude or his shitty stories. It's when they are arguing with another station and say Lil Jimmy will go "Yeah you fucking faggots, who the fuckin listens to these guys?" Then Greggshells starts with his fucking voice changed "Look I don't know what to tell ya me and Ant have been very successful in this business".

I've been listening to the old O&A vs ______ clips and he's so fucking infuriating. If someone says O&A stole a bit Ant or Jim will say something funny and douchey Opie will say "SEE THATS WHY WE'RE SUCCESSFUL IN DIFFERENT MARKETS" fuck right off with that shit. Or when he says chippah yew got a big fockin peckah an i'll sey ye dats how yew got strech marks rownd yeur mowth