Anyone else remember the Jim Jones Tapes? Jesus...

5  2014-11-30 by freudastaire77

I was farting around on YouTube, listening to old O&A and playing Dark Souls 2, as is my custom. Came across this shit yesterday. Holy Fuck.


What's the difference between Chipa and Jim jones?

Nothin' their punch lines are fuckkin' deadly....

Double guns bitches

This is legitimately clever

Thanks, snort laughs followed by either, good one chipa or double guns is a common retort in our house. [edit]...when bad jokes are told.

Yea, that was actually a very good joke.

Oh it was? ok thx!

Don't be too sad, it was mostly just black people.

So, approaching this from a completely non-reactionary view....whats the joke here?

Please kill yourself

I love me a hot autistic internet virgin.

plz pm me.

I listen to it on my iPod when I work out. Getting swole to Jones.

Poor Kool Aid taking shit even though it was off brand Flavor Aid

Fun Facts:

The People's Temple Church in San Francisco is now a US Post Office: Imgur

Next door to the People's Temple is the legendary music venue The Fillmore:

The most interesting reveal about the deaths at Jonestown:
The results of pathology examinations conducted by Guyanese coroner Leslie Mootoo however, revealed his belief that as many as 700 of the victims were murders, not suicides. Mootoo claims that in a 32-hour period he, and his assistants, examined the bodies of 137 victims. They had all been injected with cyanide in areas of their bodies, which could not have been reached by their own hand, such as between the shoulder blades; many other victims had been shot. The US government made the decision to NOT conduct autopsies on the bodies when they were returned to America.

Caller: "you can hear the children crying and dying!"

Ant: "No. No you can't. You can hear children screaming and crying. Not the dead ones. The dead ones are quiet."

Simplicity is what makes Ant a genius.

Jim Jones just wanted to get blown before the Kool Aide.

"I deserve to be BLOWN!...FIRST!"

I listened to the whole thing one night. Pretty freaky shit.

Fondly! Twas one of the many random occurrences that led me to loving O&A. I already knew of them and was almost a fan but after I read about Jonestown one night I decided to check youtube for further information and that clip came up. I thought they were such cunts for playing the tape (lol) but I listened to the whole thing and ended up liking them by the end. Then I started listening to a clip a day which slowly led to obsession which led to thank you Jim Jones.

don't say twas, dude.

I'm trying to bring it back.

Seriously, try hearing the tapes cold, without commentary. It´s sublime terror. My favorite part is when the recording skips and Rev. Jones' voice disintegrates into a robotic rattle.

there's a great (and by great i mean incredibly depressing) doc on youtube about jonestown. Includes the tapes and lots of footage.

When I lived in Indiana, I'll never forget being on some sports message board and someone using the phrase "the fans are drinking the koolaid", in reference to Bob Knight or whatever.....

what followed was a few fans immediately complaining about feeling personally offended by that comment, because their relatives (also from Indiana, like Jones) died that way.

It was probably the first time I ever saw people get butthurt online over nothing.

It's nice knowing there's another player in Drangleic listening to O&A.

The funniest thing about Jim Jones is that he would fuck his female and male followers in the ass and tell them it was god's wishes (that's not a joke).

probably one of the most interesting cult leaders ever, read a book on him and it blew my mind, guy was insane.

What were some of the insane things?

He was a Communist who started a cult church in San Francisco, which featured routine faked mass suicides who then had everyone move to Guyana to start a commune in which everyone basically suffered a semi-primitive existence while he took drugs all day and then he killed all 900 or so of them with poisoned Kool-Aid after a US Senator was shot and killed by one of his guards while trying to leave the compound. What other insanity do you need to know about?

are u being aggressive bro?

He was extremely charismatic and manipulative. He would get husbands and wives to let him fuck them and film it.

He makes you invest in him like that. It's hard to turn your back on a guy once he has a video of himself fucking you in the ass, and a video himself fucking your wife. You're "all in" at that point.

Sounds like Jones was the one who was "all in." Tss....

All jokes aside that shit creeped me out.

Being serious for once.

fawk yeah

The break they did on that back in '08 was cringe inducing because of Ant. It was one of the most fedora-ific things I've ever heard.

don't say twas, dude.