So.... I was on PFG TV yesterday

0  2014-12-01 by [deleted]

Long story short, I live in New Hampshire and was home for the holiday. A friend of mine is an O&A listener too and we decided to drive up to Manchester to be on Scorch's show as local comedians. Scorch is doing a new bit called "hack it for a jacket". Basically you have 5 minutes to perform during a taping of PFG TV. If he likes it then you win a shitty winter jacket, but basically it just allows him to make sexual innuendoes about "jacking it". My set ended up going well and after I was done Scorch congratulated me and said I offered me the jacket. I ended up declining it because all I really wanted was to be jackin it on him with my fuckin peckah! So I pulled it out and he became scared like he waz seein a skyscrapa or sumptin. I told Scorch not to worry cuz I'm not gay or anythings, just gotta let my peckah juices flow. Then I blew a spider web all over is bald head, it waz so big it looked like a cue ball or sumptin. After that I put my serpent away cuz I'm not no homo lover or anythings, fukkkk you scorch


Saw this coming before I even clicked the link.

How dare you get our hopes up about a new PFG TV bit.

Any true PFGsciple knows Scorch isn't based in Manchvegas anymore.


I've learned to read the last sentences first Chippy Pasta for me, thanks.

at least try to make it plausible, that's the only way it's funny.

So obvious.