Son of a bitch. After a few years of the show now, I now have Uncle Paul in my head too, and he just made me laugh my ass off.

0  2014-11-29 by [deleted]

Watching Star Trek: Voyager, there's a character, Kes, who plays as an alien of a race that live lives no longer than 9 years, Benjamin Button-esque, pretty much their age physically is equal to a human age divided by 10.

Blah blah blah, who gives a shit, and then:

"But everyone seems to be treating me like I'm still a child. I'm 3 years old now. If I'm attracted to someone, it's my business, not the whole ship's."

IMMEDIATELY in my head I hear Uncle Paul yell

"THAT'S RIGHT! Buncha busybodies! Mind your business!"

and I literally had to pause it and laugh uncontrollably for about a solid 2 minutes or so.

Thanks, Jim. Your goddamned characters are truly the gifts that keep on giving.

Does this happen to anyone else? I can't be the only one.


Cool story


What happened?

OP is butthurt that no one likes his inane ramblings.

Okay, Terrific!:

Okay, Terrific! [0:03]

22,111 views since Nov 2009

