Here's how Opie can turn the show around

0  2014-11-30 by EskimoEscrow

Just be honest. When it's failing, admit it. That's why we all started listening from the beginning. Jimmy feels trapped in this overwhelming sense of tension where no one can cross Opie. Even Sam is walking on Greggshells. Opie needs to pull his fuckin pekah out like i did one time and all these girls were like holy FUCK chippah thats a big rod and i said 'i know' and they was all like can we suck it real good for ya chppah and i said 'nahhh sorry i got like 50 girlfrends already'


Thermitepaint the resident stooge fell for a chippah-roll, not only once but twice.

Read the entire post before you start slamming your stupid face on the keyboard in anger.

he wouldnt be a troll account if he acknowledged chippah

How do you know he didn't read the whole thing. You guys love to assume a lot. You don't know him. You don't know what he reads and doesn't read. Bunch of obsessive dopes. /thermitepaint

Rich Vos will be appearing at the Brew HaHa Comedy Club in Hartford, CT .

I typed a response, read some comments, re read the post and yea, i got chipperd. Delete.

Every. Fucking. Time.

Goddamn when am I going to stop falling for this. I'm getting all revved up with annoyance for what I thought was a post by an Opie apologist, then fucking Chip shows up. Fuck.

So Opie will discover honesty and humility after a decade of lacking it. Okay.

Wait. Why am I seriously responding to a Chippy Pasta?



So how do you know Jimmy feels trapped? I mean what proof do you have? That's the issue with you Opie haters you always think Anthony and Jimmy share your opinions of Opie but they don't. You're way off here and it's nothing but pure speculation on your behalf. And Sam is walking on gregshells? What does that even mean? The show isn't that much different than from when Anthony left. There is some serious revisionist history going on around here.

Enough with these threads too. You just want Opie to be honest? It's a fucking morning zoo show where guys try and make each other laugh? What in he fuck does honesty have to do with that? And Anthony is a lying sack of shit himself. I don't know why everybody thinks he's just this becon of integrity and truth. I mean really? I guess Anthony can be as honest as he wants but his show is nothing but race-baiting horse shit.

You are so fucking dumb.

Stupid + angry = thermitepaint

You are the worst. Bar none.

No definitely not the worst. I don't go around speculating how other people feel just because I don't like something.

Please re-read the OP, consider its context, and then reconsider your passion.


Yeahhhh, you tell 'em

You sir, are a boob.

Still haven't shown me how Jimmy feels trapped when he just signed a contract on his on will but okay call me a boob instead. I guess that's supposed to hurt?

You didn't read the whole post. It was a chip roll. That's why you sir are a boob. You're reacting as though this is a real topic. Good day sir.

You killed the fucking bit!

You're stupid enough that you might actually be Opie.

Still haven't shown me how Jimmy feels trapped when he just signed a contract on his on will but okay call me a boob instead. I guess that's supposed to hurt?

You killed the fucking bit!